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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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How slow do you level? i was first invited on December 15, my birthday so i could not play that day, from then 18-27 where my family here, on visit form the other side of the planet so i got at max 10 hours play times during that time.

I have moved between Christmas and new year, witch ment i was unable to play for 2 days, and then was there new year + the day after where i was unable to play.


I have done EVERY mission + bonus missions, i have NEVER skipped in a conversation, i have enjoyed all the voice action i could. And i play an average of 3-4 hours the days i can.


Right now, am i level 47, about 10% from 48, and i have valor rank 10.


*** have you been doing, since you are only level 30? Do you have 40 alts or something?


This is it, essentially.

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This is it, essentially.



And do you think that most people have 40 alts like you? no most people have 0 alts at this point, and most people are nearing level 50. That is why you are seeing more and more posts in here.


What most of the people complaining about people complaining don’t understand, is that the people who take their time to go in to this forum and post about it, instead of just leaving, are the ones that love the game the most!

It is like a father/mother, that sees what his son can become, and tells him how he can do thing better and what he is doing wrong.

As we have the father/mother there help their children become a better person, are there also the father/mother who just protects his child for everything and tells no matter how poorly the child preform that he is the best in the world.


I to love this game and I want it to succeed, and like you did I not see much wrong with it till around level 30. Sure there where the UI and stuff. But as you adventure pass level 30 will the mobs get hard, so you will need to perform better to survive and this is where the ability delay comes in! I have died so many times because the game just refused to target my companion, or to preform my shield spell on it.

The worlds also get more and more linier and the world itself becomes bigger and bigger, this result is the feeling that you are just running on the path that BW put out for you and there are no exploration. And as the world’s get bigger and bigger, the shards keep the same size will you feel more and more alone in the game, and hence dose the MMO feeling go away.

Once you come past level 30 will you as well start noticing more and more bugs.


The story of my class SI, was also good till around level 30, where they suddenly thought. **** we need to keep this story going for another 20 level, and the story just went complete haywire (I won’t give examples as it will ruin it for people who are yet to play SI). And after this dose the attraction of all the quests suddenly disappear, and you will find it harder and harder to log in on your character and level. (I only like the Sorc calss, so I have not played the other classe, but I hear the same story from people playing other classes)

Edited by DoomStone
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Like all other MMORPGs, 50 is NOT a static level cap. There will be more levels. It's not forever.


Oh you want me to pay them more money for more broken content and 10 more levels?



For now, lvl50 is forever. There are no announced expansions. The game should be designed around the level cap and not the journey to it, especially because reaching the level cap in this game is probably easier than just about any other MMO.



Simply put, the tired excuses of "oh this is a new game" and "wow has been out for 7 years!" just are that, tired and overused. This game has been in development for nearly as long as WoW has been out, haven't they learned anything?


WoW raised the bar and I say this as someone who isn't even a fan of WoW, and even poorly funded games like Rift/AoC by comparison to swtor have made a better effort trying to reach it.


There simply isn't anything to do once you reach lvl50 that you don't do a thousand times before you reach 50.


Some of the mobs and bosses in the operation haven't even been named. Even AoC, in it's buggy glory managed to take the time to name the raid bosses.

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Pvp gear is broken atm. For some people it takes 30 bags to get a couple pieces of champion gear while others gear themselves out completely by that time.


It rewards nothing just as the pvp war zones award nothing for objectives.

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This thread has reached our threashold of 1,000 posts, so we have recreated it, here: Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following..


Because of this, we will be closing this version of the topic. Please feel free to continue the discussion in the new thread, and thank you for understanding!

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