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LOL at people calling for nerfs on any dps class.


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Newsflash! i didnt start pvp untill lvl 50. so yes i was a tank and the smuggler in question was also lvl 50. get facts before jumping the gun.


I absolutely had no fear of any op/scoundrel on a guardian/jug. DMG ops/scoundrels are among the WORST premade vs premade classes and absolutely horrible against a tank/heal stack which everyone is starting to do.


How the hell are you getting dropped with a 16-17000 health pool with defensive cooldowns, laststand, biochem pot that you should be combining with it and the closest thing to "stunlock" in this game?


They open for 4 k tops on you. They then have like a 2 second delay (cus of stupid scoundrel animations) before they can even backblast you. IF they had the warzone buff, an adrenal, and a trinket all rolling AND everything crit they would be lucky to take half your health IF you didn't have a shield proc, IF you didn't have your free shield bubble you get every time you charge and IF you didn't have a sage/sorc shield on you. They now have another 9 second before they can backblast again lol.


Why the hell would you even play a tank if you don't plan to run premades or run with a healer? That is as stupid as solo queue on a healer and healing low levels running around who don't even know how to pass a huttball lol.

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Shouldn't ANY one class get rolled by a double pre-made?


It isn't about that and it isn't about just scoundrel/op's. ALL dps specs minus assassins/shadows are being replaced by tanks. It simply always wins and has no counter.


Competitive pvp in this game will be 8 on 8 if they add it. You can guarantee everyone in that premade will have guard on them.


1) Why? Negates all burst classes and makes them pointless. IF your class isn't good at interupting a healer and you can't offer a guard/taunt you become pointless. Scoundrel/op dmg is based on their opener. Their opener fills a resolve bar.


2) Makes aoe heals VERY,VERY strong since there is no burst and all dmg is shared. Makes healing VERY easy and you only have 1-2 health bars you really have to focus hard on.


3) Negates ALL CC in this game that breaks with damage, because of shared dmg with guard. The only CC that is worth anything is stuns/knockbacks and guardian/jug choke. If your class doesn't have these you are useless. If your class opener out of stealth fills a resolve bar you are even more useless.


People figured out there was no counter to tank stacking in beta. Now it is being seen on live.

Edited by biowareftw
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I absolutely had no fear of any op/scoundrel on a guardian/jug. DMG ops/scoundrels are among the WORST premade vs premade classes and absolutely horrible against a tank/heal stack which everyone is starting to do.


How the hell are you getting dropped with a 16-17000 health pool with defensive cooldowns, laststand, biochem pot that you should be combining with it and the closest thing to "stunlock" in this game?


They open for 4 k tops on you. They then have like a 2 second delay (cus of stupid scoundrel animations) before they can even backblast you. IF they had the warzone buff, an adrenal, and a trinket all rolling AND everything crit they would be lucky to take half your health IF you didn't have a shield proc, IF you didn't have your free shield bubble you get every time you charge and IF you didn't have a sage/sorc shield on you. They now have another 9 second before they can backblast again lol.


Why the hell would you even play a tank if you don't plan to run premades or run with a healer? That is as stupid as solo queue on a healer and healing low levels running around who don't even know how to pass a huttball lol.


well when they come at you STEALTHED not easy to have a cd rdy and its called a cd cause it has a cooldown! amazing right? and you assume everyone has biochem why, cause you do and you obviously know everything right? well the scoundrel i fought didnt have a problem opening with more than 4k but i guess since you cant its not possible?


i was a tank cause ive been playing tanks for the last 10 years ive played mmo's cause it is that much easier to find groups, i que for pvp in my free time when my guild isnt running anything cause its something to do, now my guild asked me to go dps cause we have enough tanks now.


you sure do make alot of assumtions, must be tiring thinking your right all the time.


edit: oh yea if i wanted to be the most op class, dont you think i would have rolled a BH or Assassin?

Edited by GooseGrims
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well when they come at you STEALTHED not easy to have a cd rdy and its called a cd cause it has a cooldown! amazing right? and you assume everyone has biochem why, cause you do and you obviously know everything right? well the scoundrel i fought didnt have a problem opening with more than 4k but i guess since you cant its not possible?


i was a tank cause ive been playing tanks for the last 10 years ive played mmo's cause it is that much easier to find groups, i que for pvp in my free time when my guild isnt running anything cause its something to do, now my guild asked me to go dps cause we have enough tanks now.


you sure do make alot of assumtions, must be tiring thinking your right all the time.


edit: oh yea if i wanted to be the most op class, dont you think i would have rolled a BH or Assassin?


If you don't have biochem and are primarily pvp? You are not doing it right. All crafting professions in this game are 100 percent useless because of the dailies on ilum and barrel/armor mods. I have full champ gear. I hit as hard as anyone in the game. I have never come close to killing a guardian/jug in = gear within an opener/knockdown. Not even close.


You are a "tank" yet you are dps specced. That doesn't make you a tank. That makes you dps. Are you even wearing a shield generator? If you aren't on a jug/guardian? Even if your are dps specced? Expect to die and fast unless you are running with a healer.


As far as burst or pressure? Your dps spec puts out more pressure on a team then anyone. It is just heal dependent AND this guy is still wearing a shield generator.




Sorry when your dps spec can cleave for what my opener hits for? I find it hard to see how you are "underpowered". Is that spec more dependent on heals then other specs? Sure. Then again you are running premades so you should have no problem applying the same tactics.


All in all? Learn to play. Stop crying about other classes that single target for what you can cleave for.

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