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Strongest PvP Class right now?


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As a juggernaut, assassin/shadow are laughable. Never got killed by one.

They are walking meat waiting to be killed.


a competent assassin shouldn't ever lose to any spec jugg 1v1, especially if they're rolling a hybrid tank/madness spec. (level 50 equal gear of course).


quite simply, too much control.

Edited by dudebroproguy
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Here's my observation:


Sorcerers + the BH subclass that can heal - They're virtually immortal in a 1 on 1 faceoff (no stealth) and take a lot to kill them if they outgear the opposition by a decent margin. They usually have crazy numbers in the leaderboard, but it's actually not very hard to neutralize their influence even if it looks like they never die, if you can force them to just heal themselves the whole time. I don't think they're overpowered, but I think it's a little bit too easy for one of those classes to rack up like 200K damage done, 50K heals, 50 kills and 3 deaths effortlessly, and it certainly gives the appearance that they're overpowered even if that's just averageish numbers compared to any decent player. It'd be nice if these guys share the deaths that melee DPS takes constantly instead of just continue to put up awesome leaderboard numbers while not doing anything particularly too special.


Dedicated healers in general - Slightly overpowered probably because the game is new so people are still trying to figure out whether the guy with the cowboy hat is a rogue or a healer. Honestly, I still can't easily tell the difference until I see the cast bar. It's easy to look at someone in heavy armor (BH variants) and think that's not a healer and then found out that guy healed 300K. I think the game could use something like WoW where a Shadow Priest looks physically different from a Priest that heals, because otherwise you need to memorize who the healers are to be able to pick them out. I started memorizing who the healers are on both sides and I really don't think it's reasonable to expect PUGs to have to do this to have a competitive game. We're not talking about focus fire on a healer here, just a way so that you can tell which of those 4 guys wearing a robe is actually the healer.


Assassins - I play one and these guys seem to be exactly average in non Huttball maps. I can kill people and people can kill me. In Huttball, the lack of a leap/pull (unless tanking spec) means we're usually fodder for any ranged guy above us. On the upside, Assassins have taunt in all specs which is extremely powerful, but it's not something anyone else sees so you may feel underappreciated. Preventing 20K damage total might not look as impressive as healing 200K total, but sometimes preventing 5K damage at the right time can be the difference between winning or not.


Operative (stabbing kind) - Their burst DPS coming out of stealth appears to be way too high. I'm pretty sure when you're stunned your defenses don't work, so even if you have the foresight to pop a Saber Ward before you get stunned, it still doesn't matter. This is worse in Huttball because there are way too many places to hide. On a flat map like Alderran/Voidstar it's likely an AE catches the stealthed guy,


Tanks - Seems to be another class that's perfectly fine, and they all have various pull/charge moves so they're actually quite competitive even in Huttball.


Snipers - This is probably the one class that's done right. They're extremely powerful but you can see where they are with the cover thing, so even a weak player can easily harass a Sniper. This is probably what the Operative should be except there's no effective way you can harass someone to prevent him from stealthing and then one shot a guy. Snipers are dangerous if left alone but they're also very easily spotted so I think it balances out.

Edited by Astarica
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I'm curious why everyone is talking about operative stunlock. After using hidden strike with feated knockback, resolve bar fills up to 100% making a stun impossible for the next 10 seconds. The only way to keep your target in place after he gets up from the 3-4 second knockback, is to root the target as it is getting up again, a root which only lasts two seconds if even feated at all, and with the GCD in this game means the operative only gets one more strike in, which can't be backstab since it is on CD from earlier, and is usually Shiv/Lacerate.


I don't have full champion set yet on my level 50 operative, just a few pieces (including champion vibroknife tho), and still a lot of 45+ epic items, but the gear is nontheless decent. And I can absolutely melt lower levels in warzones, usually killing them or nearly killing them to 10% within the knockback. Lower levels in warzones are FREE KILLS for anyone at level 50 in decent gear though, they have no chance of competing against any well geared class and are as it is dead weight in warzones containing multiple high levels, no matter how skilled the low levels are.


People who are 40+ and well geared I can get to around 40%-50% depending on the class. People in PvP gear I can only take to 70% if I crit my hidden strike and backstab. Taking someone to 70% in this game is nothing, it's an amount that can be healed to 100% by one medpack or one healing spell. With full PvP gear, I maybe could take another fully geared player to 50%. But considering the gear of that player, he can CC me after he recovers and do the same to me, on any damage spec on any class.


So honestly, are operatives OP? They seem that way, yes. Especially to people in bad gear they are the worst class to fight. But they are not OP to anyone in decent gear unless the player in question sucks.


Do operatives need a nerf? Maybe the burst damage of the initial acid blade + hidden strike + backstab opener could be spread out to buff other skills, eg. Lacerate feels a bit underpowered compared to hidden strike and backstab. I've yet to see skilled operatives surpass skilled bounty hunters (and mirrors) or inquisitors (and mirrors) in damage done in any warzone. In fact, I quite often melt people in my CC so quickly because I have a bounty hunter doing insane AoE on my target or target next to it.

Edited by Kal-Ekh
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I'm curious why everyone is talking about operative stunlock. After using hidden strike with feated knockback, resolve bar fills up to 100% making a stun impossible for the next 10 seconds. The only way to keep your target in place after he gets up from the 3-4 second knockback, is to root the target as it is getting up again, a root which only lasts two seconds if even feated at all, and with the GCD in this game means the operative only gets one more strike in, which can't be backstab since it is on CD from earlier, and is usually Shiv/Lacerate.


I don't have full champion set yet on my level 50 operative, just a few pieces (including champion vibroknife tho), and still a lot of 45+ epic items, but the gear is nontheless decent. And I can absolutely melt lower levels in warzones, usually killing them or nearly killing them to 10% within the knockback. Lower levels in warzones are FREE KILLS for anyone at level 50 in decent gear though, they have no chance of competing against any well geared class and are as it is dead weight in warzones containing multiple high levels, no matter how skilled the low levels are.


People who are 40+ and well geared I can get to around 40%-50% depending on the class. People in PvP gear I can only take to 70% if I crit my hidden strike and backstab. Taking someone to 70% in this game is nothing, it's an amount that can be healed to 100% by one medpack or one healing spell. With full PvP gear, I maybe could take another fully geared player to 50%. But considering the gear of that player, he can CC me after he recovers and do the same to me, on any damage spec on any class.


So honestly, are operatives OP? They seem that way, yes. Especially to people in bad gear they are the worst class to fight. But they are not OP to anyone in decent gear unless the player in question sucks.


Do operatives need a nerf? Maybe the burst damage of the initial acid blade + hidden strike + backstab opener could be spread out to buff other skills, eg. Lacerate feels a bit underpowered compared to hidden strike and backstab. I've yet to see skilled operatives surpass skilled bounty hunters (and mirrors) or inquisitors (and mirrors) in damage done in any warzone. In fact, I quite often melt people in my CC so quickly because I have a bounty hunter doing insane AoE on my target or target next to it.


It's not that getting stunned is bad. It's that they do their stealth opener and then probably vanish to do it again, and then backstab and then you're dead. Getting stunned for 4 seconds is no big deal, but being dead after those 4 seconds is.

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oh you rookies I am 53 valor lvl with a lvl 48 weapon my my sith Juggernaut and with a healer I can easily hit over 400k damage. My best record so far with only 1 healer is 537k.


The more posts i see from people (casters) saying melee need a buff i just smile. PLEASE BUFF my jugg PLEASE.




ty for the buff melee posts

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Obviously operatives and their republic mirror.

They knock you down, stun you and then you're dead.

I'll laugh at anyone who disagrees.


1. Requires Stealth and melee range.

2. Can be trivialized by any CC, snare, or simply breaking their initial stun.

3. Have almost no defensive abilities whatsoever, and are squishy.

4. Melee class with no mobility = LOL


Yea, Operatives/Scoundrels are super scary when you don't have your CC break available, are by yourself, and are dumb enough to be caught by them. Otherwise, they're essentially a free kill.


The real answer is Mercenary and Commando. Burst damage, from range, with among the best passive defenses in the game. I have yet to see any class with the same kind of burst as I have on my Commando. Snipers/Gunslingers are close, but they require cover and are extremely easy to beat via LOS.


I am not joking when I say I often 4-shot people without PvP gear. Grav Round x2 (2800-3200 each), Demo Round (3600-4500), High Impact Bolt (2900-3600). That's 4 GCDs, or 6 seconds, for 12000-14500 damage. More damage than anyone has health before gearing up at 50. Show me another class that can do 14k damage in 4 GCDs without the stars aligning.

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Thing most of the people are missing that balance should not be balanced about 1on1, it should be about teamplay.


Slowly but steady we see people start playing organized more and effects of this.


Thus when you think "assassin/operative" dont thing "one of them" , think two or three of them with a healer destroying enemy team out of stealth in second. (on other hand, watch one BH aoe take them all down...)


Melee is underpowered? Watch some melee with say Mercenary Bodyguard..


Snipers are squishy ? Sniper with Sage/Sorc shield and healer can almost one shot half enemies while they dont even slow his long casts because of shield.


Sorc Shield is annoying? Its not, when the sorc plays healer and WHOLE YOUR TEAM is with the said Sorc Shield.





So stop basing your impressions on 1on1, it matters not. At all.

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Obviously operatives and their republic mirror.

They knock you down, stun you and then you're dead.

I'll laugh at anyone who disagrees.


This man speaks truth. 5k crits on backstab, which also knocks you down. Can be spammed. Lololololol.



Yes resolve (which is already buggy as hell) will prevent stun spam. But who cares, when you are at half health after one backstab.

Edited by Sent
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Thing most of the people are missing that balance should not be balanced about 1on1, it should be about teamplay.


Slowly but steady we see people start playing organized more and effects of this.


Thus when you think "assassin/operative" dont thing "one of them" , think two or three of them with a healer destroying enemy team out of stealth in second. (on other hand, watch one BH aoe take them all down...)


Melee is underpowered? Watch some melee with say Mercenary Bodyguard..


Snipers are squishy ? Sniper with Sage/Sorc shield and healer can almost one shot half enemies while they dont even slow his long casts because of shield.


Sorc Shield is annoying? Its not, when the sorc plays healer and WHOLE YOUR TEAM is with the said Sorc Shield.





So stop basing your impressions on 1on1, it matters not. At all.


A guy that can kill a guy at full health coming out of stealth does not have an effective counter unless you're counter is 'bring more people'. AEs won't always catch them, and in a map like Huttball where people can be coming from multiple directions it's almost certain you won't catch them. But even for a map like Alderaan it's not very hard for me to say go up a ramp stealthed and then just come down after people go past it, and sure there might be a lot of AEs going on but I only have to hit the guy who's furthest away from the action. Heck, even if an Operative walked straight up to you from the front stealthed, you have to react extremely fast to catch him before he knocks you down. There are times where I know there's an Operative nearby but he'll still knock me down before I can target him, and it's not practical to spam AEs for most classes where they're on cooldown just in case you think an Operative is coming this way. For example, as an Assassin, Lacerate uses 40 Force untalented so you can't really spam it, and the AE KB is not something you just because you think someone is near stealthed.


The other issues aren't as bad because while you might lose a 1 on 1 with whatever class there are ways to neutralize them to prevent them from doing their job, which is often as good as winning in a WZ anyway.

Edited by Astarica
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I agree, i play a merc as my main. Open with a Fussion missile then spam Tracer Missile and cackle as your opponent runs around wondering why they're rapidly becoming one with the force.


I love it when you do that, wanna know why? Resilience.

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Learn to spec into 2 trees. You have more survival, more potential dmg and more mobility.


If you are speccing 31 points in your stealth dmg tree for pvp? You are doing it wrong.


Volcanic Slash is garbage. Spec into the force talents in the tank tree. You can spam like 5 mauls ROFL.


BTW just played an all assasin, heal tank team. My average opener was 2.4 k. I am in all champ gear minus ear piece. They all had 15,000 health plus.


LOL at you whining about op's/scoundrels when assassins/shadow are a HARD counter to them. Seriously learn to play. It it IMPOSSIBLE for me to die to a scoundrel 1 on 1 on a shadow assassin.


Derp I wanna double bladed saber. Derp. I can't even kill the class I am a hard counter to. Derp.


Just so anyone reading this knows, while this guy may be correct about assassins being top of the food chain, he does NOT have a clue what he is talking about with regards to Ops or Assassin specs. I run with what is probably one of the highest ranked Sins in the game right now(64, 4p Battlemaster), and he uses the Voltatic Slash spec, just like every other decent High rank Sin/Shadow.


Feel free to check out the live stream or some of the recordings for proof of the Sin spec.



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  • 3 months later...
I think every class has an equally important role in the game and that their is no such thing as the best class, working together in a good team however can make you invincible. My main is a level 50 assassin and while it may not be the best 1 on 1 direct fighting class i can stealth in and around the jedi in pvp to take the objective as well as outflank and deal massive damage from behind when need be.
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I think every class has an equally important role in the game and that their is no such thing as the best class, working together in a good team however can make you invincible. My main is a level 50 assassin and while it may not be the best 1 on 1 direct fighting class i can stealth in and around the jedi in pvp to take the objective as well as outflank and deal massive damage from behind when need be.


This thread was LONG dead. Gj idiot.



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I have seen almost every AC do amazing in Warfronts.


This still doesn't answer what class is best by any means what so ever. Like not at all. All you did was say something completely useless in this thread.


I think every class has an equally important role in the game and that their is no such thing as the best class, working together in a good team however can make you invincible. My main is a level 50 assassin and while it may not be the best 1 on 1 direct fighting class i can stealth in and around the jedi in pvp to take the objective as well as outflank and deal massive damage from behind when need be.


No they dont'. Some classes are just better in so many ways than others, so much better that there is almost zero reason to take one class over another.


And gg on thread necro.

Edited by Humankeg
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Looks like the game is pretty balanced, since it seems we have a lot of strongest PvP classes right now.


You made the assumption they are speaking from the same perspective.


Depending on which class, and which tier of gear they are playing, and also their skill lvl./knowledge lvl you will have varying answers.


So unless you know who is giving you an answer, there is no specific correct answer, unless you look at the averages and see if something stands out, then that could be an indication that a class is over powered. But again, if the sample is small, as in a small group is speaking, then the chances for coincidences and people speaking from a biased and not accurate perspective could be more possible.


Im a trooper, and for some reason I can own, but then 180 degree later I get owned. I think the balance in this game is that the random rolls gimps me specifically becuase I am good at pvp in general, but I am not good at pvp in swtor. I think the design of swtor is to randomly gimp people so they feel a need to continue a grind to improve. I am going to say, BW has a serious design flaw if they think that making BM gear randomly flop to increase competitiion is fun, since it is not. It throws off the predictability of the game in pvp.


PVP is mostly suppose to be predictable for duels and groups as well. But for unpredictable things it should come from the environment and not from the player/players.


The unpredictable things should be other things, and not in PVP. In pvp its only humiliating to get owned with the best gear, and feel like a loser who has no chance especially in 1vs1. I could say other negative things about how I feel, but wont, but apparently BW thinks my money is worth ****, since I dont seem to have a balanced experience. Maybe BW is playing a game of psychology with their players and seeing their breaking point. edit: BW are terrorist trainers, their beards should be a hint.


Also I have BM gear. Maybe I should start recording the ******** thats being drawn on my screen.

Edited by VegaPhone
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+ Smugglers and Gunslingers need a buff imo. Shadow/Sin non-tank trees need a buff.

- Sorc/Sage bubbles need a nerfin. BH rail shot is way OP. Sent/Mara need minor adjustments.


Most of all, faction issues need to get fixed. Activation times, ability delays, etc. Give Sages something other than rocks! A big reason, imo, faction imbalances are bad is because the Pubs dont have enough Sages.


Overall, balance could be a lot worse. Not complaining....much.

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