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My server used to be full every night.


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Its a common thing for MMOs to lose around 20-30% of their population on 3rd week.


Consider yourself lucky it's not worse, DCUO died after a month, litterally losing 60% of its population, it was almost funny.


Factors :


Holidays are over

Adults go back to work

Kids go back to school

Crazy compulsive gamers have already hit 50 and are decked out in full raid/battlemaster gear and are burned out >> going back to WoW or busy complaining on the forums about how the game is boring (:wink wink)



Really, the usual.

Edited by dargor-
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Do you have a source for the info in your first paragraph?


I used to use the queues as sort of a measure for how many people were playing and how popular the game is.


After looking around the forums, it's clear that this game is going to be bleeding subscribers until it's dry.


Yes, it's what BW said they would be doing to eliminate queues.

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dude ... seriously .... holiday is over people are returning to work ....


true and/or school. holiday week is over. plus Bioware tweaking their servers to improve the waiting queues. Pretty sure that also has something to do with it. But it is indeed nice to see the average population of concurrent players on the server I'm playing dropping. Especially during peak times. I can cruise through quests more smoothly minus things like waiting around for quest items or mobs to spawn.

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Like others said, holiday period is over and work and school are effectively limiting people from playing for long stretches at a time, or even every day. I'm seeing hundreds of people on the planets I go to and I don't even play on server primetime. Game is populated, no queues is solely a good thing.


Dunno about that.


All these doomsayers on the forums got me all riled up I guess :(


I seriously like this game. I knew AoC, WAR, and Rift were going to tank because I ended up not liking the game either.


That and the sheer number of people unsubbing every day is really unnerving.


How long, I keep asking myself...

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Soon enough it's only gonna be filled with the swtor fans who refuse to see how bad this game is.




...opinions other than yours.


Honestly, I think some people just expected way too much from an MMO at launch.


It's what happens with every MMO, but people's expectations never seem to change.

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Soon enough it's only gonna be filled with the swtor fans who refuse to see how bad this game is.




Always a possibility, however I'm hoping BW fixes the ability lag and piss poor performance, I'd rather not start playing Wow again, I mean WoW is boring but it actually works.

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Mmm yeah I think a lot are.


I've got a few level 20-28 alts and I'm just... so bored of the game I have no inclination to level them?


I think the reason I'm bored is because of the questing system. I can't stand the dialog, having to click space again and again and again while trying to make sure I pick all LS or all DS options depending on the character.


Normally that would be ok, I could level through flash points or war zones. But even as a healer it's very hard to get groups for the 20 range flash points and to be honest I'm sick to death of huttball.


So I took my merc to tatooine, started running through the space port towards the entrance. By the time I got to the entrance I was completely over the idea of questing on tatooine. I used my emergency fleet pass to avoid having to run back to the ship -> fly to the fleet -> run from ship to hanger yadda yadda.


Tried getting a group, no good. Did two huttballs, over it.


And I realised... well, that's about it isn't it? There's not much else, this is the game.


So I quit. I'll check back in a few months, see if they've streamlined it a bit and fixed up that damn horrible UI (no target of target.. come ON).

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Shame. Just like WOW that had monster queues at launch that disappeared after a week and then the game died horribly. Or something.


And taking the forums as a measure of success is anothe indication this must be the OPs first MMO :p

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My server (Anchorhead) used to have a 10+ minute queue every night, but over the last week, it's slowly gotten shorter.


Now the server is at heavy at it's worst, and as of right now (2 am) it's standard.


Are that many people really quitting?


I love this game, but I don't want to see it tank, especially not this fast, but that's what it looks like so far.


So basically you want queues all the time?


But your main question has already been answered: People go back to work and their other responsibilities and don't play at least 5 hours a day. There are not neccessarily less people playing, they just more spread out over the 24 hours of the day.

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Well, you don't actually see people unsubscribing, they just tell you they do and if you look closely, you'll find out that these are the same people unsubscribing over and over again. :p


Hrmm not really, I just did it and I still have access to the 15th. So I'll continue to check out the boards to see if anything has changed. I just wish they had some patch notes or something so we could see what's coming.


I've always read and posted on these forums. There will be a lot more people unsubbing who are _not_ saying anything. And they are the ones that bioware really need to worry about because at least those who take the time to say why they are leaving give actionable reasons.

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Let us assume for one moment that you are naive. Reasons for such are many fold - from the tendency for people to overplay during the first few days (then settle into a more calm, regular play schedule) to those who blasted through content to 50 and left themselves wondering where it all went (no sympathy from me there). Then of course there is the return to school/work/college/other real-life matters that raise their warty physiognomy after the holidays.


As I said, I assume that you are being naive - that you are not familiar with the MMORPG post-launch niceties...


Human kindness is overflowing, despite the /facepalm-worthy content of many replies in this thread.



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