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You Guys DO Realize You're The Minority, Right?


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That is my main concern. The complaints of the vocal majority are still the complaints of a playerbase minority, and this do not represent the feedback of the entire playerbase. I have seen a handful of games ruined because of developers unwisely listening to this very minority.


this is why you have to cater to the hardcore players to a degree, they are the ones making fan sites, posting on forums, and spreading their experience more than other players, if you give them nothing they will say the game has nothing and that's not the press you want for a good game

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Think what you want. Powerleveling in any RPG, MMO or otherwise, is mindboggling to me, because you skip so much content.


For your information, because it is clearly your business, my characters are levels 21 and 17. My snails pace through this game (8 hours or so every weekend) ensures me a greater chance of less bugs and more content at the later levels.


And I will never PVP in this game. Ever. Not my cup of soup.



I have one level 50 character and I do not understand all the QQing from them either. If it is that bad at 50 or they are that bored they should go level another character. I already have two other characters ready to go in the event I hit a wall with my level 50. There is a lot to experience in this came if one just looks around.


There is not a MMO out there that has had a perfect launch...not even WOW. I am looking forward to what Bioware has to offer down the road. The games future is bright.

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I have one level 50 character and I do not understand all the QQing from them either. If it is that bad at 50 or they are that bored they should go level another character. I already have two other characters ready to go in the event I hit a wall with my level 50. There is a lot to experience in this came if one just looks around.


There is not a MMO out there that has had a perfect launch...not even WOW. I am looking forward to what Bioware has to offer down the road. The games future is bright.


So what you're saying is that re-rolling is end-game.


Funny how when those of us who told Bioware over a year ago "we hope your view of end-game isn't that you get to 50 and re-roll" were told by fanboys there would be PLENTY of end-game, SO much end-game...


Re-rolling isn't everyone's cup of tea. By Bioware's own metrics, only 50% of the players who bought ME2 even played through the story ONE time. They should have known that re-rolling at end-game was a recipe of huge loss of retention.

Edited by Mannic
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Seriously, if EVERYONE in this forum unsubbed, it'd be just a small dent. Historically, very small portions of the community post on the game forums.


So please do not assume you represent the majority of players in this game.


Sure people posting on forums are a minority, but that doesn't mean the opinions held by them that post differ from those that do not. Simple representation...people are not that different.

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OP, you do realize that this exact same OP appeared on the forums of Warhammer, AoC, Aion, LoTRO, and pretty much every other game that failed to live up to expectations, yes? And it always appeared soon after launch, when people in large quantities started to notice they were disappointed in the game.


The forums are not a representative sample of the community as a whole. It is made up overwhelmingly of fans of the title and the game. The so-called "haters" are the minority here, on the forums. Most people who quit the game because of whatever are never going to post about it here.


The hard-core fans of the game who love it to distraction are by far the tiniest minority of the games community. Most people fall somewhere in the middle. But having this much complaining on the forums two weeks after launch is anything but a good sign.


The first week of release people moaned, griped, whined, and cried on the WoW forums too. I remember players trying to drum up support on the WoW forums inviting people to sign class action lawsuits against Blizzard.


Here, its the same hanful of whiners that keep regurgitating their hate for this game. It's like the game hurt you and now you have to hurt it back. Mean nasty game!! Sad and unhealthy.


They will be here until subscriptions run out....and then they move on to the next new MMO and make the same whining posts there.

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More like, they finish the main course first, realize it wasn't as good as they were hoping, then notice the dessert is stale.


Barely touched the main course. What was that comment? Folk will see what the 'real game' is like when they hit 50? It's a story-based MMO. 1-49 IS the 'real game'.

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Sure people posting on forums are a minority, but that doesn't mean the opinions held by them that post differ from those that do not. Simple representation...people are not that different.


Actually, human nature is such that people are more vocal when they are upset than when they are happy. That being the case the people who are upset on the forums do not represent the majority of the playerbase happily playing as we speak.

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I will accept your theory.


and here is my theory based on your theory.


If Bioware is going to listen to their customers and make changes then the minority will direct the course of the game, since we the "minority" are the ones asking for changes.




that is all.

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Actually, human nature is such that people are more vocal when they are upset than when they are happy. That being the case the people who are upset on the forums do not represent the majority of the playerbase happily playing as we speak.


Exactly. People who are enjoying the game are, well, playing and enjoying the game. Not posting on forums.


Speaking of which, time for TOR.

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So what you're saying is that re-rolling is end-game.


Funny how when those of us who told Bioware over a year ago "we hope your view of end-game isn't that you get to 50 and re-roll" were told by fanboys there would be PLENTY of end-game, SO much end-game...



Give it time.


This is not a typical MMO, its far more immersive and has more to offer story wise then half the MMO's on the market. To get the full experience of the game play another story, I heard there are some quite good ones out there. This game will grow, stop complaining, people like you make these games fail.

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If you monitored the number of posts made in the General Discussions forum you would see that there is a very very large number of posts made there every day. 10.000+ posts a day is a lot.


Since I do the same thing as Mr Reid I like to monitor stats of other companies forums to see how they are doing. This Minority you are talking about is just in your head. The difference with these forums and Blizzard's for example is that people seem to abandon the swtor forums rather quickly compared to wow's.


This is probably due to the fact that most negative posts are immediately locked and that the front page is hard to read, has too many stickies and only allows for 10+ threads to be shown at once...which means a crap load of threads are pushed away very quickly.


Compare this General index to other sites like wow, mmo-champion, wowhead, eve, curse etc and you will understand what I mean. But to go back to your point, I wouldn t conclude that a vocal minority complains...I think with this game that it is more than just a small minority especially in such a short time after launch

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The first week of release people moaned, griped, whined, and cried on the WoW forums too. I remember players trying to drum up support on the WoW forums inviting people to sign class action lawsuits against Blizzard.


Here, its the same hanful of whiners that keep regurgitating their hate for this game. It's like the game hurt you and now you have to hurt it back. Mean nasty game!! Sad and unhealthy.


They will be here until subscriptions run out....and then they move on to the next new MMO and make the same whining posts there.


You don't know if they're a minority. You're pulling that out of your rear-end. On the forums, yes, they're a minority, but the forums are made up of a vast majority of fanboys. 99% of players never bother with the forums.

Edited by Mannic
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Due to the fact that he hasn't experienced any of the real game yet?


Sorry you feel that way. You paid for a game that starts at level 50? You sure aren't too smart. Now I see why you so angry.


My SWTOR gaming experience started at level 1.

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Give it time.


This is not a typical MMO, its far more immersive and has more to offer story wise then half the MMO's on the market. To get the full experience of the game play another story, I heard there are some quite good ones out there. This game will grow, stop complaining, people like you make these games fail.


Sorry, but I disagree. This is a very, very typical MMO with voice-over attached. It loses much of its "immersion" for many players once you're out of Act I. It doesn't take long before you realize the game is just a more-linear version of WoW.

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Sorry you feel that way. You paid for a game that starts at level 50? You sure aren't too smart. Now I see why you so angry.


My SWTOR gaming experience started at level 1.


Plenty of single player games out. Give me a reasonable explanation why you belong in an MMO if you only care about 1-49. MMO's were designed for the hardcore, this isn't disputed among developers. Do you think Everquest and Ultima Online was supposed to be played 2 hours a week? Give me a break. MMO's are supposed to be about competitive play with p l a y e r s.

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but the forums are made up of a vast majority of fanboys.


Yes....I can feel your anger.


Too funny. That's going to keep you up at night. So many people on the forums love this game.


I have seen your history of garbage. Every reply demonstrates how hurt and angry you are. Almost comical. Actually very funny!


Your time is running out. Have fun trolling the next MMO.

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So what you're saying is that re-rolling is end-game.


Funny how when those of us who told Bioware over a year ago "we hope your view of end-game isn't that you get to 50 and re-roll" were told by fanboys there would be PLENTY of end-game, SO much end-game...


Re-rolling isn't everyone's cup of tea. By Bioware's own metrics, only 50% of the players who bought ME2 even played through the story ONE time. They should have known that re-rolling at end-game was a recipe of huge loss of retention.


I am saying that your idea of being bored is not my idea bored. And guess what..i am still finding things to do at 50 with my main character. I also know that the game is very new and the game will grow over the next year. Tell me...what mmo have you played at launch that was perfect or had all the end game you needed?


What do you plan to accomplish by QQing? Gees if you are that upset with the game then un-sub and be done with it. Or you could spend time bug reporting things or making constructive posts to help impact the game in a positive way? Just saying...

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What people don't realize is that a lot of people complain in game too, not just on the forums. :D We complain on here in hopes of getting a dev response, but, alas, no luck. :(


Yes, and in my experience, it's right around Alderaan that you start hearing complaints. Prior to level 30-ish, it's all rainbows and duckies. Once players start filtering out of the noob areas it changes a lot.

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A party of people go to a restaurant. They all order a three-course meal. Halfway through the starter course, some of them complain that their dessert hasn't arrived.


Good dumb analogy. Buying a video game and expecting a polished and complete product is just like going out to dinner with your friends.


Your analogy would be akin to players immediately desiring more content.


How about...


A party of people go to a restaurant. They all order a three-course meal. Halfway through the starter course, some of them complain that their food has bugs in it. One person does not because the food cost a lot of money and he's in denial.

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That's why there is over 2,000,000 views, and several hundred thousand comments regarding the FPS issues. Small minority.


If there were 500,000 comments, it still wouldn't be a pittance of the community if it broke down into 10 comments per poster.


Numbers only matter if they're taken within context.

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What people don't realize is that a lot of people complain in game too, not just on the forums. :D We complain on here in hopes of getting a dev response, but, alas, no luck. :(


And this is the most important post I have read today. This is the single most important comment that "fanboys" do not understand or refuse to accept. The concept that the game could have flaws because one does enjoy it and finds no flaws.


I have myself cursed in game in general about the UI of the auction house only to get tons of similar comments in chat. People DO come to the forums to complain not for trolling but because they DO hope to get responses from the CMs which judging from the Dev Tracker is...doubtful imo

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Tell me...what mmo have you played at launch that was perfect or had all the end game you needed?



Rift. It wasn't perfect by any means, but the end-game at launch was worlds better than what we've been given in TOR.

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