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Where did all the money go?


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ArenaNet was never Korean. Where are you getting that from? Learn your games history. They are a spin-off from Blizzard. The company was founded in Seattle by three guys with such obvious Korean names as O'Brien, Wyatt, and Strain.


Parent company NCSoft is a South Korean company and drives distinctly Korean design themes through their games. Enough said.

Edited by Andryah
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Can I have your stuff?


I simply don't understand what the complaining is about? Played every single MMO that's not Korean or Chinese since Asheron's Call. I simply don't understand the incessant QQ?


There's nothing wrong with this game? It's a derivative of WoW like every single RTS ever created is a derivative of C & C. Get over it.


If you aren't playing this game for the story elements, then this game isn't for you. Give me your stuff and quit.


IIRC Warcraft: Orcs & Humans was released prior to C & C. Therefore I have to disagree with you ;)

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They are not pets, not even remotely like pets in other MMOs.


Nice try though.


How can you say that?


You companion comes with:

- aggressive stance or attack button

- passive stance or stop doing things button

- auto attack when you attack

- an action bar that you can control


How are companions not pets? Because they interact with you? I don't see Any companion at any point in time stopping and despawning themselves saying "Have fun and go die now, I'm not" At least not intentionally but time to time the game does decide to elevator kill the AI.

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ArenaNet was never Korean. Where are you getting that from? Learn your games history. They are a spin-off from Blizzard. The company was founded in Seattle by three guys with such obvious Korean names as O'Brien, Wyatt, and Strain.


LMAO I kinda love you right now.



Parent company NCSoft is a South Korean company and drives distinctly Korean design themes through their games. Enough said.


Just because their parent company is NCSoft doesn't mean they tell ArenaNet how to do their thing. ArenaNet operates on its own with NCSoft financially backing them.

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That doesn't mean it was a defining title in the genre, as it wasn't.


depends, to some it was to others it wasn't, granted C and C did essentially change the face of it to be more mainstream.


but i played warcraft back then before C & C came out so to me it was a defining game...just sayin.

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How can you say that?


You companion comes with:

- aggressive stance or attack button

- passive stance or stop doing things button

- auto attack when you attack

- an action bar that you can control


How are companions not pets? Because they interact with you? I don't see Any companion at any point in time stopping and despawning themselves saying "Have fun and go die now, I'm not" At least not intentionally but time to time the game does decide to elevator kill the AI.


"Pets" in other games are basically a damage add to you.


Companions in SWTOR actually interact with you and extend your abilities AND your immersion in the game in a number of ways which are unique compared to other MMOs (and therefore innovative).


They interact as part of your story lines and even become integral parts of some stories

They actually interact with you, rather then just operate as a dps add.

They craft for you

They gather for you

They will run skill missions for you

They operate on much more inteligent AI then "pets" in other MMOs (save for the fear they seem to have of elevators).

You can romance them (and actually they can also romance you)

They are humanoid


You can relegate your companions down to be simple "pets". That's your choice. You can even put them away and never use them (silly if you do but hey... go for it). But if you do either of these things, you have removed a key innovative element of the game from your game experience.


They do talk too much though. But then again.... that make them chatty companions (not pets, which do not talk to you or interact with you in other games).

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I like the game, but i feel theres nothing rly honest about this company anymore. Truth to be told, probably most of it goes in the pocket of EA. Cannot say i really trust them with what they say. Edited by Ommm
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Hello folks,


We've gone ahead and done a bit of maintenance in this thread.


As a reminder, please note that while we understand opinions can get heated when it comes to disagreement, using insults such as "troll", "fanboy", or other such derogatory terms are not allowed. Discussion of a topic is expected to be respectful and all criticism is to be constructive. Please leave this rudeness out of your posts.


Thanks for your understanding.

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They are not pets, not even remotely like pets in other MMOs.


Nice try though.


You've reached the point of being delusional my friend.


Companions are literally just pets that you can gear and talk to. Adding tiny bells and whistles to pets do not suddenly make them not pets.

Edited by Vgbeee
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6+ years of development


No target of target


I wonder the same OP.



I don't wonder...........it went into the voice acting, they hired 2 actors that I know right off the top of my head who probably cost quite a bit, and I mean real actors not just someone that does voices but ACTORS!

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