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Everything posted by Kemosavi

  1. Scrolls that increase exp gained by 200% for x days. Automatic ressurection scroll (get back in the fight!) New fully voiced companions! So many options, Bioware! +150 Darkside
  2. Limiting my list to U.S. servers, these are some servers I couldn't see myself making a character on. Again, this is a nitpick, and I'm still going to play the game. I simply don't think they classify a server very well. Bondar Crystal Davik's Estate Hyperspace Cannon Kinrath Spider Rubat Crystal Sith Wyrm Space Slug
  3. Is anybody else disappointed with many of the server names? There are a ton of silly names that don't seem appropriate for a game world. /nitpick
  4. I wasn't even expecting to play this soon. Ask me again on the 15th.
  5. If I'm not mistaken, they said they would launch new servers over the course of time. Maybe you could just get into a newer server when you get in?
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