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What grade would you give Bioware today?


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D or F


Definitely very disappointed of communication about when people are going to be given access and the fact that the servers are nowhere near capacity. Access stopped being given out around 2:00 PM eastern, leaving 18 hours of dead time until access starts being given out again.


This is utterly ridiculous, with the current server populations.

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F for several reasons.


1) It was fine for the less than 10% who got to play but the other 90% plus have no clue how long this waiting cue will last. It is also my guess many feel somehow BW will mess it up as they have not really instilled a lot of confidence out here...


2) Dispite pre-ordering months in advanced, the only ones assured absolutely of being able to play on the 20th are either in Europe or ordered digitally. Dispite how this staggered launch goes, we could have hundreds of thousands locked out next tuesday regardless of when they ordered or pre-launched.


3) Total lack of reliable communications and flip flops on important matters like grace periods and pre-orders. Now less than a week from "official" launch and all these questions remain unanswered.


4) The only ones responding to questions on this board seem to be self appointed BW defenders whose comments mean nothing. Their response to everything is just to insult everyone who does not agree everything is just peachy.


You mean like your comments?

Fact is people like you would have complained no matter what.

They announced the launch date, people complained

They gave us weekend betas, people complained

They gave 2 more days of early access, People complained.


This board is already turning into what the boards at that other game looked like. Where no matter what they did the QQers wouldnt shut up.

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you guys don't get it at all do you?


No, you don't "get it". I was not talking to you and could care less your opinion of my post. Butt out, I can give MY opinion, and it does not involve you, insult you, or solicits your opinion of my opinion.

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I would give them a B. They are doing the right thing by staggering the invites to insure working servers; however, they need to be more open with communication. Just telling us what exactly is going to happen for the day instead of 10 minutes before it actually happens would save a lot of people time and money.
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F for several reasons.


1) It was fine for the less than 10% who got to play but the other 90% plus have no clue how long this waiting cue will last. It is also my guess many feel somehow BW will mess it up as they have not really instilled a lot of confidence out here...


2) Dispite pre-ordering months in advanced, the only ones assured absolutely of being able to play on the 20th are either in Europe or ordered digitally. Dispite how this staggered launch goes, we could have hundreds of thousands locked out next tuesday regardless of when they ordered or pre-launched.


3) Total lack of reliable communications and flip flops on important matters like grace periods and pre-orders. Now less than a week from "official" launch and all these questions remain unanswered.


4) The only ones responding to questions on this board seem to be self appointed BW defenders whose comments mean nothing. Their response to everything is just to insult everyone who does not agree everything is just peachy.

1: They stated before access started that you will receive an email the day you can play. Nothing new there.


2: I don't live in a Red Zone so I can't comment on being locked out well after release, That does suck, but I can comment on Red Zones getting free days(grace period) while you wait for a physical copy and or it to launch for your area, while I have to input a code and credit card info on the 20th.


3: I see Dev tracker posts and facebook/twitter posts all day long that gave info about waves, glitch abuse etc. The only question that remains to be answered is when someone is getting to play that's it.


4: You just insulted people who have had no issue at all today regarding the way BW is handling the situation. The moment someone points out that there is no problem for them they are suddenly fanboi and/or defenders? Why is it I have to be labeled for not having one issue with the way a company handles itself? Why do I have to be a "sheep" for not having one negative feedback?

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You mean like your comments?

Fact is people like you would have complained no matter what.

They announced the launch date, people complained

They gave us weekend betas, people complained

They gave 2 more days of early access, People complained.


This board is already turning into what the boards at that other game looked like. Where no matter what they did the QQers wouldnt shut up.


Your another one, who asked your opinion of my opinion. My opinion is as valid as yours and when I want your opinion of my opinion, I will ask for it. Good luck on waiting on that.

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B/A-ish, I can see where they're going with the stress test and everything I guess. I'm not exactly MAD about the fact I didn't get in today and probably won't tomorrow but the fact that I didn't even hear about the game getting released soon until Nov 27th, hehehehe, course its my fault I'm very well aware of that...just ranting a bit.


Either way, I'm just stuck waiting for a couple of days...with lack of sleep. I can't help but have trouble sleeping when i feel like there is some random chance I'll get a invite, lol. But until then I'm going to play BF3 and various other games while thinking about that SWTOR mouse I'm getting around the 25th.

Edited by Issacton
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  • Game play: Unable to grade
  • Communication to player base: C - (not much info really went out and heard the dev chat was horrendous (i was raiding in wow since I couldn't play here...and not the crap LFR)
  • Server Stability: From what I understand A
  • Waves going out in a timely manner: D while the waves that did go out were within a small time frame of each other, the waves as a hole were very short lived.
  • Overall: D+/C- While I cannot comment on the game play and in game performance I personally am disappointed with the lackluster process and execution of the waves. Most of us were led to believe this would be rolling invites...meaning sent out over a semi-regular period of time. Instead we got a very small window of invites followed by a much greater amount of downtime.


Hopefully tomorrow goes a bit better


Note: this is only my opinion and perception, it does not reflect those of others.

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Your another one, who asked your opinion of my opinion. My opinion is as valid as yours and when I want your opinion of my opinion, I will ask for it. Good luck on waiting on that.



First off if you dont want people replying about your opinions , dont post them in a forum.

I'll give you my opinion about you or your topic as I see fit.

By the way, who told you you could talk about my opinion of your opinion? I dont remember asking for it.

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I concur with F. They told everyone the plan. There was complaining that there would be complaining. They didn't listen or care. Now there is complaining. And complaining about the complaining.


They didn't want me to have a bad experience at launch, so they gave me a bad experience at launch so they could say at least I knew to expect a bad experience at launch. Launch has been a bad experience for me.


ROFL... Thanks

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Despite my frustration at not being able to play, I'd say A, very professionally handled. Updates via twitter, reasonable explanations for why they are doing what they are doing, and keeping a sense of humor in the face of all this nerd-rage. As much as I would like to vent my frustration, kudos BW.
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For me: A-


1. Never told us when we'd get access. 1000's of fans took today off work and school and for what? To sit around all day hoping to get an invite that never came.


You were an idiot if you took off work without knowing whether you'd get in or not. Let me restate that: Idiot. Unless you bought the game the first couple days it was out, you were an idiot to waste vacation/off-shift time from a job to play a game when you were given absolutely no guarantee that would happen.


Repeat: absolutely no guarantee.


2. Only gave access to the first 6 days of pre-orders. They have 150 more days to go.


Please try to think a bit more. The first few days of pre-orders had as many (or more) orders than the entire month of November. Even considering that, it's stupid to think that they are going to front-load the distribution of EGA. Stupid. The whole point of EGA is to reduce the front-loading of game release.


If you don't understand how computers work or how to run an internet service works, then just remain silent.


3. The Bioware team calls it quits at 2pm CST and heads home for the night.


See point above. If you don't know what you're talking about, please just keep your thoughts to yourself. If they keep hitting the servers with waves of new players, the engineers monitoring them will never get to see how the load is being handled, and won't have time to adjust and ensure that the fixes are working.


The correct way to do this (speaking as someone who actually supports a service with a half million customers) is to --and let me know if this sounds familiar-- is to roll out partial service in measured clumps watching for short term failures. If the service handles the load, you sit back and watch it for 24-48 hours to ensure there are no long-term problems. Then you add more load and repeat.


How many customers does your service support? How many deployments/upgrades have you done?


4. All current available servers have been XP pvp exploited.


I don't see how this affects me. I'm all for Bioware fixing the exploit (assuming it exists), but considering that the only people interested in using it were the ones mindlessly grinding to lvl50, I can't seem to scrape together much caring. You might as well just let them manually set their level to 50. Who cares how they get there?


5 All current servers except one are "Light" or "standard" population, and those lucky enough to get in game, can't find groups because the entire world is mostly empty.


Yeah, the servers are lightly loaded. It's the first round of loading.


You really don't know how to support a service, do you?


6. Crappy UI


First: that's an opinion. Second: from what I've seen, it's no worse than the one they had for the mass-beta, and considering the feedback, I'd say your opinion is in the minority.


7. No combat log


Wait. I thought you were listing bad things.


Oh. You actually want a combat log? So you can run a huge statistical breakdown and either prove that you're so better than that guy over there, or turn a game into some professional obsession. Whatever. I have a job. I want a game to play. Sorry that Bioware isn't catering to your entitlement. Life must be really hard for you.


I'll play my first 30 free days then I'm done with Bioware forever.


Considering everything that came before this, I'm not sure I'm sad.


It's like Ford. My dad bought a brand new Ford Tempo in 1989. The thing was the biggest piece of junk you'd ever seen.


I will never, ever buy a Ford because of that.


Right. That totally convinced me that you're being reasonable and not being a childish, entitled, and immature whiner.

Edited by Malastare
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Absolutely no response from bioware, and poorest of the poor Customer Service.


I feel bad for Lucasarts for trusting this IP to a company that cant handle MMOs.


We need constant info or communications from bioware.


I wonder, which company is better, SOE or Bioware in this matter.


B+ for the Gameplay tho (i really really enjoyed it)



Overall D-

Good game, but with awful awful customer service.

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1: They stated before access started that you will receive an email the day you can play. Nothing new there.


2: I don't live in a Red Zone so I can't comment on being locked out well after release, That does suck, but I can comment on Red Zones getting free days(grace period) while you wait for a physical copy and or it to launch for your area, while I have to input a code and credit card info on the 20th.


3: I see Dev tracker posts and facebook/twitter posts all day long that gave info about waves, glitch abuse etc. The only question that remains to be answered is when someone is getting to play that's it.


4: You just insulted people who have had no issue at all today regarding the way BW is handling the situation. The moment someone points out that there is no problem for them they are suddenly fanboi and/or defenders? Why is it I have to be labeled for not having one issue with the way a company handles itself? Why do I have to be a "sheep" for not having one negative feedback?


You would make an excellent BW representative if you were one because once again a post that tells me absoluting nothing that I ask about. Nothing on the pre-orders or grace period. The old, you will get a email... sure, Ed McMann could one day knock on my door too... And once again proved my point that the only one respnding to comments or complaints are people who have absolutely have no business to do so because they have NO answers.

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For me: A-




You were an idiot if you took off work without knowing whether you'd get in or not. Let me restate that: Idiot. Unless you bought the game the first couple days it was out, you were an idiot to waste vacation/off-shift time from a job to play a game when you were given absolutely no guarantee that would happen.


Repeat: absolutely no guarantee.




Please try to think a bit more. The first few days of pre-orders had as many (or more) orders than the entire month of November. Even considering that, it's stupid to think that they are going to front-load the distribution of EGA. Stupid. The whole point of EGA is to reduce the front-loading of game release.


If you don't understand how computers work or how to run an internet service works, then just remain silent.




See point above. If you don't know what you're talking about, please just keep your thoughts to yourself. If they keep hitting the servers with waves of new players, the engineers monitoring them will never get to see how the load is being handled, and won't have time to adjust and ensure that the fixes are working.


The correct way to do this (speaking as someone who actually supports a service with a half million customers) is to --and let me know if this sounds familiar-- is to roll out partial service in measured clumps watching for short term failures. If the service handles the load, you sit back and watch it for 24-48 hours to ensure there are no long-term problems. Then you add more load and repeat.


How many customers does your service support? How many deployments/upgrades have you done?




I don't see how this affects me. I'm all for Bioware fixing the exploit (assuming it exists), but considering that the only people interested in using it were the ones mindlessly grinding to lvl50, I can't seem to scrape together much caring. You might as well just let them manually set their level to 50. Who cares how they get there?




Yeah, the servers are lightly loaded. It's the first round of loading.


You really don't know how to support a service, do you?




First: that's an opinion. Second: from what I've seen, it's no worse than the one they had for the mass-beta, and considering the feedback, I'd say your opinion is in the minority.




Wait. I thought you were listing bad things.


Oh. You actually want a combat log? So you can run a huge statistical breakdown and either prove that you're so better than that guy over there, or turn a game into some professional obsession. Whatever. I have a job. I want a game to play. Sorry that Bioware isn't catering to your entitlement. Life must be really hard for you.




Considering everything that came before this, I'm not sure I'm sad.




Right. That totally convinced me that you're being reasonable and not being a childish, entitled, and immature whiner.


Basically this. Anyone that thinks that Bioware picked up and went home at 2 PM has some serious mental issues. And I do mean serious. They have people working 24/7 making sure these forums are operating, as well as the game servers. They've said so themselves, and anyone who knows anything about how to operate a business that basically operates all day every day like this would realize this is how it's done. It's standard in the business.


tl;dr - Stop crying, you don't know what you're talking about.

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You would make an excellent BW representative if you were one because once again a post that tells me absoluting nothing that I ask about. Nothing on the pre-orders or grace period. The old, you will get a email... sure, Ed McMann could one day knock on my door too... And once again proved my point that the only one respnding to comments or complaints are people who have absolutely have no business to do so because they have NO answers.


You want answers from Bioware contact them directly by calling


USA: 1-855-GO-SWTOR (1-855-467-9867)

UK, Germany, France: +800 0246 9273 (+8000 BIOWARE)


For calls originating from countries not listed above, please call the following number: +442035642555 *


* Please note that you may be charged by your provider for making an international phone call, and charges may be based on the country from which you place the call. Customer support will be provided in English, French, and German only.



You want answers from Bioware but posting on a public forum? Expect non-employees to answer. You want further answers from Non Bioware Employees? Continue to reply when someone quotes you.

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Basically this. Anyone that thinks that Bioware picked up and went home at 2 PM has some serious mental issues. And I do mean serious. They have people working 24/7 making sure these forums are operating, as well as the game servers. They've said so themselves, and anyone who knows anything about how to operate a business that basically operates all day every day like this would realize this is how it's done. It's standard in the business.


tl;dr - Stop crying, you don't know what you're talking about.


The thread is to give your opinion, grade. Everyone's opinion is their own and valid. You can give it an A if you like. But when you play BW defender and attack anyone with a different opinion, that reflects really badly on you. If you actually were a BW representative you would be making your company look really bad. I am sure they would agree that you should stop representing them, if that is what you think you are doing...

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