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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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At first, I thought that maybe I could give them an F... but after a while, I reconsidered my decission, and thought that U might be more appropriate...or maybe C...hmm or K. Then my girlfriend came in and siad that it is wrong, and told me to, to give you an Y. When she left, I changed it to O.... but since I don't have a girlfirend and I just made it up, Im giving you a final U.


lol :D

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We have already established that I am in the military and have served three tours in Iraq. For the record I am 32 years old.


You claim to be an older combat veteran, but you have taken the side of the trolls that whine about the system Bioware has put in place simply because they are jealous.


You, sir, boggle my mind.


The only fact we have established is that you claim to be in the military and have served three tours in Iraq. I take what people claim to be with a grain of salt, this is the Internet after all.


I fail to see how being unhappy with the fact that Bioware basically shut down 16 hours ago, and had servers mostly empty all that time, without any real communication is trolling, or jealousy. I never expected to play yesterday, and I do not expect to today either, but I do expect a company running a service I paid for to give me more information than I will get to play eventually.


Anyway I am done replying to you, as it's not worth the effort. Have fun in school today.

Edited by fatoldguy
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And this is why the fanboi's just don't get it. They think that just because Bioware told them something, that it makes it the correct way to launch a game.


The reason I think it's the correct way to do it has nothing to do with Bioware. Staged deployment is the best way to ensure a smooth user experience for any large user base software product. MMOs are not special in that regard- just because it hasn't been done correctly in past MMOs doesn't mean it's the wrong way to do it.

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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


Just a quick note...


You do realize than there were over 300000 pre-orders, reported in the first day alone....


So lots of people got in. And form my experience yesterday, there were more people, running around me than in beta..


Yeah so on topic...




I mean i was so skeptical after the way they treated Europe and prelaunch program before November..


But the open beta was virtually flawless and way longer than i would have ever imagined.

And launch was pretty much delivered, exactly as promised. Very happy, very impressed, could have been A LOT WORSE....

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Grade, A+


But I was in the beta and already know how enjoyable the game is.


Staged early launch was a genius move ( and I am not in yet and probably won’t be today )


They have handled this near perfectly


You aren’t listening to the little children are you

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Yeah that is right Bioware you have failed the loyal customers for the most part 80% of the customers have given you a failing grade.


Oh it may not matter but after the 30 days of free access for buying this game you may see the results of your poor grade in the form of less then anticipated subs...LOL.

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I'd give them a B. They're delivering more than they ever promised they would.


I'd give them an A if they'd been faster about deleting all the "QQ I didn't get in the first day" threads.


Same here, no worries.


Someone pass the cheese.

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Okay, I'm glad Bioware is doing this release instead of all of you guys. You really have no clue how to do this do you? Does anyone remember that all of this is free? That you were never guaranteed to play? That the goal behind this is to give you something for free while helping Bioware balance and tune their service?


One of the keys to this is to open up just a small slice of service. Do it slowly over the first part of the day, so that you have full staff coverage for the next few hours. Then, stop adding users and watch for a full 24 hours, so you can see what the daily usage pattern will be like. Compare that to your expected capabilities, and use those numbers to pick how large the next wave will be. Add the next wave, compare that to both your full expected capacity and your calculated load for the new wave. Rinse and repeat, adjusting the service for areas that get higher load than expected.


I know that people are desperate to play, but let's call it what it is: selfish entitlement. 90% of the people whining about who it was done would be happy if they could play and nothing else changed. So, they come up with this "reason" that the EGA rollout is being done wrong, based on their expertise during a couple years of college or their 5 years of experience in doing whatever MBAs do. The truth is that they don't know what they are talking about and just want to whine because their selfish desires aren't being indulged.


Listen: You're not paying customers. None of us are until the 20th. If you feel any sort of emotional pain because someone beat you to level 50, then I feel sorry for you, and hope that you never experience any greater disappointment than failing to prove that you're cooler than some other people in a video game. I also feel sorry for people who's guildmates or friends are playing while they can't. I'm sorry that your "friends" don't care enough to wait for you. Take that up with your "friends".

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A +


First of all I have not gotten in the game..... I preordered late november and I knew EXACTLY what I signed up for as I played the BETA.


First of all


A+ = Beta experience was GREAT no lag game running smooth and generally a great experience with video and voice


A+ = Launch from ALL accounts are running AWESOME, you havent seen any server failings and they are prepared on the spot to provide more servers should the need arise


A+ = Staggering launch so that they can manage server loads and areas. Why the **** people cant see its a great idea is simply beyond me....... Thanks for sticking to the plan!!!


A+ = Dont make promises you can't keep = THIS GAME STARTS ON THE 20th DECEMBER! absolutely noone should expect anything else then that. If you cannot log in by the time that game opens up in your region then make complaints. By now they can manage to put players in earlier or later without making promises.


Seriously people, take some time and live your life....... Christmas is not a *********** star wars game!!!


Will be looking forward to getting in, and explore this new game. It will be something to enjoy while having a quiet moment during the christmas period.

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