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All you people complaining about Name takers


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You realize you can reuse your name on a different server right? Name exclusiveness is server based not ENTIRE GAME BASED


You dont think people will go to each server to take a name even though they will never play it? YOu get 8 characters per Sever, not account.

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You dont think people will go to each server to take a name even though they will never play it? YOu get 8 characters per Sever, not account.


who the hell does that in any game?


Even I don't and I always use the same name for my online stuff (it's not Zoma though).


You realize you can't do it like WoW where you create, then move to the next one. You have actually watch the opening cutscene for every character you make.

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You realize you can reuse your name on a different server right? Name exclusiveness is server based not ENTIRE GAME BASED


Ok... I don't think you understand.


Let's pretend I use the name "Zoma" ... and by the way, I do like the name... but whatever.... lets say I get into the next wave... what I can do is LOCK that name on ALL available servers.... because there are ZERO LINE UPS to the servers... conceivably I could lock down "Zoma" and "Zomabanker" or "Zomauction" or whatever.... or even "Banker" or "Auction" (I promise you already done so don't even bother) on EVERY SERVER....



On any NORMAL MMO release everyone would have an equal line up to each server... so there's NO WAY that 1 person would be able to name-lock you out of ALL SERVERS. NOT ONLY THAT.... but they have SIX MORE DAYS to do this now.



Do you understand the issue now?

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I am sorry to say that that is not incorrect, Names are Game based not server based, this is not WoW. i know this through trill and error. i made a name that was not even a name more a jumble of letter and then tried the same on another server and it was taken so i tried it on a few more and all the servers has the jumble as taken. i can see good and bad come of this
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who the hell does that in any game?


Even I don't and I always use the same name for my online stuff (it's not Zoma though).


You realize you can't do it like WoW where you create, then move to the next one. You have actually watch the opening cutscene for every character you make.


I do for one, and will the very second i can get access.

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People are grasping at straws to find something to complain about.


Grasping at straws? The NAME is the ESSENCE of your character... of COURSE I take huge exception to some a-hat being allowed to name-lock for the next 6 days. OF COURSE it's a problem!

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You dont think people will go to each server to take a name even though they will never play it? YOu get 8 characters per Sever, not account.


lmfaoo that is ludicrous, if someone did do that they would be total deush bags.. and im sure you wont find many people willing to sacrifice all that time to do that...

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If your name has been taken on the server with your guild on it there's nothing you can do. You'll either have to leave your guild or choose a different name...so it is a big deal, bigger than in a normal MMO at least.
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Grasping at straws? The NAME is the ESSENCE of your character... of COURSE I take huge exception to some a-hat being allowed to name-lock for the next 6 days. OF COURSE it's a problem!


And some are just using it as an excuse for being upset about not getting in early.


People are upset because they didn't get in. But some are smart enough to know that it's their own fault. So they really can't complain about not getting in....but they have to complain about something.....so they can complain about their name getting stolen or getting ganked by higher levels when they do get in.


So yes, grasping at straws.

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At last count, there are over 100 US Based Servers.


Someone is really gonna spend that much time and effort to create that many toons to lock a name just to spite someone else?


Would it happen? I guess, but if more than a couple people do it I would be surprised.

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At last count, there are over 100 US Based Servers.


Someone is really gonna spend that much time and effort to create that many toons to lock a name just to spite someone else?


Would it happen? I guess, but if more than a couple people do it I would be surprised.



Yes, people really are that rude. I think some of the posters really hit on something about names and how names tie in with a toon and the person running that toon. It's a VERY important aspect of RP.


I agree that pre-launch players should have been a bit more restricted in the number of toons in which they were allow to create 'total' prior to the official launch date. This would have ensured that name catching would be minimized.

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At last count, there are over 100 US Based Servers.


Someone is really gonna spend that much time and effort to create that many toons to lock a name just to spite someone else?


Would it happen? I guess, but if more than a couple people do it I would be surprised.




You are seriously suprised? Welcome to the internet.



They are going to do it... and they are going to monitor servers to boot. The moment a new server shows, they will log in and take the names so that they are THE ONLY PLAYER on ANY SERVER with whatever name it is. This is going to happen... and effectively negating names that would/should be available EVEN BEFORE THE GAME IS OFFICIALLY RELEASED.


Even before everyone had EQUAL RIGHTS TO IT.... to some players (me) not getting a name means even taking a ping hit to be on a server that I can use the name on. It is hugely important to me.... and I am not convinced they are protecting naming and preventing players from name-locking..... even before the game goes live names will be gone ON ALL SERVERS.... before I get the chance to see the load up screen.

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