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COME ON..FIX PVP ALREADY .. Empire wins 99% of Warfronts


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pvp is fine, bad players are bad players


Actually I dont think pvp is fine at all, my 37 trooper hits a geared lvl 50 for approx 700 - 1200 with gravity bolt and yet I seem to get hit for 3k+ quite consistently from higher level characters.


I use as many skills as I can but my life expectancy is only several seconds, I remember watching a release leading upto the game where devs claim gone are the days of being one shot. They are right but instead I get 3 shot by some classes, other like the BH seem to 2 shot me but I could be taking dmg from other players at the same time.


I truly dont believe i'm a bad player and my gear is the best I can get at my level, so what does it say about the state of pvp?

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Friggan carebears.


Huttball is the least forgiving PVP instance I've seen for pvp idiocy. It is the hidden gem of this game imo. Gear, level, and classes mean dirt. Three level 10 players, who know how to place themselves and pass the ball can dominate the game regardless of the rest of the team. This is a game that FORCES you to stop killwhoring and work together to achieve a goal or lose. It's like PVP teamwork bootcamp. All the posts complaining about huttball, those are the crappy pvp players who are sad that kill counters do not score goals.



Empire has more population. *

Empire plays a LOT of huttball vs empire.

Empire preformed PVP groups spend a lot of time curbstomping empire pugs.

Empire puggers spend a lot of time learning from getting curbstomped by premades.

Empire puggers get is some very good games vs other empire pugs.

Empire players pugger or not, rack up commendations playing huttball vs each other.

Empire players that suck at PVP get their fill of it facing empire premades and go PVE.



Example: I'm a PVP oriented empire player who has been playing huttball for the majority of my experiance since I was level 10. I hit the valor rank =< level cap. I have to convert commendations and prebuy gear and boxes I could not open or use to avoid the 1000 commendation limit. I had my PVP saber the level I could use it.. 14 or 15 i think? I had my level 20 pvp suit paid for by time I hit 20. I often pug successfully because I'm objective orientated, but if I have a couple friends on vent to group with we are unstoppable.




Republic has less population.

Almost any time republic queues they will be against empire players.

Republic premades get stomped by better geared, more experienced empire premades.

Republic premades have a chance against empire pugs.

Republic pugs have no chance against empire premades or the empire pugs.

Republic players that suck at pvp have to find out vs empire, they are not preweeded.



Roll it all together...


When a Republic vs Empire battle happens:


1. Empire is more likely to be premade, we have more premade groups because we have more people, plus our puggers learn to premake groups to survive in huttball.


2. Empire players have more teamwork experience. A republic player who does nothing but PVP and an empire player who does nothing but PVP will have a similar number of hours playing PVP in this game, but the empire player will have a much higher occurance of huttball.


3. Empire puggers are better than republic puggers. This is really a matter of filtering. We have a bigger base of players and a much nastier method of weening the litter, therefore the puggers we field are better on average than the puggers the republic fields.

The empire puggers who suck will burn out quickly on huttball. Republic players will see them a couple times, if at all before the huttball grind drives them back to admiring the voiceovers in pve land. The empire puggers who keep playing PVP are likely to be enjoying themselves and gearing for PVP.

Republic puggers who suck will have to learn that lesson fighting the empire, they are unlikely to be pvp geared because this is their first taste of pvp. Republic puggers who do not really suck might think they do, fighting the better geared (on average) empire puggers. That causes them to self filter needlessly and exacerbate the population imbalance that fuels this engine of fail.





Huttball = pvp bootcamp


Population imbalance = Empire Huttball meatgrinder


Big population put through the meatgrinder = concentrated empire pvp goodness


Simple mathmatically obvious reason for imbalalance in performance between player populations = Jedi tears and cries of imblance between mirrored classes.**





* IMO we likely have a larger % of the seriously PVP minded population as well. Not getting into that argument with you though, as the rest of my argument stands without getting into subjective speculations.


** Not denying the possibility of animation delays, but I doubt that holds a candle to the differences caused by the cyclic effect above.

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divide 50s evenly per side and mix empire and republic


bam both problems solved


this is star wars - if that happened i would never play PVP until its changed back

why on earth would i want to play along side my enemy - there mayaswell not be factions if this was to happen

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*Scratches head*


The classes are mirrored... so if Empire is winning every match, does that not mean that Republic are just not as good?


they are mirrored exactly - i looked at the talent trees the only difference is the names of abilities ! republic are just bad by the sound of it :)

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Friggan carebears.


Huttball is the least forgiving PVP instance I've seen for pvp idiocy. It is the hidden gem of this game imo. Gear, level, and classes mean dirt. Three level 10 players, who know how to place themselves and pass the ball can dominate the game regardless of the rest of the team. This is a game that FORCES you to stop killwhoring and work together to achieve a goal or lose. It's like PVP teamwork bootcamp. All the posts complaining about huttball, those are the crappy pvp players who are sad that kill counters do not score goals.



Empire has more population. *

Empire plays a LOT of huttball vs empire.

Empire preformed PVP groups spend a lot of time curbstomping empire pugs.

Empire puggers spend a lot of time learning from getting curbstomped by premades.

Empire puggers get is some very good games vs other empire pugs.

Empire players pugger or not, rack up commendations playing huttball vs each other.

Empire players that suck at PVP get their fill of it facing empire premades and go PVE.



Example: I'm a PVP oriented empire player who has been playing huttball for the majority of my experiance since I was level 10. I hit the valor rank =< level cap. I have to convert commendations and prebuy gear and boxes I could not open or use to avoid the 1000 commendation limit. I had my PVP saber the level I could use it.. 14 or 15 i think? I had my level 20 pvp suit paid for by time I hit 20. I often pug successfully because I'm objective orientated, but if I have a couple friends on vent to group with we are unstoppable.




Republic has less population.

Almost any time republic queues they will be against empire players.

Republic premades get stomped by better geared, more experienced empire premades.

Republic premades have a chance against empire pugs.

Republic pugs have no chance against empire premades or the empire pugs.

Republic players that suck at pvp have to find out vs empire, they are not preweeded.



Roll it all together...


When a Republic vs Empire battle happens:


1. Empire is more likely to be premade, we have more premade groups because we have more people, plus our puggers learn to premake groups to survive in huttball.


2. Empire players have more teamwork experience. A republic player who does nothing but PVP and an empire player who does nothing but PVP will have a similar number of hours playing PVP in this game, but the empire player will have a much higher occurance of huttball.


3. Empire puggers are better than republic puggers. This is really a matter of filtering. We have a bigger base of players and a much nastier method of weening the litter, therefore the puggers we field are better on average than the puggers the republic fields.

The empire puggers who suck will burn out quickly on huttball. Republic players will see them a couple times, if at all before the huttball grind drives them back to admiring the voiceovers in pve land. The empire puggers who keep playing PVP are likely to be enjoying themselves and gearing for PVP.

Republic puggers who suck will have to learn that lesson fighting the empire, they are unlikely to be pvp geared because this is their first taste of pvp. Republic puggers who do not really suck might think they do, fighting the better geared (on average) empire puggers. That causes them to self filter needlessly and exacerbate the population imbalance that fuels this engine of fail.





Huttball = pvp bootcamp


Population imbalance = Empire Huttball meatgrinder


Big population put through the meatgrinder = concentrated empire pvp goodness


Simple mathmatically obvious reason for imbalalance in performance between player populations = Jedi tears and cries of imblance between mirrored classes.**





* IMO we likely have a larger % of the seriously PVP minded population as well. Not getting into that argument with you though, as the rest of my argument stands without getting into subjective speculations.


** Not denying the possibility of animation delays, but I doubt that holds a candle to the differences caused by the cyclic effect above.


YAWN i doubt your long winded explenation, pvp is just broke, final

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but there have been some Republic pvp teams that have really beat the crap out of my team. Maybe it's because most games are EvE and so we've more accustomed to dealing with those types of classes, but considering there is supposed to be mirrors, you'd think that it wouldn't be the case.


But I've seen commandos just mow down a line and become hard as nails to break. Not saying anything is unbalanced. I don't understand most of the complaints about PvP. All the republic classes seem to have the same abliity effects as empire, why do you think it's a game balance problem?

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My server can not win warfronts.... its so demoralizing.... I would like to get my daily and weekly warfront wins but its impossible to win.... LOOK at the win/loss ration for each faction and tell us something is wrong... When you have people on the Empire side doing 4 times the damage as everyone else...


can anyone else but me see this is a troll?


My Server can't win? Server's don't fight servers...


People on the empire side doing 4x the damage? Right okay.

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but there have been some Republic pvp teams that have really beat the crap out of my team. Maybe it's because most games are EvE and so we've more accustomed to dealing with those types of classes, but considering there is supposed to be mirrors, you'd think that it wouldn't be the case.


But I've seen commandos just mow down a line and become hard as nails to break. Not saying anything is unbalanced. I don't understand most of the complaints about PvP. All the republic classes seem to have the same abliity effects as empire, why do you think it's a game balance problem?


To me personally I dont see it as a class balance problem but rather pvp mechanic (lack of bracketing) problem. I would keep bolstering in place but bracket the levels so at any given time you would only be facing a player at a max of 9 levels above you.

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I have been pvping to lvl since 14 on both of my characters. For awhile Imperials were getting creamed every game and it was really not very fun. Then a couple guild started to do premades and I noticed we started winning a more often, then I joined a guild and started doing premades with them.


PVP is amazingly fun in vent with some friends that you enjoy playing with. If your solo queuing then I would expect to lose. That what I do when I play alone, it almost doesn't seem worth it anymore not to win. Especially since you get alot more XP if you just farm kills rather then play the game objectively...

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