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MMORPG - the only genre where its OK to release unfinished product


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Why is this? I didn't buy batman: arkham city and he was missing his grappling hook, but "nah its ok, it'll be playable in about a year.. just give it time!!"


What is with that? Yeah yeah, class balance issues... that's fine. But come on, large scale pvp crashing servers? Unusable GTM? Constant server lag and sharding? This is the kind of stuff that'd make any other genre of game get universally panned by critics and gamers alike. But in MMO's? Its expected.

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This is a joke right?? Any Bethesda game, Obsidian game, COD, BF3, etc you get my point they all had bugs, some on a very large skill, so causing players to get banned. Even everyone fave RPG FF7 had BUGS. Rift had bug, WOW had bugs. You want a perfectly launched MMO GL with that.
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Why is this? I didn't buy batman: arkham city and he was missing his grappling hook, but "nah its ok, it'll be playable in about a year.. just give it time!!"


What is with that? Yeah yeah, class balance issues... that's fine. But come on, large scale pvp crashing servers? Unusable GTM? Constant server lag and sharding? This is the kind of stuff that'd make any other genre of game get universally panned by critics and gamers alike. But in MMO's? Its expected.


The GTM is fine.

Server Lag .. I havent had any

PvP ... never played ANY mmo where HUGE amounts of PvP didn't grind on the servers gears.



Seriously .. have realistic expectations.


And if you think all of the above is realistic then let me know when you have designed that game.







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Why is this? I didn't buy batman: arkham city and he was missing his grappling hook, but "nah its ok, it'll be playable in about a year.. just give it time!!"


What is with that? Yeah yeah, class balance issues... that's fine. But come on, large scale pvp crashing servers? Unusable GTM? Constant server lag and sharding? This is the kind of stuff that'd make any other genre of game get universally panned by critics and gamers alike. But in MMO's? Its expected.


Because its the only one where it is profitable to do so while you pay $15 for every month you spend waiting for the game to actually be playable.

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Because its the only one where it is profitable to do so while you pay $15 for every month you spend waiting for the game to actually be playable.




other 2 posters: games have bugs, sure but come on. you are part of the problem, you expect the bugs, and don't expect any better. it's sad


the GTM is NOT fine. drop-down menus are LAME. wow, a game that came out in 2004 has a SEARCH bar... magical! But not in sw:tor! That'd just be too much to ask of a "next-gen" mmo



oh yea.. in my OP i meant large scale PvP as in like 40v40 crashes servers in SW:TOR. that's pretty crummy.

Edited by tokosan
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Do you guys even remember the original Pac Man? The ghosts would go diagonal straight through the walls and you couldn't even move left! When you ate the power pills, you'd instantly get teleported into Defender. Give BioWare a few years; they'll get it working.
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This is the most complete and polished mmo made in the last six years, and I've played them all. That's not to say the game is done (or on par with wow) by any stretch of the imagination, nor am I trying to defend incomplete mmo design. I'm just saying that this is the best we've had since wow.
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i wish there was other types of multiplayer games that werent cod4... sigh. none of them are really that fun


edit: above poster... COOL! lets ship it without the space combat! Can we put that on the backburner while you work on ... i dunnoo.. functional UI's? Server lag in warzones? Animations causing skills to not work?


ya know, piddly stuff. But nahhh its cool that your skills dont work and the server lags! Go play a tunnel-shooter single player minigame! That'll be fun right??

Edited by tokosan
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You already bought the game, if you dislike it so much then cut your losses and go - making this thread is going to do nothing but attract negative attention to yourself.


actually i'm kind of hoping the massive amount of negative threads will do a couple things:


- cause bioware to get off their asses and do something about it


- cause potential subscribers to turn-tail and run upon viewing the forums

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You've clearly never played anything by Bethesda, or Obsidian, or Black Isle, or... oh I give up. Why I am wasting my time explaining reality? You'd rather have your own theory.

actually i'm kind of hoping the massive amount of negative threads will do a couple things:


- cause bioware to get off their asses and do something about it


- cause potential subscribers to turn-tail and run upon viewing the forums

And why the heck is that latter a good thing? What is wrong with you? See, this is why people get upset & defend the game, in an over-the-top manner. People make sensible statements and then come out with this nonsense at the end. You are talking about people's livelihoods here (the developers) and you have the temerity to hope they might lose their jobs, because that would be the knock-on effect of TOR suffering loss of subs? You people astound me at your callousness. Reasoned debate kinda goes out the window at this point.

Edited by Grammarye
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Why is this? I didn't buy batman: arkham city and he was missing his grappling hook, but "nah its ok, it'll be playable in about a year.. just give it time!!"


What is with that? Yeah yeah, class balance issues... that's fine. But come on, large scale pvp crashing servers? Unusable GTM? Constant server lag and sharding? This is the kind of stuff that'd make any other genre of game get universally panned by critics and gamers alike. But in MMO's? Its expected.


Quite simply... It was rushed to get it released for Christmas. All about taking your money. Thats it.


A game as big as this will most likely have little bug/glicthes. But this has fat too many and beyond a joke, should of been kept till the Summer this year atleast.


Our 'free month' which we even have to subscribe to to get, that has long patch times EU Servers) on Tuesdays is basically a month Beta.

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It "OK" to released an unfinished product in MMOs because games like these guarantee that they will be continuously adding more content. You keep paying for more content. The game seems 'unfinished" because the devs will keep adding more!
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MMO's can never be "finished", there will always be more content to add. They have to ship the game at some point.


That point is when you have the BASIC functionality working, like combat, UI, trading and the CORE features that make the game special like the story, space combat etc.


This game shipped with NONE of the BASIC functionality working properly. Combat is sluggish and have long delays for a lot of people, the UI is a trainwreck and trading is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO. The only things they've got right are story and space combat. Everything else is lacking in some major category.

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This is a joke right?? Any Bethesda game, Obsidian game, COD, BF3, etc you get my point they all had bugs, some on a very large skill, so causing players to get banned. Even everyone fave RPG FF7 had BUGS. Rift had bug, WOW had bugs. You want a perfectly launched MMO GL with that.


Seriously. PC games always have patches and pretty much any console game has patches now too. Before you were just stuck with the glitches.

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That point is when you have the BASIC functionality working, like combat, UI, trading and the CORE features that make the game special like the story, space combat etc.


This game shipped with NONE of the BASIC functionality working properly. Combat is sluggish and have long delays for a lot of people, the UI is a trainwreck and trading is the worst I have ever seen in an MMO. The only things they've got right are story and space combat. Everything else is lacking in some major category.


I disagree. The basic functionality works. It may not have all the bells and whistles yet, but it all works. What I tend to find with a lot of MMORPG players is they are so used to their heavily modded and added on UIs that they don't even know what a standard UI looks and plays like anymore.


That's not to say that SWTOR's UI is good. No, honestly it sucks. But it works. It's not something I'm going to quit over. They'll improve it. Same with trading. The story as you note is the finest I've seen in any MMO of the two dozen or so I've played. So I'm here and can wait on the other stuff.

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Why is this? I didn't buy batman: arkham city and he was missing his grappling hook, but "nah its ok, it'll be playable in about a year.. just give it time!!"


NBA2K12 released incomplete.


There were 3 rookies, and the rosters weren't even right and the schedule was all wrong.

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I disagree. The basic functionality works. It may not have all the bells and whistles yet, but it all works. What I tend to find with a lot of MMORPG players is they are so used to their heavily modded and added on UIs that they don't even know what a standard UI looks and plays like anymore.


That's not to say that SWTOR's UI is good. No, honestly it sucks. But it works. It's not something I'm going to quit over. They'll improve it. Same with trading. The story as you note is the finest I've seen in any MMO of the two dozen or so I've played. So I'm here and can wait on the other stuff.


It works in the sense that it is playable. However long ability activation delays are not acceptable for a game that has been 6 years in development, I'd expect a comp-sci student with only a basic course on databases to write a better GTN than what we have now.


And regarding UI, for MMOs the UI has become something very personal that is supposed to HELP your playstyle not hinder it by being overly restrictive. So I really hope they fix that problem soon.


And the story is good (consular is a bit meh, but the trooper story is looking really promising), but that's not enough to overlook the other glaring issues with the game :( So I hope they'll fix the big issues soon because I love SW and I want this game to do well.

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I still don't even know what people are talking about with ability activation delays. I turned my ability queue to 0 and notice nothing abnormal.


For those of you that didn't play WoW at release, it was extremely COMMON to have your abilities take several SECONDS to actually start casting after you hit the button.

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