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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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Because the OP knows exactly what everyone in this game wants... right?


Seriously, shut your yap and play the game. Or don't. I don't care. They have the first content patch next month already. Why don't we just wait and see what happens before we start the hyperbole and melodrama?


kinda missed the bugs being the meat of his post and not really anything to do with personal play style.

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Christmas trees on the decline. Help resuscitate Christmas trees now! The sky is falling!


Point is, the game has been launched over the holiday's. Most "sales" were going to occur at or BEFORE that time. Of course there is going to be a huge drop off AFTER the holiday season. So, the whole premise just does not fit. Just another "excuse" to force someone else vision of the game on everyone else.


Therefore, I DO NOT SUPPORT this thread in any way. :rolleyes:

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I don't get how being able to make your own macros is cheating?


I mean is it really that big of a deal if I use a macro to target and add instead of clicking on it, and then have the macro say that i am on that add?


or a macro that announces when i have taunted a mob?


or a macro that puts all the raid rules in one place so I don't have to retype them every time someone new is added to the group?


I get the objections to a parseable combat log. But people are really objecting to a threat meter? And as a side note why oh why isn't there some kind of combat dummy. It doesn't even have to give me number I just want something to sit and practice rotations on.


I get that a lot of people aren't at end game yet, I don't get why there is such hate over adding things that a good number of people are going to want 2 weeks from now when they are at endgame.


I want the game the game to be challenging, but I want it to be challenging because the contant is challenging not because their asking me to hammer in a nail with a glass hammer. There are serious flaws in multiple aspects of the game, that haven't yet become deal breakers to the majority of people. If they continue to not be fixed I would venture for some people they will become deal breakers.


And maybe that's what some people want. Maybe some people want this game to go the way of a niche game where only the true believers and the people who really enjoy the IP go for entertainment. I would prefer the game stay mainstream and continue to release content. But to do that the game needs to keep all the players it can, because in a couple of months that big shiny Diablo 3 is coming, and that is going to hit their numbers. In order to compete for market share the game needs to be current with what is available now, not what was acceptable 7 years ago.

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The game already is to a large extend like WoW. The Devs had, way back when the game was first announced, stated that they would be strongly inspired by WoW since they wished to learn from that success story.

When you say you are going to take a formula that is proven to be more than successful and then you leave out many "quality of life" aspects, then why do the whole copying in the first place?



This game needs a UI overhaul immediately, however. This should be done ASAP.

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Literally every item in that list has been brought up since at least eight months before the game came out. Don't hold your breath.


Yep, I remember reporting at least half of the list during the beta myself. It makes me wonder whether or not Bioware really even cares.

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Acquire foresight. Everyone, including the Rift/Aion/Warhammer Online players loved the game initially. You have to view the game objectively and comparatively to what else is on the market momentarily. As it stands, the game needs the aforementioned fixes, and the community needs to have the audacity to support those fixes and swallow their pride momentarily for the sake of the game.


Rift is still making money. I dont know why people are dogging that game so much and classifying it as a failure. And people DID NOT like Warhammer when it launched. It was a rage quit galorefest at launch. I played Warhammer at launch and didnt subscribe because of the bugs/downtime/broken nature of the game.


And Chat Bubbles are not a fix. Its one of the first things I turn off or make sure are turned off in a game.


And it isnt way too easy to get PVP gear. It is if you sit in PVP and Farm it all day long. Its easier to get PVP gear in WoW than it is in this game. And yes, I do PVP a lot.


I dont know if you have noticed that instances depopulate after a bit of the planet having a lower population.


Dont speak for all healers about the current UI being unfriendly towards healers. Anyone that has had my heals can attest to that.


You may want to pay attention to Dev posts on the color unification feature before demanding it be re-instated.


This is a Star Wars game. Space Combat is nice but not integral. In all the Movies and Cartoons. Space Combat was fly from point a to objective b then finished. Sure it would be nice, just dont assume and speak for everyone. Not having it is not a game breaker. OP, you, are just used to SWG. Which had a really awesome flight system. It will be nice to have it some day, its just something that will not/can not be added any time soon.


If you cant figure out what you are doing wrong without a combat log. Then you should try to take gaming less seriously, you will just give yourself an ulcer. It would be nice to have it. I always like to see what skill killed me and for how much damage. I never used these tanking/DPSing/Healing in other games. Never had to. Never had anyone question my abilities which is what the ability to parse data from a combat log ends up leading too. It ends up ruining games, lives, friendships, etc.


I agree with you on the PVP Brackets. Nothing I hated/hate more is getting into a Huttball match against a Pre-Made of lvl 50s. Bolster doesnt cut it when we all suffer against people with all their abilities all ready leveled up. It really destroys the fun of PVP.


LFG System does need a MASSIVE overhaul. Its just annoying. Wastes time having to wait for people to find their way to the heroic or fly all over the place for a flashpoint.


A lot of what was said is all assumptions and demands. Some are pretty important since the further you get into the game the annoyance because a massive time sink. Pretty much after 35 you start feeling the issues like the skill latency and having to wait for people to travel 20 minutes across a planet to a heroic. And having the feeling that you are being farmed for valor in PVP really ruins PVP once you get to a level where you actually have pride in your character and how you can perform in PVP.


And we totally need server forums. Like you said, it adds another aspect to community.

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I need visualisation of Proc. abileties. if it have 20-40% chance to proc, so you'll have to allways watch on buff panel, wich are ful of buffs.


Need target on target.


need bigger servers... and join 2 or 3 servers together...


Playing on pvp server with Middle population... 1-st world pvp meets on lvl 45 only...

Server so empty, that i feel like i play alone there...


Becouse when i played on Private-wow servers there was about 3-5k ppl allways online and allot of pvp...

on these tor server with middle population feeling like there are only 1k ppl or about.


like a healer i'm noneed addons but for now... im most cases it's imposible to select you'r party member with mouse... only can select it from party panel.


then need something like


/cast %self


When pressing like.. Alt key or someting, the cast was on my self...

So in pvp noneeded allways click on myself or lose target to heal myself then search my teammate again...


Sorry for my eng.

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- ADD TARGET OF TARGET into the game. Over-haul the UI in general.







Target of target is in the game r-tard.

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Target of target is in the game r-tard.


No, it is not. That's "toggle target of target." You have to manually press the hotkey every time to refresh the target of target. That defeats the entire purpose of ToT. It should be real-time refresh.

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I am beginning to think Bioware just doesn't care. The lack of cross-community-company communication is astounding.



Man, you are really not so important as you maybe think... There is one MILLION subscribers in first week. They will not send you special letter on the pink sheet just to make you feel even more important.


The developers are here to develop, not to discuss or explain to you some game design aspects...


If you start topic with disrespectful name (resuscitate), and with the attitude of Great Leader which is giving orders to the slaves, you just discredited yourself as relevant partner for discussion or any form of communication... The lack of communication (in your eyes) is also form of communication. They are telling you something. But not what you want to hear...


Get used to it - the life is full of pain and suffering...

Edited by SmilingBeast
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Every one of his suggestions made sense and seemed reasonable in terms of Bioware bringing the game up to modern standards.


It's also important for players to provide feedback. When Bioware makes the appropriate fixes, the negative feedback will vanish overnight.



No it will not, because 100 people have 100 opinions... 2.5 milions people have 2.5 opinions.

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I am beginning to think Bioware just doesn't care. The lack of cross-community-company communication is astounding.


We are nearing the first page of top replied and around the third or 4th of viewed and this thread is only a couple days old.


At least I'd like to hear their thoughts on the projects and their concerns as well. These concerns should also be announced to the playerbase who are playing in the darker - literally.


Most the players in the game are trying to figure out if they are playing a single player game or a multiplayer game.


Multiple times going through different planets and questing, I see an empty general chat and from time to time, people ask, "is anyone out there?" In a brand new game, that's disturbing. General chat should be flooded with people talking, LFG, etc.


Sorry, back to my point. In the blogs from BioWare, they show concern saying they hear us and are making change. This, however, only tells a SMALL minority and it needs to be addressed to the public, say in the client.


Your average player at this point is feeling the dark side of the game and it's growing. Their negativity starts outweighing the good and they view everything in a bad angle. On top of that, they see this game as unpolished and in need of work and the only thing they see in the client is PROTECT YOUR ACCOUNT!


Then they ask themselves, "who in their right mind would bother attempting to steal a SWTOR account?" I barely even want to play right now.


This feeling only grows as it did in Warhammer. They need to see that the company hears us and are making change. It doesn't have to be do with due dates, just that you know and it will get done.

Edited by Treyzorz
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Ah, another "make this game more like WoW or it will fail" thread.




If you even bothered to read anything - ANYTHING. You wouldn't have the audacity to say that.


We by no means what WoW in space. I am not asking for Darth Arthas or Jedi Master Thrall.


The game is already similar in function as WoW but with everything working in a lesser form. That is all I'm working to change for.


This is Star Wars, not WoW. I repeat. This is Star Wars, not WoW. Please give me an example of how any those changes make this game into WoW.

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It is very simple, if not all of these changes must be made with in the next 3-6 months or to put it simply, it will not last past June


Thank you for seeing the light.


In reality, this issue doesn't cover some of more game-breaking issues, but those are covered in additional threads such as ability delay within character animations.


Like with those threads, the people worked to get their information out to BioWare but are flooded with negative and generic responses in which they have to defend against.


For some reason at any attempt of bettering your game, you are trying to be like WoW. This astounds me.

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I am beginning to think Bioware just doesn't care. The lack of cross-community-company communication is astounding.


I am sure that between the launch of the game, the holiday season and the bug fixes that DID go out already they are very keen on answering questions of one of the worst customer (the biggest whiner for sure) out of the 1.5 million playing.


Also, the fact that some of these bugs/missing features have been in the game since beta started, doesn't mean that no work at all has happened. Something that you might find gamebreaking apparently is not gamebreaking for 1.5 million (and growing, no resusitation needed) other people who are still enjoying the game.


Beside the fact that you seem to claim the reason why other games have failed, which you don't since you cannot look into the minds of gamers who have quit other games. let alone that all MMORPG's since launch had whiners like yourself whether or not they were succesfull (and all had a lot of them) which is something you claim to be a mark of a bad game. So this claim is obvious false as well making your resusitation comment completely hopeless.


I am sorry but the simple truth is that the game is a huge succes so far and shows hardly any signs of deteriorating any time soon. This is the only stat which is fact and the only one to be able to go by. Every game is a story on its own especially when your statistics comprise of maybe 3 to 4 previous games which is hardly a set in stone path of growth in the MMORPG genre.


The list in your post has actually a lot of good things. The tone and the fact that it was written by the person already known for being the worst poster makes it completely useless.

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It is very simple, if not all of these changes must be made with in the next 3-6 months or to put it simply, it will not last past June


Please show me any evidence of this, please do. Rift tried to add a lot of these features asap after launch and they went down the drain as well. This is my fact, what are yours?

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Thank you for seeing the light.


In reality, this issue doesn't cover some of more game-breaking issues, but those are covered in additional threads such as ability delay within character animations.


Like with those threads, the people worked to get their information out to BioWare but are flooded with negative and generic responses in which they have to defend against.


For some reason at any attempt of bettering your game, you are trying to be like WoW. This astounds me.


Because the obivous "this game will die" or 'This game needs resuscitation" are very helpfull comments right? Or the person who compared it to a car saying that the steering wheel and tires and whatever where missing.


So to add to that analogy, you apparently find it normal to go to the cardealer and throw molotov coctails through the window?


The pot calling the kettle black.

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I am sure that between the launch of the game, the holiday season and the bug fixes that DID go out already they are very keen on answering questions of one of the worst customer (the biggest whiner for sure) out of the 1.5 million playing.


Also, the fact that some of these bugs/missing features have been in the game since beta started, doesn't mean that no work at all has happened. Something that you might find gamebreaking apparently is not gamebreaking for 1.5 million (and growing, no resusitation needed) other people who are still enjoying the game.


Beside the fact that you seem to claim the reason why other games have failed, which you don't since you cannot look into the minds of gamers who have quit other games. let alone that all MMORPG's since launch had whiners like yourself whether or not they were succesfull (and all had a lot of them) which is something you claim to be a mark of a bad game. So this claim is obvious false as well making your resusitation comment completely hopeless.


I am sorry but the simple truth is that the game is a huge succes so far and shows hardly any signs of deteriorating any time soon. This is the only stat which is fact and the only one to be able to go by. Every game is a story on its own especially when your statistics comprise of maybe 3 to 4 previous games which is hardly a set in stone path of growth in the MMORPG genre.


The list in your post has actually a lot of good things. The tone and the fact that it was written by the person already known for being the worst poster makes it completely useless.


I do not know if any of these accusations are true about Xugos nor do I care, but if BioWare were to also ignore me because of him, shame on them.


I have been in this thread for a long time now defending these points and trying to get the message out there to BioWare. They released a VERY subpar game and it needs to be fixed, URGENTLY.


There are free games with better releases than this, at least in certain areas and core functions. This is NOT a joke.


The game like many other MMOS are always a huge success...in the first 30-60 days. That is because people are tired of WoW. They want something else and this is another chance, but again, these companies are rushed to release their games and always end up failing.


Bioware is going down this path.


You're right, we cannot look into the minds of other gamers. Does that mean we cannot view past history in other MMOs and see what is was that made them flee and what it was that made them stay? So we look to the most successful, WoW. We want some of what they have: their functionality, their players, and other core features that still allow SWTOR to be unique, but with aspects to a game that have been proven to work.


We say this in the forums, then people do two things.


Say we want to be like WoW or they attempt to discredit this post or Xugos because of one thing he did in the past.


This is why politics are the way they are now. People.


Xugos offers valid points, yet because of some tone and something in his past apparently discredits anything so we are now expected to just let SWTOR fail? Sorry, I won't let that happen.


And one more thing, I'm here and have been here since the beginning of this post. I have yet to be discredited, so does that make this post valid, again?



Please show me any evidence of this, please do. Rift tried to add a lot of these features asap after launch and they went down the drain as well. This is my fact, what are yours?


I didn't try Rift so I cannot say much for the game. The reason why I didn't try it was because from the very little research I did I knew the game was going to be a failure.


SWTOR was released with amazing gameplay and a poor foundation where Rift was the opposite.


This is why I'm so adamant that SWTOR can work as long as the devs can get to work.

Edited by Treyzorz
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