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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

27 FREE days of Warcraft


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For no real reason other than to throw random information out there, I wanted to point something out.


I have been an active sub to WoW since release. During the first year of the game, it was a long, bumping and sometimes painful experience. I remember though, that in return for enduring the hardship, I was rewarded with free days to compensate for my monthly sub. It occured to me, that those who are comparing Swtor to vanilla WoW, are forgetting that we were in fact compensated for the bugs in the way of free game days.


I have been awarded 27 FREE game days over my experience of playing WoW. I have been sent emails apologizing for terrible game service during the first year. And remember there being blue posts reminding us that things were being looked into, and the overall communication seemed pretty decent.


It was hard to be upset at Blizzard and WoW when they repayed me for my patience. I mean, we are paying $15 a month for quality, we should get it right? If not, atleast be compensated with something to cheer us up while we wait.


Swtor think they too good for that, expect us to chew down on buggy and broken content while still paying my fee on time? Blizzard doesn't always show it publically, but they've generally always cared about the player-base as a whole. I'm not asking for a QQ fest. Just a show of support.


Post here some examples of constructive methods Bioware has used to help ease the difficulties of the game's launch.


Forums are breaking on me!!!! >=(


Post here some examples of constructive methods Bioware has used to help ease the difficulties of the game's launch.

Edited by Nausgaming
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For no real reason other than to throw random information out there, I wanted to point something out.


I have been an active sub to WoW since release. During the first year of the game, it was a long, bumping and sometimes painful experience. I remember though, that in return for enduring the hardship, I was rewarded with free days to compensate for my monthly sub. It occured to me, that those who are comparing Swtor to vanilla WoW, are forgetting that we were in fact compensated for the bugs in the way of free game days.


I have been awarded 27 FREE game days over my experience of playing WoW. I have been sent emails apologizing for terrible game service during the first year. And remember there being blue posts reminding us that things were being looked into, and the overall communication seemed pretty decent.


It was hard to be upset at Blizzard and WoW when they repayed me for my patience. I mean, we are paying $15 a month for quality, we should get it right? If not, atleast be compensated with something to cheer us up while we wait.


Swtor think they too good for that, expect us to chew down on buggy and broken content while still paying my fee on time? Blizzard doesn't always show it publically, but they've generally always cared about the player-base as a whole. I'm not asking for a QQ fest. Just a show of support.


Post here some examples of constructive methods Bioware has used to help ease the difficulties of the game's launch.


Forums are breaking on me!!!! >=(


Post here some examples of constructive methods Bioware has used to help ease the difficulties of the game's launch.


I don't mean to be rude but your post is very hard to read.

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Not a troll, I'm being serious, is there no compensation for bugging content? Or is it simply, wait in line until it's done?


No MMO gives compensation for bugs.


The only time I've seen blizzard, soe, etc give ANY sort of free days is when their servers go down for DAYS at a time.. usually 2 or more days. Bugs in the MMO world you live with until they fix them.. every.. single.. mmo is like that

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That email you received sounds like a phishing email...honestly, I've never seen free game time phrased with a personal "apology", it's unprofessional: recheck that email's link I think.


Then you obviously didn't play WoW in year 1. Most of that time was awarded for down time on servers and servers that crashed a lot though.

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WoW's release was much bumpier than this if I'm to believe my friends who played it and the reports in read in mags etc.


The game apparently had massive queue problems for months. That's certainly not the case here. I don't feel that BW is at a stage where 27 free days of gameplay are actually needed.


I've played since early access and only queued once for 10 mins. Sure there are some bugs that I run into but nothing game breaking at all. So, what is there to be compensated? Bloated entitlement frenzies? Unrealistic expectations?

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Nausgaming has a point. Feedback from Bioware is non-existant. I was actually awarded free days too from WoW during vanilla. Not only that, but the game developers in WoW, and especially the lead systems designer "Ghostcrawler" has always provided feedback to the community as to what is being looked at.


I dont think there is any excuse for Bioware releasing a game that is basically still in Beta, and then going and hiding in a corner.

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That email you received sounds like a phishing email...honestly, I've never seen free game time phrased with a personal "apology", it's unprofessional: recheck that email's link I think.


no at launch the game went down for like 18 hrs and the whole 1st 2 weeks weeks servers where going down.


i forget how much i got but they gave free days to all subs.


TOR has not been down that long so they are not going to give free days

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