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The quest where you need to defeat Thanaton and his apprentice.


Whats the best strategy/companion for a deception assassin? I can probably buy level 40 oranges from the PvP vendors (if you can equip companions with them??) for 1 companion so i would like to know which one would be best. If Khem cant tank him would it be better with Andronikos who is ranged and can probably stay out of AoE lightning?


And the obvious, what level should i be? Tried it unprepared at 39 and i got toasted real quick.


Open to suggestion.



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I just did this last night using Ashara (lvl 40), and my general strategy for dealing with elites is to pop recklessness then go in for a couple and then pop the first electrocute (heal if you're getting hammered) then pop Channel the Force to reset the CD on it. Pop defensive buffs (even as dps they'll help for a short time), and hold off on your second electrocute until you're getting pressured hard. All the while lay into him as hard as you can...


I know it's not the best strategy but still I hope this helps :)

Edited by Sivar
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I used Andro for that fight.


As deception, you have many opportunities to interrupt. The difference between a win or a loss on the big fights can frequently come down to whether or not you're interrupting the right stuff.

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Like the above poster said, use your interrupts often and don't forget about Low Slash. If you're using Khem to tank, you can force him to move out of any AOE by either toggling his passive state or running away and taunting Ronan across the room. Edited by frazb
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Like the above poster said, use your interrupts often and don't forget about Low Slash. If you're using Khem to tank, you can force him to move out of any AOE by either toggling his passive state or running away and taunting Ronan across the room.


AS i wrote, youc an kill Ronan in 3 seconds just by knocking him of the bridge, no need for all that you suggest :D

Edited by Anelitt
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  • 3 months later...
Run to bridge 20 yards behind you, press overload, wave bye to Rolan flying into the abyss.


Fight over after 3 seconds.



Tried that he simply respawns in the middle of the room this does not work anymore!:mad:

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yeah. throwing him off the bridge isn't working. between that, and only being able to use one medpack, and consumption costing more health, and my being heal spec'd i am spending more time healing myself than damaging him. I will be sad if i have to have help, lol.
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Run to bridge 20 yards behind you, press overload, wave bye to Rolan flying into the abyss.


Fight over after 3 seconds.


Nope, this doesn't work anymore. As another posted stated, Ronan simply respawns and kicks the ever living crap out of you.

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I came to this mission just the other night. I really have no idea how I managed it.


Well, almost. I may be remembering wrong, but I think what I did was get Ashara, and start the match with an attack, then force sped over to the side. Ashara jumped in quickly and started aggroing him, but the main point was making sure he got that first AoE off, without it hitting everyone. After that, I spammed heals on Ashara, stopping every now and then for an interrupt or stun, till she went down, then when he came after me, I would heal myself why DoT'ing him up, running whenever he starts his big cast and I can't interrupt it, eventually grinding him down over time. A really painful mission, which makes no sense plotwise (I should be the one who's OP'd, not him) and the aftermath made me feel unsatisfied. The universal class buff was worth it, though.

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I was heal-specced also for this fight. I still brought out Talos to be my healer while I kited Rolan. One key to kiting as a sorc is keeping aggro off Talos since you don't have a taunt.


I bubbled Talos occasionally, healed him only when I had to. That let me focus on Rolan for damage and interrupts.


He was actually easier the second time on my sin, but a lot of that was due to having done it before.

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  • 2 months later...
I have reached this quest and tried to attempt it and fail at level 41. I have tried to overload Rolan off the bridge. He does fall but he doesnt die. He then reappears on the bridge again. I cant seem to interupt him enough. Any suggestions?
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  • 1 month later...
I wish I could do just that to finish this chapter...but I get to the chamber and walk up to the opening pass the bridge toward Thanaton but the movie scene never plays. The green triangle on the mini map shows the middle of the room and my cursor changes in order to display the NPC has something to say but nothing is played. I restarted swtor and i played a few warzones, FP and a few other missions...returned and still nothing...Lvl 40 Assassin on server Tomb of Freedon nadd. HELP ME GET PASS THIS...what am I doing wrong here....?:mad::(
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I wish I could do just that to finish this chapter...but I get to the chamber and walk up to the opening pass the bridge toward Thanaton but the movie scene never plays. The green triangle on the mini map shows the middle of the room and my cursor changes in order to display the NPC has something to say but nothing is played. I restarted swtor and i played a few warzones, FP and a few other missions...returned and still nothing...Lvl 40 Assassin on server Tomb of Freedon nadd. HELP ME GET PASS THIS...what am I doing wrong here....?:mad::(


i have the same problem, and theirs a few other people on DK saying they cant get it to work too

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I wish I could do just that to finish this chapter...but I get to the chamber and walk up to the opening pass the bridge toward Thanaton but the movie scene never plays. The green triangle on the mini map shows the middle of the room and my cursor changes in order to display the NPC has something to say but nothing is played. I restarted swtor and i played a few warzones, FP and a few other missions...returned and still nothing...Lvl 40 Assassin on server Tomb of Freedon nadd. HELP ME GET PASS THIS...what am I doing wrong here....?:mad::(


Same problem here.... grrr.

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Well they are doing maintenance tomorrow for three hours. Let's hope they fix the issues with all class quests.


I wouldnt count on it. I checked the PTS patch notes and there was no mention of the class bugs being fixed. WHY did I start a Sith Inquisitor again?

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I wouldnt count on it. I checked the PTS patch notes and there was no mention of the class bugs being fixed. WHY did I start a Sith Inquisitor again?


Can you link those?

Because the only PTS notes I've seen so far today are the ones for 1.4 (which ofc is not coming tomorrow)

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