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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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Because they're awesome.


The Community would probably get a D or E right now because there's so many cry babies in here...


My Guildmates can play all they want before i get in. That doesn't change a thing to me, hell, they can probably even help be a bit along the way.


I HOPE to get in to day. I'm just as impatient as the rest of you, but i realize that they're doing this because it's what they deem best. Now, i realize a lot of you guys "knows" how this should be done, which i think is kind of funny; as far as i am concerned the ones doing this are PROFESSIONALS. Meaning they have expertise in doing this.


seriously, everyone wants to play this game right now, but just chill'out you're just making it worse on yourselves.

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Their poor execution is no excuse. Some of their devs worked on, and even played, previous MMOs. They know how it works. They had an exact date to be ready. They failed. Their grade is an F.


Any smart business would be prepared. They should have planned a 24/7 support team for continuous invites. Instead, they stopped inviting. They must have known this would happen. What is their excuse?


You are correct. They had a date. That date is the 20th. Crying children are annoying.

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I will probably not be in the game until the 18th.


That being said, I believe the staggered launch is a great idea in order to ensure a smooth gaming experience.


"B+" because they really needed to provide at least a loose schedule for EGA instead of asking peeps to stay by their e-mail account constantly refreshing.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


That was your own fault learn to read what they said.

But will agree with the whole wave thing I do not like it but will give them a C- for communication use of twitter and face book.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.

This I am not sure about I saw allot of people showing off level 30's which had me stumped as to how but they did say they were looking into it...so they get a A++ for owning up to it then this morning I saw a different response by the Devs and it told another story so I say I am at a lost on this one...so for that they get D-


6. Crappy UI-

I have to disagree with this statement - the only issue is not being able to move the UI - the UI has allot of great features with out needing a mod so your statement is not true.


7. No combat log

Once again you did not play I had a combat log - it even tracked my pets dps so not sure exactly what you mean here.


Customer Service is a D-


Game play and Fun Factor is A++++++++


Sure there is little annoyances but overall it will be fine and the game is awesome, now if I could get one of those emails life would be good.

Edited by shantale
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Got home from work on the 13th and were able to log into the game within less than a minute of patching.


Then I had time enough to play for about an hour without experiencing lag, server crashes, non working quests or overpopulated areas.


Good work, Bioware.

Edited by kitharen
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Even with the fact that I probably won't get the email for at least another day and have some worries...


- I can't stop thinking about playing the game.

- I keep updating these forums

- I have my mail program on a constant mailcheck in the background even though I know chance of getting THE one is zero.

- I start up the launcher every 30 minutes or so just to check.


Heck, if I do all that and some of those against better judgement, I can't give them anything other than an A+ or I would feel even more like a fool than I already do . :o

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I'd probably give them an A-.


I don't think there is an issue with the launch. I think it would be nice though if there were more staff on the forums answering questions. There seems like there was a bunch of staff prior to the forums getting wiped, what happened to them?


I know it is hard to filter through all the whiners though but there are some people with valid concerns/questions.

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Let me get this rolling with a solid F.


Poor peformance. People on these forums dont seem to like Bioware at the moment, that is going to hurt you on your peer eval. Lack of Effort, put in a minority of the population today then decided to go home. Really ... you have some "team" working 24/7 and they are "busy" "working" right now? Come on, show some respect to people they have brains. You dont chill for 18 hours and say you are hard at work.


I hope Bioware tries harder in the future.


I give this launch a 3 out of 10. Its completely inadmisible that millions of players have to stay days and days all in a giant queue...

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Did you also vote for Obama and believe in UFO's?


On November 4th, 2011, on the main SWTOR page was an article titled "Early Access Details" in which they informed us we would get UP TO 5 days, and that THE LAUNCH WOULD BE STAGGERED.


Those exact words were on that article over a month before launch.


Instead, they gave us up to 7.


That is more than they said they'd give us.


And I'm not American, nor do I vote. There's no point in voting when all politicians are lying *********s.

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A freaking +, because the game went off flawlessly. I played for easily 11.5-12 hours yesterday and never once had a moment of lag, no bugs whatsoever.


It was the most flawless release in history.


The people giving them a bad grade are the ones that are butt-hurt because they were dumb and didn't put in their pre-order code right away and now have to wait, or they ordered a physical copy like re-re's.


Not Bioware's fault you guys are dumb, so don't say they did a bad job just because you failed to read when you pre-ordered.

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A freaking +, because the game went off flawlessly. I played for easily 11.5-12 hours yesterday and never once had a moment of lag, no bugs whatsoever.


It was the most flawless release in history.


The people giving them a bad grade are the ones that are butt-hurt because they were dumb and didn't put in their pre-order code right away and now have to wait, or they ordered a physical copy like re-re's.


Not Bioware's fault you guys are dumb, so don't say they did a bad job just because you failed to read when you pre-ordered.


I am dumb because i didnt shove Bioware my money up in the arse 6 month before i get a product from them? Riiiiiight!

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I give this launch a 3 out of 10. Its completely inadmisible that millions of players have to stay days and days all in a giant queue...


Its completely inadmissable that you and many others have not read information that Bioware made pretty clear ages ago. They quite clearly stated that the pre-orders were on a first come first served basis so if you chose to wait on the pre-order then that is your own fault.


I didn't preorder until the 8th of this month so I'm not expecting to get much EGA at all, but thats my own fault for delaying my preorder.

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Just because the communication as a whole could be better and the forum moderators could be more aggressive with warnings and thread locking of these numerous QQ threads all about the same thing.


As for the community, I'd give it a D. People need to grow up and learn to read and interpret what they have read. We're all eager to play, everyone wants in.


Things could be worse... While you may have up to 7 days of early access, about half of the world can't even buy the game.


There could be 5h long queues that end up on a server crash and then another 5h long queue and rinse and repeat; horrible lag; unplayable quests due to bugs; queues to kill a mob; constant client and server crashes... But nothing like that is happening.

Edited by XeeThot
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Epic failed, staggered ( controled ) launch has not worked.


I cant lvl up with my friends because we all pre-ordered at differnt dates.


Can't start out with freinds because of this epic failed launch.


If end game pvp is not very good, i will not sub (yeah over this epic failed launch) and i will never pre-order from them again.

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