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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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LOL and if they keep to that business plan they will be rewarding their fanboys with a F2P game within 6 months.


They will never go F2P because some are upset at the way they handled the game. Look at SWG freakin awesome game(opinion) before CU/NGE after CU/NGE lost a crap ton of subscribers(mostly cause WoW released and with changes), even one of there dev's who had a hand in the CU/NGE fiasco commited suicide(may or may not have been caused by all the hate mail/death threats he got from rabid fans) and even after 10 years they are finally closing down their servers, and it never went F2P.


FFXI had around 1.5 million active subs at the time of their last updated Census, between then and now active subs have dropped(though my server still had a constant 3k+ online) and is still smaller than WoW, Perfect World, and even Maple Story. and it is still 12.95$ a month.

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They will never go F2P because some are upset at the way they handled the game. Look at SWG freakin awesome game(opinion) before CU/NGE after CU/NGE lost a crap ton of subscribers(mostly cause WoW released and with changes), even one of there dev's who had a hand in the CU/NGE fiasco commited suicide(may or may not have been caused by all the hate mail/death threats he got from rabid fans) and even after 10 years they are finally closing down their servers, and it never went F2P.


FFXI had around 1.5 million active subs at the time of their last updated Census, between then and now active subs have dropped(though my server still had a constant 3k+ online) and is still smaller than WoW, Perfect World, and even Maple Story. and it is still 12.95$ a month.


I can type in color text too!, and LoTRO is a better game than either of those mentioned, yet it is F2P.

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There is no race, Bioware stated a long time ago that this is not that kind of game, and that the racers are not their target audience.


Unfortunately they don't get to decide who their audience is, nor do they get to decide what goals their audience sets.


Another F from me. Very disappointed with the lack of communication, lack of effort, and lack of caring.

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LMBO GG, you make me laugh, lol.

Glad I could bring a chuckle to someone today. I have an odd philosophy. Bring a smile or a laugh to at least one person, every day of your life, and for a few moments you make the world a slightly better place.


11pm here in Hawaii now, time for me to go crash before I fall asleep and fall off my chair (I've done that, still have the knot on my head to prove it LOL).


Good Night, good luck, and remember...


The Enemies gate is DOWN.



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1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


6. Crappy UI


7. No combat log


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


IF you or any other took a day off, for this.. ur a f'in loser!!!


And it just released, and they clearly told us that they would let in a few people, each wave to avoid a crash..like "WoW" when it released, it crashed several times. But you and most people here, have an IQ that is simply too low to understand that. Soooo go play with your dolls or find another game.


Do you really think, BW will beg you to stay, because you didnt get ingame the 13th or 14th..? if you wanna leave, leave...


Done with Bioware ?? You dont wanna play Mass Effect 3 the other great they made, and have plans for ? Hmmm, BW have my support all the way, till the end...EVEN is Swtor fails. They are a solid company, great game makers!!.

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I can type in color text too!, and LoTRO is a better game than either of those mentioned, yet it is F2P.



Your point is? If I remember right LoTRO didn't make the required amount of active subscriptions for it to remain sub based. I never played LoTRO so I'm unsure about that, but saying a game will go to F2P because one or two games did just shows you have no idea what your talking about. and I've been using this colored text since 09, don't like it then tough.

Edited by Juromaro
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Is that how long you have been a pretentious know it all as well?


Your opinion is yours, And yes, I have been a pretentious know it all since 09' because I have the sense to not get upset over a video game, and I feel the need....no the desire to hang out on the forums and reply to supposed grown adults complaining like they just got their taxes raised.

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Your opinion is yours, And yes, I have been a pretentious know it all since 09' because I have the sense to not get upset over a video game, and I feel the need....no the desire to hang out on the forums and reply to supposed grown adults complaining like they just got their taxes raised.


Then why are you still here replying to me? :rolleyes:

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They did state pretty clearly that getting into early access depended on when you put the pre-order code in.

When i saw the news announced that preorders are now available on my favorite gaming news sites, I did not see anything that EXPLICITLY explained this staggered release. If I would have known I would have gotten it then and ate less food that month. As it is I needed the money then and expected this to be like EVERY MMO THAT HAS EVER BEEN RELEASED where I can preorder the week before and start with everyone else.

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Your opinion is yours, And yes, I have been a pretentious know it all since 09' because I have the sense to not get upset over a video game, and I feel the need....no the desire to hang out on the forums and reply to supposed grown adults complaining like they just got their taxes raised.

You do realize that the type of product a customer is paying for has absolutely no logical bearing on whether they should be upset right?

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I give them a solid A++. Ive been through countless MMO closed betas, open betas and launch days, and thus far Bioware's actions have been exemplary.


Beta was fairly lagless, full of content, smooth and honest and full of purpose.


Open beta (or the stress test weekend as Bioware calls it) was the smoothest I have ever seen a stress test go, although a few more bugs. But even still, no more bugs than any other open beta.


Pre-order launch access invites started a full week before launch day, the longest early access period that I can recall ever getting. In my opinion, I wouldn't have expected early access until about Thursday/Friday which is precisely when I expect to be in. The fact that they did the staggered invites to early access is also a good call, because I would prefer that to opening the flood gates even if I have to wait 3-4 days longer than other people.


Bioware's forums are also well moderated, to keep things semi-sane.


Then of course we come to the game itself, bringing world changing dialogue options to the forefront of the storyline in an MMO is a revolutionary concept still usually reserved only for single player MMOs. Not to mention the other concepts.


Emphasis on security is better than some of the others I have seen. The multi-question account is a first. Use of a security key, while not rare, is even better.


I truly believe Bioware took what other companies learned during their development and releases, and took it to heart. And in turn their release is going to hopefully be fairly smooth, and we should see very little server downtime.

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You do realize that the type of product a customer is paying for has absolutely no logical bearing on whether they should be upset right?




Yes, but the thing is Joe Jack didn't pre-order a car and I pre-ordered a game, Everyone here who pre-ordered got the same product, one that offical release isn't for another 6 days, who's early access wasn't offically going to start for another day.


Yes people are upset, yes they are upset because they aren't being told when they can play like we were during the beta weekends. However they shouldn't be upset until the 15th-19th and even then being upset is a stretch at best because it stays "May play UP to 5 days" doesn't say you get to play 5 days no matter what.



*Edit* It's like me standing in line for a TV during Black Friday. I may be #30 or #50 and they call numbers 1 through 29, I cannot get upset and rage in the store because my number wasn't called at that time, if I did I'd get arrested for disturbing the peace.

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A+ for Bioware and F--- for reading comprehension of their player base... guess it is a good thing the game is voiced. What part of up to 5 days of early access is difficult to comprehend. It doesn't mean 5 days it means anywhere between 0 and 5 days of early access and we aren't even at 5 days prior to launch yet.


I just do a +1 on this post.

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They stated what they were going to do. They did it. They aren't relenting to internet nerd rage.


Next time buy the game when it first goes on sale, not a week before release.


edit: No grace period? Really? Ouch...

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