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Is it just me or DO MMO Developers ignore customer base?


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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?




to clarify the issue:


1. Bioware should communicate they're intentions to their paying customers for current problems/bugs/glitches within the game: what they plan on doing, how it should be working etc...




2. Bioware has no responsibility to communicate or share information on how things "should" be working to their paying customers. Something such as "we are investigating the issue" is sufficient.

Edited by Etravex
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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


The question you have to ask yourself is this: Would you rather see tiny QoL fixes such as them fixing the crashing out on space missions while the work on big ones, or would you rather also deal with small, annoying bugs, and have a huge patch released that fixes major bugs all at once?

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It's due to customers like you that they cannot say more. You bring up vehicle emotes, like they are working on nothing else. Not all fixes are equal, not do they take the same amount of effort. If they say anything, they get a customer like you OP that makes a post like this with no clue on how things work.
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Amazingly, sometimes a developer doesn't know how to fix a problem immediately.


Hence, they listen, but could take a month to fix something.


Remember, WoW had loot lag for 5 months. Why? Because they didn't even know what was causing it at first.

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The question you have to ask yourself is this: Would you rather see tiny QoL fixes such as them fixing the crashing out on space missions while the work on big ones, or would you rather also deal with small, annoying bugs, and have a huge patch released that fixes major bugs all at once?


I would rather they create a priority list of what is most important and tackle them in the proper order.

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There are a lot of valid issues in game that need fixing that the community has pointed out. However, a developer shouldn't listen to all (hell, most) of what is asked for or recommended. Sometimes the players aren't exactly the most objective in their requests. See the countless 'nerf this, nerf that' that will surely be on the horizon.
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Amazingly, sometimes a developer doesn't know how to fix a problem immediately.


Hence, they listen, but could take a month to fix something.


Remember, WoW had loot lag for 5 months. Why? Because they didn't even know what was causing it at first.



I absolutely agree with you and it's fine. But on some of these issues it would be nice for BW to come out and say "how" they want the game to work and how its not properly working. Otherwise the customer base doesn't know if BW intends to fix it or if its intended...

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People seem to forget that bugfixes arent something that take 20 minutes and you release a patch. People seem to forget that releasing new ingame features takes a good amount of work and time. Give it time, no MMO I have ever seen has launched in a perfectly satisfactory state. Hell, Im having a blast ingame right now, and have no problem waiting on things to be fixed. Get off your computer for once and go do something productive with your life. Youll appreciate the small things far more.
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I would rather they create a priority list of what is most important and tackle them in the proper order.


Or, they could create a list of what will be the easiest to fix and tackle those, while others work on the larger issues.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


Sit down and use your brain for just a minute. If your father needs a surgery would you want the mailman to perform it? Probably not right? Same thing here, an animator can't really do much besides new animations. That animation he did in NO WAY delays any fixes since they are handled by different departments.

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I absolutely agree with you and it's fine. But on some of these issues it would be nice for BW to come out and say "how" they want the game to work and how its not properly working. Otherwise the customer base doesn't know if BW intends to fix it or if its intended...


But if they say something, it'll be "not enough' info for some, or they'll talk about "something we're working on" and people will eventually say "THEY PROMISED US."


You're better off not saying anything to your playerbase and letting patch notes speak for themselves.

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You guys are forgetting that everything I posted on the list were problems in Beta which means they've had a lot longer than 2 weeks to see them as problems. Still no word from BW on how they want the game to work.


I'm sorry maybe this post was just a frustration vent. But I get really agitated when a developer has issues in game since beta and (even if they don't know whats causing it) refuses to address the customer base on their intentions.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


It's you. Most of those issues, BioWare has specifically mentioned, that they are looking into them.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


OP have you ever worked in a company ? (i wont' ask if you havent' worked at all...)


In a company (especially in the multi milion $$$ studios) there are departments that do specific things...if there is a problem in the code of the game they call the programmers not the animators...


seriously... get a clue

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The question you have to ask yourself is this: Would you rather see tiny QoL fixes such as them fixing the crashing out on space missions while the work on big ones, or would you rather also deal with small, annoying bugs, and have a huge patch released that fixes major bugs all at once?


I would rather have had them fix the bugs in Beta when they were told about them in the first place.


That would have been better.

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Yes, for the most part, they do. Completely. Every once in a while they say something that just gives it away completely, how little they know or care what people are talking about most on their forums.


It's not just Bioware, though. Been that way in almost every MMO I've played.

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No, but those issues are much more time consuming to implement and likely they have many teams working on multiple release packages that are all in different areas of the pipeline. The emotes and other minor fixes are easy to be implemented, or were already in QA while the ability delay issues require much more time/effort and/or are just in the development phases right now.
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It's you. Most of those issues, BioWare has specifically mentioned, that they are looking into them.


I said "Intentions" not a generic response. Hearing "we are investigating the issue" doesn't tell the customers if they "feel" that it's current implementation is considered acceptable or if they intend to change it to a new system.

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I mean there are a plethora of broken mechanics such as:


-Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness

-Abilities not firing properly

-Animations preventing competitive play

-Latency and FPS problems in Battlegrounds

-Issues with class quests

-Terrible Auction House Design

-And did I mention Ability Delay/Character Responsiveness?




And BW is implementing emotes while on vehicles... and other nonsensical additions while the customer base is screaming for major fixes to their game all over the forums.


Seems to me the same pattern we've seen before on other MMOs where the Developer is seemingly pretending that their customers complaints don't exist is following suit with Bioware. What do you guys think?


Yes, because a dev not immediately responding to your post, saying how awesome you are for pointing out stuff they already know, means they are ignoring you. :rolleyes:

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Amazingly, sometimes a developer doesn't know how to fix a problem immediately.


Hence, they listen, but could take a month to fix something.


Remember, WoW had loot lag for 5 months. Why? Because they didn't even know what was causing it at first.

"WoW had problems 7 years ago, therefore SWTOR can have problems"


Doesn't work like that, Tim

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