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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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I give them an A for sticking to the unpopular way it worked out and ensuring no hiccups happened. A controlled release.



That being said, I would give them a D for customer relations. They should have had someone giving us numbers to chew on, like how many total people there were in early access waiting to get in. A very rough estimate on when it will fall into place based on when you registered.

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They accomplished technical stability while at the same time failing in communication on a massive scale. They showed a massive lack of confidence in their servers to the player base. Ending the invites so early..with 11 servers showing as a light load at the moment doesn't help my view.


Argh. I think I've said this about 10 times tonight, but servers falling over is only one of many bad things that can happen when you let a crapload of people in at once.


It's pretty obvious the staggering at this stage has very little to do with server stability.

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I think setting up a release system that aims for long term server stability in regards to technical stability and population modulation is a better plan overall than just opening the flood gates.


The minus is for not making these forums read only from the 13th until the 20th. (sarcasm)


The only critique I have is that I believe it may have gone more smoothly had they placed a firm cut-off date for being able to register a pre-order for early game access. E.g., if you didn't register a pre-order by November 20th (arbitrary date), you are not eligible for early game access.


EDIT: I am NOT in the game yet (registered 09/09). I still think this release system wasn't a bad idea. In a month once everyone is playing and the crying masses have their ToR pacifiers (lol yeah right, people will always be QQing about something) in everything will be alright.

Edited by Sajikus
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Of course it's A+. No discussion.


BW is the first company that actually cares about their players.


Great job BW! I think staggered launch was the best idea ever.


2/10 for decent amount of sarcasm

Edited by Zoma
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A+ for Bioware and F--- for reading comprehension of their player base... guess it is a good thing the game is voiced. What part of up to 5 days of early access is difficult to comprehend. It doesn't mean 5 days it means anywhere between 0 and 5 days of early access and we aren't even at 5 days prior to launch yet.


Oh I understand your point. Here let me put it in language so you can understand mine. I have a knuckle sandwhich for you. I tell you what ,I am going to give you FIVE knuckle sandwhiches instead of just one. Now you can give me an A+ ... just let me know when you can come pick them up.


And you couldnt complain about it, you got 5 times what I originally promised.

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I see this as a "lazy launch". I give them a B. The game has a couple of exploitation issues, a great del of people are upset because they are still in the kickball line, but the concept of trickle in the players is worth at least letting play out. How many times have games launched to have people kill stealing like mad crowded newbie zones that move at a snails pace and people greifing others. Instead, we are greifing them, which I believe makes for a better community in the long run...




The number they are letting in is too small and should of been done 24 hours around the clock instead of regular business hours. By now, the newbie zones are ghost towns as the players go to new areas.

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I'm going to laugh really hard at ya'll when most are in by Thur. and the rest by Fri., giving you many more days than you would have had originally if they had stuck with the 15th.


I was one of the ones who wanted everyone to have equal access. Not "sorry, people have been in this line you never knew about for months already". See, I knew TOR was coming, but I wasn't following the site or anything. Cause this has never been done before! You pre-order, you play. This staggered access is foreign to me. I needs to go pre-order Mass Effect 4-9!

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Even though I got in in 2nd wave, i'd say D-.


Not because people didn't get in or they had to wait, it was they didn't know WHEN they where gonna get in.


It like owning a bus company that doesn't have any schedules. People don't know when the bus is coming so they sit around, waiting & waiting.. you know that bus may not come by today... its the uncertainty is why I give them a low score.


While I like the effort to keeping the servers from crashing. Waiting with an unknown outcome was a foolish move. People have RL stuff to do, make them feel like you have this organized. Even if they don't get in until the 4th day, at least they are not waiting around wondering!


Something like a chart such as:

Day 1 - July 21-30th Pre-orders

Day 2 - August & Sep Pre-orders

Day 3 - Oct & Sep Pre-orders



This would of been way better and not cause so much anxiety for my members. They could go do their RL stuff.


Just my thoughts.


*Bows with much respect*


- Kismet

Leader, Ring of Destiny


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I'd say a solid A.

I got in day one because I pre-ordered right away-check (also my friends and family that pre-ordered day one are all in)

No lag-check

2 days earlier than expected-check



I'm not really sure what all the complaints are about. The game launches on the 20th. Are all the people complaining, about not getting in, pre-order the moment pre-orders went live? If not, why are they expecting to be in any earlier than they are going to get in?


The only ones I can see upset are ones that pre-ordered right away and not getting an invite because no one could really get in before them.

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It would be a B if they let everyone in tomorrow.


The fact that servers are near empty now while thousands wait is ridiculous to me.


If they continue this snail pace release I might cancel tomorrow night if I'm still not in. God's honest truth is I find SWTOR to be extremely average. I know I'll enjoy it for 6months but I also know there are plenty of single player games in my Steam account taht I own and have never played.



This. I'd give a C too, but if ALL preorders aren't capable of logging in by Saturday morning, then it drops to an F. I dont' care what people want to say about buying early, everybody paid the same amount of money, anything more than that much of an early start is just getting ridiculous.

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A, for making sure that the start is a good one and that they are doing it right in spite of all the cry babies.


Wrong, those crybabies you are speaking about are paying customers, who purchased exactly the same thing as the people currently playing.


paying customers which probably will go elsewhere after this mess.

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I'll give them a solid B. They're doing good for their first MMORPG launch; the game is running smooth with minor issues, and they're already on top of early exploits. I'd like to see more communication, but they are getting use the info we need when we need it. They're also handling those throwing tantrums fairly well; Bioware did its best to tell us what would happen, and we've known the plan for weeks now. They seem to have recognized you can't please everyone and they're dismissing instances of biased and unfounded criticism.
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We had plenty of people on my server(s).



I keep seeing this mentioned from people who actually got in today. The only ones I see saying the servers are empty are people who are "hearing it from a friend." It's been nothing but second hand information. But everyone who has gotten in today and posted here in the forums today have said the same thing you have... that the servers were populated nicely and not ghost towns. Which to to me sounds like the result Bioware was aiming for.

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fanboi identification is so easy. They try to act self-righteous in Bioware's defense in hopes they'll actually get picked to get in early.

QQ boi identification is just as easy. They whine and complain in "hopes they'll actually get picked to get in early." :rolleyes:

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