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Let's Stop All Critisism - We Don't Want It Nor Need It


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I am sick and tired of people critizing the game. "Change this and change that, I don't like the way you blah blah blah!"

BW has made the game, so let them decide what they want to make out of it. If you don't like it - DON'T PLAY IT - simple as that.


So if you have critisism, please keep it to yourself and let BW do what they can do best. They know what they are doing! You're probably just an amateur.


Just my $0.02

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I am sick and tired of people critizing the game. "Change this and change that, I don't like the way you blah blah blah!"

BW has made the game, so let them decide what they want to make out of it. If you don't like it - DON'T PLAY IT - simple as that.


So if you have critisism, please keep it to yourself and let BW do what they can do best. They know what they are doing! You're probably just an amateur.


Just my $0.02


This is one of the most outrageously disturbing thought processes I have ever witnessed. The fact that it appears to be complete sincere has shaken my faith in humanity.


Do you have any idea what the world would be like if we followed your advice? If we thought something was wrong or could be done in a better way and dismissed the notions and "kept it to ourselves"?


Wow - just wow.

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OP, no one is forcing anyone to read negative posts. And if that person thinks that this product doesn't need posts which highlight areas that require attention, then that person really doesn't understand the nature of the industry in which this product is released.
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LukeRPWalker - take heart man. The trolls who cruise the forums making repeated hate on the game can usually be spotted by their personal insults to anyone who might disagree with them. Most of the millions of us who are playing are having a blast and just want more.


There are problems with individuals who have some difficulty and the forums can be a good place to get help. Two problems I had playing (FPS rate and Losing my Companion access) were solved by other players suggestions in this forum. You just have to cull them from the forum PVP addicts ie...trolls.


There are legitimate 'complaints', such as wanting improved character creation and more/different space game but, sans insults, are constructive for devs at Bioware. Just take a deep breath, give a big sigh, and siug thru the trolldirt for the 'gems', positive or negative. There are posters with good constructive criticisms who want to improve and advance the game.


For the rest of us, like you and me, simply log back into the game and enjoy yourself. Just remember that the Forum PVPers tend to savage each other more than us 'fanboys'. :)

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Forums is filled with people who think because they pay the monthly fee bioware should give them epics in the mail. Bunch of first person shooter playing mmo's and complaining about every detail..game is fun for me 475 expertise battlemaster jedi guard.
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