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Bioware, You Want to Resuscitate This Game? Then Implement The Following.


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I havent read all the posts or anything, but I'll still give my few toughts.


1. I love the game, BUT it feels like a Singel Player RPG more then a MMO so far (not saying it is bad bad, just different and unexpected).


2. Instances are abit "dull" atleast thats how I feel so far (level 25 tanking jedi shadow), and from what I'we seen of end game posts and videos I'm not impressed, but when or if I get there I'll prolly have a better picture of it.


3. Graphics are aweseom, I love them, but the UI is horrible, I hate that, I wouldent mind some Addon support, UI mods and things is good for me, I dont mind if there are any DPS/healing meters either as it's fun to track your own progression.


4. Even heavy populated servers feel empty, this might be a side effect off the linear story, instancing for each class or Bioware/EA are throttling servers in the beggining (aka calling medium pop servers full, instead of risking crashes).


5. I dont like the AH, it needs better search options and more freedom, I dont want to be FORCED to chose the required items, I want to be able to write "rifle" and search for it.


6. The crafting system, while the idea of a companion based thing is cool, I hate when I'm doing my batch of skilling it takes FOREVER to make something...



Well, I'm still having fun, and I'm going to try out at lvl 50 for abit, but if it dosent catch on properly it'll end up as wow did at our house, uninstalled and cancled.

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Ok first of all calm down. Talking in cap and all red just make you look like a troll.


Second, how is wanting the good ideas from any mmo a bad idea? WoW or other wise?


Please give me a good reason. Think about it before you rage replay please.


Ahh see because of the title of the post.. if he can make it sound so desperate that we need to be like XXXXX MMO and not the one it is, then I feel we could use red letters or caps to make sure it is just as silly.



As far as what (YOU THINK) a good idea from a MMO is, others may not is the whole point.


This person makes it sound like these things are needed or the game is over. As far as Rage reply...lol after seeing what these forums have turned into, most people should just be ashamed.


Your good reason is, this is a PRODUCT, it was made a certain way. Sure you can always improve a product, but this product was made a certain way. SOME people and I can tell you a lot like it the way it is and hope to conform to it NOT it conform to us.


There is a lot of things in the game that make it different, there is nothing wrong with NOT being like some other MMOs.


The issue here is, on top of that what is important in the first 6 months of the game... I hope that those in his list are not even on that list.


I rather see game breaking issues addressed and or bugs, things broken. ADDING IN.. is and always should be last.

Edited by Iskareot
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The game is not dying by any means, my server is always full OP, you need a reality check. This game doesnt need to be resuscitated LOL. Altho I will say a few of your ideas are not bad but I think you all expect alot from a game that is only a month old. And because YOU think it must be this way then it has to. Grow up real life doesnt fit into a box that you think has to be a certain way, life seldom if ever works out like you want. This game is new takes time to fix bugs and add new content changes and raging on the forums accomplishes nothing. Give the guys at Bioware a break they are doing a good job, alot better than most MMO's ive seen. Edited by Fallensouls
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The assumption that things that work in WoW would necessarily work in any other MMO is wrong, tho.


WoW's "shortcuts" (instance warping, cross server instancing, dual speccs etc) are absolutely functional within WoW, but they do work in it due to WoW's characterstics. WoW is a strongly instanced game that makes no use of the overworld anymore, that rejects the idea of traveling, that cares little to nothing about mood or immersion and favours instant gratification. It's quickly moving toward having any kind of interaction that isn't fighting or looting being handled through browsing instead of playing, and the community is fine with it, because non-instanced gameplay is terrible filler in WoW by today's standards, and the game is 90% about the process of looting.


SWTOR is NOT, in its strongest aspects, a loot based game. It's a strong component (as in any MMO) but SWTOR's distinctive elements (story, companions, even the grinds) play out rather differently than WoW's. The moment travel and exploration are removed from the game and we warp to zones from a menu, the game will lose a massive amount of appeal.


You may have missed the point. He doesn't want the core values of this game to change to a standard mmo. He would like the small and very useful features that are in WoW, Rift, AION, etc...to be added to SWTOR because then the game would have more "depth" or w/e you wish to call it.


Having a fully modable UI or even customizable UI wouldn't take away from the story, the the gameplay, or even the over all game.


Same with almost everything he is suggesting. Do i agree with everything? No? BUT....he makes some damn good points.

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Would be great if they add all that, but I am playing the game regardless.


We need a better lfg system, but keep it to the server.


I am hoping they make some pvp brackets as you suggested. The higher level superiority is starting to show. But I really think this was only during the early weeks/months of the game, so everyone can get games while they level.

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Are you serious? Really? "Resuscitate"?


When I logged in tonight, 25% of the servers were Standard load, 50% were Very Heavy, and the other 25% were Heavy.


This game has been live for the general populace for 13 days- THIRTEEN DAYS!!!!! -and the servers are so busy there are queues, and you're talking about resuscitation?


Just how impatient and illogical are people nowadays???



How can you claim that this game is alive just by lookind the number of servers being full, and still have the nerve to stress out how illogical people are nowadays?!


Do you know what the player cap is on the socalled FULL servers? Any server can be called full if the player cap i low enough.


Stop hating on people that have other opinions than you, this game i filled with bugs and errors, some people chose to ignore them and some dont. The fact of the matter is that they are there!


Anyone who doesnt love this game and whos accepting all the countless bugs unconditionally is either a hater or ignorant. Why is this?


How the hell can BW get away with have close to no costumer support when there are so many players in need of assistance due to bugs?!


Please enlighten me.


OP: You stress out some really good constructive points. Good job



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1. I love the game, BUT it feels like a Singel Player RPG more then a MMO so far (not saying it is bad bad, just different and unexpected).


this is something im concerned about.


sure the story can be interesting although i find myself spacing through a lot of the general quests as quite frankly i dont care why you want me to go kill 12 bugs or pick 10 mushrooms for you.


enjoying the class story though.


BUT.. because of these stories i feel like im in a single player game. my svr has queues to get in but it feels empty.


tis a little disjointed.


im wondering how this pans out at 50. does it just stop and turn into 'do instance, get gear, win' like all mmos or is there more single type player story? only time will tell.


still. im enjoying the game, unsure as to how i'll feel at level cap.

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You keep telling yourself that sweet thing.


I wish it wasn't true, because I want to play this game into the next year, but wake up, man. SWTOR doesn't have a chance against that "other MMO," Pandas and Pokemon and all.

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Well, I have to say that I agree with almost everything on this list. A lot of the things on the list would be really easy and quick to implement fixes.


I see no reason why bioware cant get this done immediately.


They are limited on "man" power. Remember EA is in control of them now(which is good and bad) so they will be limited(least i think) with the amount of people they can hire.


Adding all of this would take a lot of time. I am not sure if you have ever coded a program or even in DOS, it is very time consuming. This is not something that can be done over night.

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Personally, near every point on this list is spot-on for me. I can't really judge about the pvp points though, since i never pvp and could care less about those, but they seem pretty logical as well. All the rest, yup, pretty straightforward and sorely lacking. I do agree most of these items will help decide on tor's short-term future..
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I agree with the OP's list.


This game does have a lot of potential so I really hope they get to fixing these issues fast. I plan to stick around for a few months and see where things go. If BW doesn't get something done fast they are going to have a massive sub loss on their hands, which leads to server consolidation which leads to MMO death.

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I wish it wasn't true, because I want to play this game into the next year, but wake up, man. SWTOR doesn't have a chance against that "other MMO," Pandas and Pokemon and all.


I find your lack of faith.....disturbing........

Edited by TofuMask
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All Legit Issues. The biggest issue for me is Horrible Control responses. Right now it feels like having the opposite of Jedi reflexes :(


I think OP deserves some credit for telling it as it is. However, I do have a personal list of things I do like about the game which is just as long. Important that we dont lose the positives among all the negatives.

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There is a great deal of truth here. I'm not sure that I like it, but I think that the Devs NEED to read this and take the OP's advice (at least some of it.)

personally, I think it was a atrocity that KOTOR III became an MMO, and I truly wish that it was a single player game, but it's an MMO now, and if it wants to survive long term, it needs to act like one.


on the other hand: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Bioware, don't neglect the RPG loving MMO antisocial player base. Give us more single player content for the love of god.

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I have never played WoW. Are these things what makes WoW good? I was under the impression that it was mechanic and content...


No other game that failed implemented these things for the guarenteed success? Or did they and still failed? :(

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Allow me to share a little anecdote.


I got my girlfriend to play this game after she toyed around with a character on my Beta account. She liked it so much she unconditionally pre-ordered and subbed for 3 months right out of the gate.


Now, she has never played an MMO before. Never played WoW, never played EQ, nothing. She does play games, but mostly Sims, Plants Vs. Zombies, and a little Civ. She did play Left 4 Dead and Portal with me too, but FPS isn't her thing. She's the ideal "Casual Market." She's what WoW hits in its 11 million subs. She's the Farmville demographic. And she's exactly what this game needs to attract to be successful in the long run.


Now, we're around level 18 on our mains, she a Gunslinger and I a Jedi Seer. We've been questing the whole way together, working through Heroics, Flashpoints, and class quests and having a generally good time doing it. Last night, however, we were attempting to run Hammer Station. I'm already a healer, so we thought it'd be pretty quick to get a group.


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


10 minutes later...


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


Another 10 minutes...


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


An hour later, we've finally got a tank and are ready to go. So we get in the instance, start working through, suddenly the tank goes linkdead. Maybe he'll come back, we think. Half hour later, no tank, and I'm back spamming General chat.


So my girlfriend is tired of this at this point, and suggests we just give up. "Why isn't there an easier way to get a group? This seems really bad," she says. I agree, but have to explain to her that other games do this WAY better and for some reason or another this game is really behind the times when it comes to grouping. "If its like this for all the end of the game stuff," she says, "I don't think I'll be playing very much after hitting 50."

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I wish it wasn't true, because I want to play this game into the next year, but wake up, man. SWTOR doesn't have a chance against that "other MMO," Pandas and Pokemon and all.

I think it does, actually. Only time will tell.


But for the same reason Obama won the last election. Lots of people liked Obama, because he was a decent candidate to them. However, lots of people were tired of Bush (see: WoW) after 8 years, and then the GOP gave them its newest, fanciest, coolest expansion - John McCain (see: MoP). In the end, people flocked away from voting for the GOP and to the new guy because, while he wasn't really super amazing, he was good enough, and they were tired of the old thing. And in the end, the old thing really effed itself over by introducing something so ridiculously stupid (Sarah Palin) that even some of the hardcore fanboys of the couldn't even find it in their hearts to stick with their favorite (as with a percentage of GOP voters refused to vote for McCain because they really, really couldn't stand Palin).




p.s. Don't take this as a political post or argue with it. I don't care what your opinion is, and I think all of the aforementioned people suck at life.

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Allow me to share a little anecdote.


I got my girlfriend to play this game after she toyed around with a character on my Beta account. She liked it so much she unconditionally pre-ordered and subbed for 3 months right out of the gate.


Now, she has never played an MMO before. Never played WoW, never played EQ, nothing. She does play games, but mostly Sims, Plants Vs. Zombies, and a little Civ. She did play Left 4 Dead and Portal with me too, but FPS isn't her thing. She's the ideal "Casual Market." She's what WoW hits in its 11 million subs. She's the Farmville demographic. And she's exactly what this game needs to attract to be successful in the long run.


Now, we're around level 18 on our mains, she a Gunslinger and I a Jedi Seer. We've been questing the whole way together, working through Heroics, Flashpoints, and class quests and having a generally good time doing it. Last night, however, we were attempting to run Hammer Station. I'm already a healer, so we thought it'd be pretty quick to get a group.


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"







10 minutes later...


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


Another 10 minutes...


"1. General - Delro: LFM 1 More Tank for Hammer Station! PST"


An hour later, we've finally got a tank and are ready to go. So we get in the instance, start working through, suddenly the tank goes linkdead. Maybe he'll come back, we think. Half hour later, no tank, and I'm back spamming General chat.


So my girlfriend is tired of this at this point, and suggests we just give up. "Why isn't there an easier way to get a group? This seems really bad," she says. I agree, but have to explain to her that other games do this WAY better and for some reason or another this game is really behind the times when it comes to grouping. "If its like this for all the end of the game stuff," she says, "I don't think I'll be playing very much after hitting 50."




See I have never had that problem my wife and I duoed Hammer station with our companions it was a hoot.

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