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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Sorry, I'm late to this thread as I have actually been playing, and very much enjoying the game. A staggered early release was definitely the way to go with so many preorders to prevent 1) servers crashing and 2) everyone being at the same level at the start causing horrific waits for quests items etc. Nicely thought out Bioware! For those that still haven't got your early access email. Be patient. A buddy who redeemed his code 11/29 got in today. So most everyone else should be in by tomorrow, which is well within the "up to 5 days" window. I think the fact that they actually were ahead of the game by allowing early access two days earlier than originally stated speaks to how well prepared to handle the launch! Of course no amount of planning or resourses can stop people who are so self absorbed and think it's all about them. Edited by Apoplectic
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F much...

Queues for servers... Seriously?! A game with paid subscription and you have to wait... DC Universe has smaller waiting lists and they have barely any servers <_< why would we pay to wait? Where is the logic in that?


Seriously Bioware / EA sort it out. This was hyped to be best game of decade bla bla bla, beta was good, early access day 1/2 was good but as pointed out by others, empty servers basically which is good cause no lag or queues but bad because it's 'MMO' so there are meant to be a lot of people one, like come on! Why are we expected to pay per month of queuing when WoW doesnt, SWG *DIDNT* and Rift doesnt, Eve doesnt.... So... Why claim you can beat them when you cant even give good servers?! Oh dear....

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C+/B- (Average or Just good enough)


Good intentions, poorly executed.

-10% To avoid high q's and server overpopulation they created an artificial 4 day queue.

-10% And then at the last 50k preorders(roughly 5%) they stop short.

-10% Unclear to their customers as to when they get in, even a rough day would of been nice. Only the very beginning of the preorders had the slightest clue when they were getting in, the rest not so much.

-10% That the community had to create threads to track what dates got in, and what dates did not.

+10% They Extended the Early Access by 2 days, if they hadn't I would of been only allowed 1 day of early access instead of 4.

+10% They added a Grace Period for redeeming their product code.



This game is A/A- as a whole, but the early access was a terrible hill to overcome.


Note: This is my Grade, and My opinion. I don't care about your opinion of my opinion. Its mine there are many like it, but this one is mine.

Edited by Kyrandis
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I have no idea why anyone is complaining about this game honestly, it works, the servers are not laggy, Game access was a fair method in my opinion because it was based on first come and first serve. Game play is smooth, little to no bug issues and i am not even done with anything yet.


9.3/10 A-


Not Perfect, but this is not LAUNCH day, stop the complaining and start thinking about what could Bioware could do to improve.


Don't criticize something if you can't give a solution's.

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But as for a "launch" grade, sort of impossible, as the LAUNCH doesn't officially occur until the 20th people! And by the 20th, you'll be so happy they let so many people in early, because the starter areas won't be clogged to death, the AH/GM will likely be well stocked, and you're guildies will be able to make you that uber gear right from the start.


Now... is that the same AH without a search function or...?

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I give them a A they gave us free days to play guys, for free, most of you wouldnt have been able to play this sooon unless they did this so stop whinning like babies. I mean seriously the amount of people playin this fAR EXCEEDS any MMO since Lineage 2's release. WoW didnt even compare to the numbers they have to get into launch so Im sorry I dont agree with the OP's post. Your showing how inmature you are, complaining about gettin to play for free.
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Servers are up and running just fine - haven't experienced any crashes or lag. Free game time is always good in my book, otherwise I would have had to wait till December 20th to play. They are handling the empty server problem quite nicely. Even if the servers are full at least there won't be any that have low pops.


I'm enjoying the game thus far and everything is running smoothly. No reason to cry imo.

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I'll come up with a grade as soon as i actually get to play the game.

(yeah, i'm a little hutthurt that BW couldnt finish december off yesterday. you'd think they'd be prepared to work more than normal hours during the launch of their own mmo)


That's ok, tho... I'm a final waver and when i get in i'll get around to the grade thingy or..




f*ck it, i'll do the rest of this post later..

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C+/B- (Average or Just good enough)


Good intentions, poorly executed.

-10% To avoid high q's and server overpopulation they created an artificial 4 day queue.

-10% And then at the last 50k preorders(roughly 5%) they stop short.

-10% Unclear to their customers as to when they get in, even a rough day would of been nice. Only the very beginning of the preorders had the slightest clue when they were getting in, the rest not so much.

-10% That the community had to create threads to track what dates got in, and what dates did not.

+10% They Extended the Early Access by 2 days, if they hadn't I would of been only allowed 1 day of early access instead of 4.

+10% They added a Grace Period for redeeming their product code.



This game is A/A- as a whole, but the early access was a terrible hill to overcome.


Note: This is my Grade, and My opinion. I don't care about your opinion of my opinion. Its mine there are many like it, but this one is mine.



Well maybe poorly executed..but opinions vary on that from what I've seen. It's a HUMOUNGOUS, GIANT task they have, and I think they deserve some credit for attempting to ease us into it as painlessly as they can. Granted there were things that kind of tripped them up..here and there, but they are right there trying to fix it, instead of allowing it to go on and on and on...for months, like some previous games I won't mention the names of.


It's not over for them yet..they are STILL crunching, last minute details...fixing stability, maintenance etc.


Give these folks an A for effort you guys, any lesser people would have sat down, put their heads down and gave up in frustration.


This has to be Bioware's largest project ever, so instead of bringing them down..how about a little moral support from the heart? They talked Amazon into releasing the product earlier so that gamers could actually play on or near release.


HOW MANY..other Developper or Publishers would do that for you?? In my experience since 1995...



N O N E.


Give credit where credit is due. And I am going to be glad to finally reenter the game, this time as a subscriber and not a weekend tester. Can't wait.


Ya done good Bioware!! *high five*

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