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If Bioware added a third faction, what would it be that made most sense to the lore?


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I don't follow Star Wars outside episodes 4 - 6 so was just wondering what faction could realistically take on the Empire and the Republic? I would love to see a third faction added and some world PVP content based around it because I feel like the three faction system is best.



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Mandalorian. I think they consider themselves as a third faction in the lore. They've also waged war on the Republic in the past and nearly won. I think it would work well because they can be played as just about any race. Edited by Zedakah
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In this time period? Black Sun, Huttese, Yuuzhan Vong, various cartels.


Yuuzhan Vong are not in this galaxy yet at this time period.


I would say Mandalorian... couldn't see myself "running" around as a Hutt. Mandalorians could be any race probably.


Hutts "running"! I laughed at that. Maybe if the Hutt was this Hutt: http://www.darthhater.com/comics/pro-tips/15330-watching-your-figure

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Hutts own planets and species, Evocii, Nikto, Klatooinian and Vodran are all owned species. Not to mention that most criminals work for the Hutt Cartel, so that means any criminal type class or species could work for the Hutt faction.
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I would say Mandalorian... couldn't see myself "running" around as a Hutt. Mandalorians could be any race probably.


They mean the Hutt cartels. You'd be working for the Hutts, not a Hutt itself. And I see this as much more likely than the Mandalorians since Mandos tie in so heavily to the BH.

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I would love a third faction (preferably a non-faction, but I guess the Hutts or something like that works) because the BH/Smugglers don't really deserve to be locked into one side or another and Troopers/Agents should be available to either side.
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Darn you! I spent 5 minutes looking for that comic!


You must have started from the first comic and worked forward. I started from the latest comic and worked backwards.


I would love a third faction (preferably a non-faction, but I guess the Hutts or something like that works) because the BH/Smugglers don't really deserve to be locked into one side or another and Troopers/Agents should be available to either side.


I agree with you. Both sides use Bounty Hunters and Smugglers. The faction they should add is "Independent" or something like that. Instead of light- and dark-side alignment, the player would have Republic- or Sith-alignment. The more alignment you have with one or the other the better equipment you get from that faction. Once your score is high enough with one of the sides, the other side won't welcome you in their territory anymore or offer you jobs.


As a smuggler, it would offer some unique and interesting space missions.


They should replace Bounty Hunters as a Sith aligned group with Mandalorians.

Edited by Calamus_Draco
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A third faction would only work if they changed the timeline to legacy. There, you have 3 factions:

-The Galactic Alliance (the new Republic)

-Darth Krayt's Empire (the Sith)

-The Fel Empire (basically the Empire with different force users)


Would be awesome if they did that. It would be the new DAoC.

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Personally, I think smugglers and bounty hunters should have been faction neutral, and then add a third neutral melee class (gray jedi, unaligned sith, something) to balance it out.


Each faction gets three classes, and the neutral faction can choose to fight for republic or empire, or play both sides.


On that note, neutral faction would gain patriot and outlaw points in addition to light and dark.


Patriot points are awarded for choosing a faction, sticking to it, and helping that faction (and sabotaging the other one). Outlaw points are awarded for doing quests for both sides (don't ask me how that would work, I have no idea, but I thought it would be cool).

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Technically the Vong are in the galaxy at this point, though they have yet to be expelled from Zonama Sekot. Based on that whole story line, the expulsion should occur somewhere in the not to distant future from the swtor time line.
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Only either the Mandalorians or Hutt Empire, perhaps even a mix of both, would be a realistic opponent for both, I would personally love to see that.


Neither of these makes any sense. Hutt Space is controlled by warring Hutt Cartels not a unitary Hutt Empire and the Mandalorians don't control enough territory of their own to be a viable separate faction from the Sith.

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Best option, and most likely outcome would be the Hutt Syndicate as the "ruling party" and the Mandalorians as "the muscle". The Hutts have always been and owned their own little segment of the galaxy, and in a choice between the regulation-heavy Empire, or the anti-slavery of the Republic, the Hutts would hate both options. The Hutts would want to hire on the Mandalorians for their reputation, abilities, and their "kill or fight anything" attitude. While the Mandalorians would hate the Republic due to a previous war, and their negative opinion on killing needless, while the Empire may enable them to fight to their heart's content, they would not enjoy "doing it for the state"; the only Empire they would serve is the Mandalorian Empire.


All the other criminal cartels, like Black Sun may hold onto their own power at first, but once they realize they'd be fighting on 3 fronts, they would eventually succumb to the Hutts' leadership. With this move, most if not all of the Bounty Hunters would have to join this side (most Mandalorians are bounty hunters), and maybe about half of the Smugglers would also have to move with this faction in order to remain employed.

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