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My Sentinel Story


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Alright..this will be my 2nd or 3rd post on here as I have sat back and read all the Sentinel complaints and here is my story.


I PVP'd a lot on my Sentinel early, and omg was I frustrated as hell. I had no CC or anything and was just getting kited to death all day long it seemed like. Oddly enough I was still racking up the kills and 9 times out of 10 I was top 5 on the leader board by the end of the game. I chose the Combat Tree early on because my focus at the time was PVP. My late 20's I started getting some really cool skills that helped me slaughter people in PVP. Then I started noticing some things when I would go back to questing.....


At around level 30 I really started to notice that the game was changing for me, I wasn't blowing through strong mobs anymore and was taking quite a beating as well. So I came here and noticed a LOT of people using the Watchmen Tree..so that's what I did..a simple respec to see how different the game play would be.


Epic Success from there on out. I am level 38 now and I am really enjoying the class.


My opinion why the Sentinel class may feel underpowered to people is they do not know how IMPORTANT certain skills are while fighting, especially when you engage with Elite mobs. Your Saber Ward, Force Kick, Force Stasis, Rebuke and Pacify are all so very vital in how your engagement will turn out against stronger mobs. I really feel that people may neglect to use these skills properly and or at the right time, thus it sours their gaming experience.


I would like to end my story with a example from me changing to Watchmen from Combat. I made the switch right before I was going to Balmorra, the very first quest I believe I had to kill some Elite Colliode bugs or whatever they were called. I am 100% sure I would have struggled sooooo much with those mobs has I NOT made the Watchmen Spec move.


Hope you all enjoyed my story, feel free to comment. I am open and more than happy to give any advice or debate on anything related to Sentinel game play.

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Very similar story for me. At early levels I got through groups and elites no problems, but when I hit the mid 20's things slowed down and some elites were difficult whether I used K7 or Kira. Early 30's I was getting frustrated as I thought that there was something a bit amiss with the class.


So I did a bit of reading up......things I changed were:

1) Respecced to Watchman. At the start i'd specced to a Focus/Combat hybrid as i'd not read up on the class. It seems that was a major mistake.

2) Decided to ignore K7 and I kitted out Kira with some decentish items from the galactic market that were at her level.

3) Used my abilities a bit more thoughtfully.....such as interrupts, rather than just pretty much spamming which worked before....but not around level 30.


I hit Balmorra after that and the difference is very noticably. Previously, when using Kira, I was struggling with elites and now I finish them with about 80% health. Packs go down quicker and if I die its generally due to either bugs or me being stupid and pulling 2 groups at a time or something.

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Ill have to second this... ive specced watchman from the start and kept my gear upgraded through out. Just leaving Nar Shadda now and ive honestly never had any trouble. I really dont understand why people complain about the class, granted I havent played anything other than the Guardian, and im not level 50 so I cant compare Sentinel against any others. Yet ive soloed my way completely through the game so far, including most heroics, not all but most, and that is generally without a companion as ive usually got them off on missions. On those rare occasions when elites or bosses beat me I just bring Kira out and thats a wrap. So take it for what you will but Sentinel watchman specced is a great class, that includes pvp, where im generally at the top of the damage charts. Use the abilities provided and you will do fine aside from a little carpal tunnel syndrome :p


To be honest I kind of wish the game was a little harder than it is but I guess im just a glutton for punishment from the good ol days of UO and EQ 1.

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Thirdid ;)

I also did a bit of everything and it was like smacking my head against a wall...a brick wall.

So i tried watchman and now blow through things. Pvp has changed from a hell to even doing 140k damage (Yeah not great but hey, we are melee so we loose out).

Pve has become much better aswell. Single target dps is very good, i managed valis guy 2 levells below him with kira first time, same story with sand demon.

Sooo...just respec watchman basically, much better in every way.

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I went watchman relatively early, so I didn't go through most of the qqing that other sentinels have had.


Watchman is great for leveling and I used it up until lv 47. It's also a force to be reckoned with in pvp.


At 50 I swtiched to using focus as I was getting a bit bored of watchman and was finding the re-application of overload saber was pissing me off, hahah.


Focus is a great deal of fun. I don't see myself going back to watchman anytime soon, but it served it's purpose of making leveling a breeze.


3 cheers for watchman. hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray.

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I would like to end my story with a example from me changing to Watchmen from Combat. I made the switch right before I was going to Balmorra, the very first quest I believe I had to kill some Elite Colliode bugs or whatever they were called. I am 100% sure I would have struggled sooooo much with those mobs has I NOT made the Watchmen Spec move.


I agree with your statements about using the correct skills at the correct time, Open with Ward and rebuke, When rebuke is down or if you are taking a little much punishment hit Pacify, cycle Zen, it is all good.

One thing I’ll argue with you one is your statements on combat spec and taking out Colicoids… those Bugs were getting pounded in Combat spec. so it is very doable.

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The only time I've struggled as Combat is on the bonus Nar Shaddaa quests. I'm somewhat of a completionist, so I like to do every quets on a planet before leaving. This means that I'm now 2-3 levels above the planet I'm questing on. Most of my Tatooine quests were grey by the time I finished, but I was soloing (well..duoing if you include my companion!) the Heroic 2 quests.


I raced through Alderaan, cause I really wanted to get Doc as a companion, and had absolutely no trouble doing any of the class quests - I died once, when I thought I'd fired off Rebuke, but it hadn't kicked, and then I mis-timed an interrupt.


The only time I struggle is against a same-level champion, and usually I'll have to sacrifice my little T7 and pop all my defensives and burn the enemy down once T7 falls over.


Maybe I'll respec to Watchman and see how it goes in comparison.

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My first Sentinel was Watchman specced, but rerolled after being made aware of the Kira bug. Trying out Focus now, and it's not bad thus far. A lot can be said for an uninterruptible Master Strike, but I might start dual-speccing with Watchman from there on out.
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My first Sentinel was Watchman specced, but rerolled after being made aware of the Kira bug. Trying out Focus now, and it's not bad thus far. A lot can be said for an uninterruptible Master Strike, but I might start dual-speccing with Watchman from there on out.


Whats the bug with Kira..I am in the dark about this I guess.

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You need blade rush to make Combat work. Otherwise it's very painful.


I'm a Blade Rush Combat Sentinel and I love it. If me and the Watchman guildie jump to different mobs of the same difficulty in flashpoint, mine dies first. I'm burstier and faster.


For that, I sacrifice self-healing and sustainability, and before I got my spec right, I also was more focus-starved (that's been solved).


I don't wtfpwn everything, but I'll die maybe once per planet by level 44/Voss. That does not seem an outrageously underpowered spec.


With Doc, I have virtually no downtime, though I'm annoyed that other companions are so much less viable. Perhaps more DPS is better for PvP with constant respawns anyway. However, ALL knights I see in the 40s are towing Doc, regardless of Guardian/Sentinel.

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