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What's your favorite planet, and why?


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Title says it all. Mine is Nar Shadda. I know a lot of people don't care for it, but I have done a lot of forest and desert in MMOs. I can't remember the last time I did an urban setting. It was something new and pretty cool.
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So far [up to level 38 Imperial Side] - I'd have to say a tie between Taris and Alderaan.


NS was impressive - but it just didn't have the gritty feeling I was looking for [i was hoping for that Blade Runner Movie grit]. :(

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Tython. Its the only place in the game that has given me goosebumps.



Jedi consular when you walk up to the forge to make your saber, its very cinematic and the music is great.



Tatooine second, reminds me of SWG killing sand people.

Edited by eloco
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Hoth, followed closely be Belsavis.


Hoth because of the amazing open world feel, and the starship graveyard, and Belsavis because it's a huge prison colony, and is really beautiful in its size and the destruction done by Imperial forces.

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A three way tie-


Alderaan: I loooooooove the mountains and snow.


Nar Shaddaa: Let's face it, that place is space Vegas. I love looking UP from the lower levels.


Tatooine: I have to admit, I hated Tat in SWG, but here it actually looks beautiful.



My only complaint with all these worlds... I kinda miss the whole day/night cycle.

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At first i loved Nar shadar, then i whent to Alderan, loads of open world pvp, loved the looks and all.EDIT: (addin this, nar made me feel like bruce willis in fifth element EVERY time i took a speeder cab :D now wtb a big badaboom chick, cloating not nessecery, what happends on nar shadar, stays on nar shadar)


Then the dessert in tatooine, god it is beutiful, then on Hoth, i HATE snow and ice places in EVERY game, but my god, Hoth is just awesome, and a guildie recomended the shipyard, by gods, i ran around there for a hour just looking at details (never done that in a mmo b4, 10 years of gaming)


Then the jewl so far, Belavisa (or what ever the name is) the 42-44 planet, its like STV in wow, but whit good grapichs, and so so beutiful, av always loved the jungle\rainforest zones in mmos, this is one of the best (reminded me of the lowbie zones in Aion for the elysea)


But not 50 yet, still loads more to see, but i got a few bucks on Belavisa (or w\e the name is lol)

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That's where the Imperial Navy base for us TIE pilots was located so I went there for all my missions. Plus it was beautiful and sparsely populated, so it was easy to find a good place to set up our player city (Three guild halls strong, not counting amenities). While it's resources usually weren't that good for placing harvesters, the fishing was excellent, with lots of lakes and streams for when taking a break from the constant space battles over Corellia. I even had a little store there that just sold fishing supplies (it actually did good business, too), which may seem like an odd hobby for a Master Shipwright/Imperial Ace (who also dabbled in Doctor and Bioengineering), but that's just how I enjoyed playing my character: Unique.

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