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Skyrim Graphics VS SW:ToR Graphics.


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Yeah, I can link you to where I did that alongside several hundred thousand other posters 10+ days ago. Guess how many customer service responses / fixes there have been since then? Zilch.


Yeah well I think most players are ingame playing rather than helping people in tech help type forums. Remember forums aren't the place for real time help from officials - you need to call the customer service phone number if you want official help.

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I don't even think making comparisons between SW:TOR and WoW graphics is fair. Obviously BioWare put more focus into things like voice acting. I would take having the kind of story and voice-acted quests over slightly more appealing graphics any day.


me too considering how badly optimized the game is with its current graphics.

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Saw tour pics failed to see the superior graphics of wow. Then again, I failed to see how anyone could think the graphics were better in WoW than TOR. Animations? Sure, can't beat WoW on that one, they absolutely have the most fluid animations, but do not mistake animation for graphics.
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I run the game at Max Settings and No problem. Whats yours?


Running around in empty spaces doesn't count my friend.


FPS dips whenever there's major combat going on, gpu usage going as low as 25% on a gtx 580 with a i5 2500k ocd at 4.5k. Must be a cpu bottleneck! Or maybe an overheating problem! Temps not going past 60 degrees... OR WAIT driver problems! JUST FOR SWTOR everything else working perfectly smooth.


O wait. It's the game engine being complete garbage.


Saw tour pics failed to see the superior graphics of wow. Then again, I failed to see how anyone could think the graphics were better in WoW than TOR. Animations? Sure, can't beat WoW on that one, they absolutely have the most fluid animations, but do not mistake animation for graphics.


Real time reflections, night / day cycle, better textures(art style is different but the textures are better quality), smooth shadows not pixelated messes, perfectly optimized while using dx11 code, dynamic weather.. etc

Edited by Skeelol
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People calling Skyrim DX9 and all that crap need to visit skyrimnexus more. You can almost make that game look any way you want. Some user at skyrimnexus is already working on a mod that will enable playing with friends online in Skyrim. Some crazy modders out there.
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Back in 2004 people didn't have all the expectations of excellent graphics, and what's more computers were simpler then.


Now we bump our computers up with all sorts of upgrades and expect graphics to be like real life :cool:


Your average MMO player does not spend several thousand dollars on a computer.


Blizzard literally pioneered game time cards when they realized that your average MMO player does not have access to credit cards due to insufficient resources.

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In raids on low (8 player) I get barely 25 fps. On the lowest settings.


In WoW in 25 man LFR raids on ultra graphics I get 100 FPS.


SWTOR isn't smooth.


Haven't gotten into the 8man stuff yet, got a few more levels to go. Though I just remember I did turn shadows down. Since then I haven't seen a Drop in FPS yet. Though I will agree the Optimization on this game isn't 100% and there is a memory leak, but -shrug- It'll get fixed in time.


Right now I'm still having a blast, and once again, have not seen a drop in my FPS, that might change in operations, I'll find out in a day or two.

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Your average MMO player does not spend several thousand dollars on a computer.


Blizzard literally pioneered game time cards when they realized that your average MMO player does not have access to credit cards due to insufficient resources.


I didn't spend several thousand dollars on my computer either and I had to pay New Zealand prices for my electronics (ie overpriced imports).


I just built my computer myself, and got some good bits, put it all together and voila! Try it, you can make a nice computer quite cheaply (around a thousand something, NZ$, so much cheaper if you live in the US).


As for your credit card spiel - if you can't get a credit card just buy gametime from Amazon.

Edited by lollie
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In raids on low (8 player) I get barely 25 fps. On the lowest settings.


In WoW in 25 man LFR raids on ultra graphics I get 100 FPS.


SWTOR isn't smooth.

Ultraxion LFR I get 25fps. I have an i7 and GTX580.

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Real time reflections, night / day cycle, better textures(art style is different but the textures are better quality), smooth shadows not pixelated messes, perfectly optimized while using dx11 code, dynamic weather.. etc


I'd say the shadows , time cycle and Optimization are the only thing you got. None of it changes how awe inspiring the scenery on Drumond Kaas is compared to well...anywhere....in WoW.

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Haven't gotten into the 8man stuff yet, got a few more levels to go. Though I just remember I did turn shadows down. Since then I haven't seen a Drop in FPS yet. Though I will agree the Optimization on this game isn't 100% and there is a memory leak, but -shrug- It'll get fixed in time.


Right now I'm still having a blast, and once again, have not seen a drop in my FPS, that might change in operations, I'll find out in a day or two.


While running if you press C (character pane), B (inventory) or/and N (crew sills) your game freezes a little. Spam all 3 buttons enough and your game can actually crash. That's how bad SWTOR is. You can crash the game because you open your bags. :)

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WoW has better graphics currently that SWTOR. Check my thread for clarification: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=118406 also, WoW's graphics are far more smooth.


I disagree, that screenshot definitely looks good in wow, but there is still alot of detail missing.


there are many things I see in swtor that wow doesn't have.. and the graphics in wow are not as good as swtor.



You may disagree, but find a screenshot of a commando firing @ you and watch the smoke come off the bullets.. I think you're missing alot of details.


basically what I'm getting at is if I got take a picture of my char standing on hoth looking at a white floor, then compare it to a lush forest in wow, its going to look better.




I also don't believe that screenshot is set to high, because for one there are no shadows what so ever.


Further more unless you log into both games and take screenshots @ exactly the same resolution yeah.. they are going to look different.






Your wow screenshot




Vs. SWTOR on high



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I didn't spend several thousand dollars on my computer either and I had to pay New Zealand prices for my electronics (ie overpriced imports).


I just built my computer myself, and got some good bits, put it all together and voila! Try it, you can make a nice computer quite cheaply (around a thousand something, NZ$, so much cheaper if you live in the US).


I own a custom Alienware Aurora myself (that cannot handle this game), but that does not change the fact that your average MMO player does not have the resources to spend over a thousand dollars on a gaming system. This is the reason Warcraft has refuses to upgrade their engine for so long. Why would you essentially wipe out millions of subscribers from your target audience?


According to the last annual report, over 60% of WoW's subscription base does not pay with (or have access to) a credit card, thus Bnet Balance incoming. To suggest that your average MMO player owns a high-end gaming system is easily disprovable, and a silly suggestion at best.

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I'd say the shadows , time cycle and Optimization are the only thing you got. None of it changes how awe inspiring the scenery on Drumond Kaas is compared to well...anywhere....in WoW.


Lol no, inspiring scenery on drumond kaas? Are you kidding me? This game is so bland it's not even funny. There's barely any variation on screen on most planets in the colors making things even hard to figure out. WoW has so much variety and vibrant believable landscapes compared to this.


It's called having a good art direction, something bioware is lacking.


You also forgot the real time reflections making the water in WoW one of the best waters out there. Most games nowadays are with fake reflections.

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Real time reflections, night / day cycle, better textures(art style is different but the textures are better quality), smooth shadows not pixelated messes, perfectly optimized while using dx11 code, dynamic weather.. etc


SWTOR has real time reflections as well. Just that the water isn't as oily/more realistic in swtor. Night/day cycle has nothing to do with graphics. Smooth shadows and such are a matter of AA, which will hopefully come soon for SWTOR. Textures in wow are worse quality. As in they're generally lower resolution. WoW hardly has any DX11 in it in the first place. Dynamic weather is aesthetics, not graphics.


Your argument fails in my book.


But beside that SWTOR is indeed terribly optimized. Geforce GTX 560 ti, 4GB ram and intel i5, 3.20 GHz can't run it. My GPU was barely used (max 10%) as well. I had to upgrade my RAM to 8 gig to run the game. Which is odd since the max ram it's supposed to be able to use is 4 (or was it 3?) Once I upgraded my RAM the game runs perfectly, and my GPU is also used more now (between 10 and 60% depending on the environment.) I have no idea how upgrading my ram made my GPU act normally instead of minimally, but it worked at least.

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SWTOR has real time reflections as well. Just that the water isn't as oily/more realistic in swtor. Night/day cycle has nothing to do with graphics. Smooth shadows and such are a matter of AA, which will hopefully come soon for SWTOR. Textures in wow are worse quality. As in they're generally lower resolution. WoW hardly has any DX11 in it in the first place. Dynamic weather is aesthetics, not graphics.


Your argument fails in my book.


But beside that SWTOR is indeed terribly optimized. Geforce GTX 560 ti, 4GB ram and intel i5, 3.20 GHz can't run it. My GPU was barely used (max 10%) as well. I had to upgrade my RAM to 8 gig to run the game. Which is odd since the max ram it's supposed to be able to use is 4 (or was it 3?) Once I upgraded my RAM the game runs perfectly, and my GPU is also used more now (between 10 and 60% depending on the environment.) I have no idea how upgrading my ram made my GPU act normally instead of minimally, but it worked at least.


HAHAHAHAH what? Real time reflections in SWTOR? Next time you are actually near water take a closer look. They're not.


Shadows aren't a matter of AA get a clue. It's called the shadow rendering process, which in SWTOR fails. They probably couldn't even increase shadow map size to something better to not be so blocky due to poor performance already. AA never affects shadows.


How can you not know these basic things yet come here and pretend to?

Edited by Skeelol
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