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Everything posted by minthok

  1. http://www.gamezone.com/news/swtor-crew-training-accessible-from-your-iphone-ipad
  2. minthok


    i wish rep were doing it on my server... if someone is US Bondar Crystal go do it!
  3. minthok

    You are immortal!

    eat this.. http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6743/immortalwf.jpg
  4. minthok

    Open World PVP

    i would like to see a system promoting world pvp, ranked pvp and system that promote pvp guild. Pvp guilds could have a small increase of honor gain. Like ilum seems nice but i never saw a republic down there I know its early maybe time will speak. If we could faction change i would probably do it with all of my budy just to make sure there are people to play against instead of this being one sided. Not feeling like re rolling my level 50
  5. There are not enough level 50 atm. Give it a few weeks and they will branch everything out im sure.
  6. I am really disappointed by the limited edition reward... the mount doesn''t even scale when you hit 40 or 50...
  7. Hey, I was wondering if there are level 50 already !
  8. would be nice but they dont do it i bought the game on 7th and the site wasnt working me. I had to redeem the 8th lol
  9. why the f... do people reply without having early access..
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