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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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no i am not in yet but i say AAA+++ they are doing a fine job. remember they could of just said umm ok no early access and just opened the flood gates on the 20th.


server crashes and prob not be able to play for the week...


all the QQing for bioware doing a amazing job.

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Because if you're going to release a product to the masses you have to make it as fair as possible. You can't offend a huge chunk of your customers before the game even comes out. It leaves a tainted opinion in their minds. People will not forget this I assure you. And if asking for fairness is lame then I assume you think is equality is lame...they're pretty much synonyms. You can say that they're different issues but they're the same. If taking something like that serious is a crime then take me to jail.


What is it that you are losing by not getting in the game seven days before release? Someone is going to probably get server firsts before you. That's about it. When we get into the game its actually going to work instead of crashing after 15 minutes. Your whole argument about fairness and equality makes it sound like you have been wronged. They didn't owe you anything they are being nice and giving you something and all you have done is whine about it.

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A+ for not permabanning all of the whiners.

A+ for not permabanning everyone who spreads misinformation and lies to rile up other people.

A+ for not having server crashes and instability and lag like most other MMO launches.

A+ for having a flawless game from what I've been able to see, and all before it's even been launched.

A+ for customer service, answering threads where appropriate.

A+ for not answering every time some moron cries for a response, because then the forum would be spammed even worse than it already is.

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It is NOT their job to tell you WHEN to preorder. Those who are not playing right now, it is only your fault.


They said everything about preorders and the information available to us. They laid it down for a little string for us to follow. I guess some couldn't handle that string.


A+ for BioWare



major F for people :)

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And you know this because you're an expert game developer and systems engineer, knowing the full details of Bioware's server capacities and how many people are currently in/waiting to get in? Damn, I wish I was as smart as you.


No I know this from every other mmo cant keep up change too singeplayer.

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WRONG. First come, first serve is the basis of fairness, not "everyone at the same time!". People who have been waiting longer should be able to get access first, not someone who just pre-ordered a couple of days ago.


No company, and I mean no VIABLE company is going to go against "first come, first serve" if they don't seriously want to piss off their customer base.


As for you? No one really cares except yourself that you're not in, just pre-ordering within the last couple of weeks or so. Some of us pre-ordered back on July 21 of this year. It would not be fair if you got in at the same time as us at all. People have to stop being so selfish, if the tables were turned, they'd see why that would not be fair AT ALL.


Excuse me, but we have all been waiting the same amount of time. I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it. We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable.

Edited by mynimoe
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http://www.dictionary.com ... please look up the definition of fairness and equality...they are NOT the same. FAIL.


I think you should back up your claim before you make one.



read under the synonyms section.


check that out and let the bitter taste of defeat fill your mouth. I love it when I use someone's own resource to crush them.

Edited by mynimoe
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Excuse me, but we have all been waiting the same amount of time. I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it. We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable.


Lol you just registered YESTERDAY and you've been waiting as long as me, or even people who have been around since 2008? Knowing about the game and waiting for it are completely different, but we are supposed to be talking about pre-orders, perhaps we should stick to that? No one said anything about punishment, either, stop being melodramatic. Not getting day 1/2 access is not a punishment.

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All early releases are at once, regaurdless of crashin this is just as bad not being able to login at all. They try somthing different the people that got in are happy the people that didnt arent happy, and then theres the people that just dont care ill play when I play. Regaurdless of the prerelease launch w.e bad things happen just keep it the same. KEEP IT FAIR FFS Edited by ssluigipk
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Well, after what Bioware has been pulling on this release I would give them...


Release : F- :confused: .... poor planning, and very bad execution. It is looking like servers will be too full.


Game : B :) .. i had fun in beta, and thought it would be great to pre-order.


Customer Relations: F- :( ...... They treat their loyal fans like garbage, abuse their authority. Don't know how to listen to their community.

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Staggering Early Access is smart in terms of determining how many servers they are going to need, server stability, queue times, number of people in the starter zones, etc.


I'm happy with the way it was done and hope that other MMOs use this model in the future.

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Honestly I don't have time to play for a few days anyway, but I think Bioware made a great gesture letting people in 2 days early. But by being so vague and slow about letting everyone else in lowers their grade quite a bit. Now if they had said that EVERYONE would be in by the 15th midnight then people would shutup and be happy about it. The not knowing is what kills people.
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Excuse me, but we have all been waiting the same amount of time. I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it. We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable.

No, we all haven't been waiting the same amount of time. If you pre-ordered it early, you knew you were going to get it. If you waited, you weren't sure if you wanted it, and to me that means you weren't waiting. And yeah, I'm getting in later than most of you since I redeemed my code on the 12 of December. It was my choice I did that, and I actually like this EA Launch.

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Finally a company who doesn't have under populated servers. We all know right now the servers are not at MAX load with the staggered Early Access. This will make it so that come launch day they wont have too many servers, forcing them to server merger within 2 months. MMO history shows that after a merger the game usually dies. So suck it up and take it like a hutt.

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Lol you just registered YESTERDAY and you've been waiting as long as me, or even people who have been around since 2008? Knowing about the game and waiting for it are completely different, but we are supposed to be talking about pre-orders, perhaps we should stick to that? No one said anything about punishment, either, stop being melodramatic. Not getting day 1/2 access is not a punishment.


Honestly? I did register yesterday. And honestly, I didn't find out about the staggered release until yesterday. But I have known about the game for years now. I have been waiting as long as you. The fact remains, I preordered so I should get the same amount of access as anyone else. Let me ask you this...Are you playing yet?

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Excuse me, but we have all been waiting the same amount of time. I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it. We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable.


and thus not having faith in BW and paying for the game as soon as you could.... gives you SOME ega... and it hasn't even started yet so shaddup and stop crying!

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Well, after what Bioware has been pulling on this release I would give them...


Release : F- :confused: .... poor planning, and very bad execution. It is looking like servers will be too full.


Game : B :) .. i had fun in beta, and thought it would be great to pre-order.


Customer Relations: F- :( ...... They treat their loyal fans like garbage, abuse their authority. Don't know how to listen to their community.


Fair judge right here puts all aspects into it, apart from the ******* that get in and are like AAA+++ just due to the fact they can play.

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Honestly? I did register yesterday. And honestly, I didn't find out about the staggered release until yesterday. But I have known about the game for years now. I have been waiting as long as you. The fact remains, I preordered so I should get the same amount of access as anyone else. Let me ask you this...Are you playing yet?



Are you paying yet? NO so stick it up your......

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Excuse me, but we have all been waiting the same amount of time. I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it. We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable.


"I dont think preorder date should have anything to do with it."


Once you release your own MMO you are welcome to institute whatever policies you deem "correct".


"We all knew the game was coming but some of us wanted to see some reviews before we made a decision. Apparently being cautious and prepared is a crime that is punishable."


Not sure what world you live in but typically RISK comes with REWARD. Claiming you are being "punished" as oppsed to the early orders being rewarded speaks of your childish, self-entitled character.

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