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Go back to WoW is killing ToR!


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I find it ironic how all the folks defending ToR are so eager to encourage people to throw their money at another company, talk about brand loyalty. Do you seriously care about ToR's future? Or do you just want the easy way out and say, "if you don't like it, spend your money else where."


Keep it up, if you want ToR to fall to the wayside like so many other broken games. Realize that EA is in charge now, and if they don't net profit because you're all so eager to encourage spending money on the competition. EA will either let ToR fall into ruins, or break Bioware to the point where they can mold it into something more competitive on the market.


Also, don't be cowards and fear a challenge. ToR has issues, accepting them just encourages weakness. Admit that Tor has issues and encourage the company to work on and improve upon them. Don't lie to them about it, and don't lie to yourself that you're enjoying a broken game.


Being annoyed and complaining on the forums while still paying $15 a month and contributing helpful suggustions does more to help the game develope and mature than anyone silently lying to themselves that the game is perfect. If anything, turning paying customers away from ToR hurts the game. STOP HURTING THE GAME! P.S. give us dual-spec and rolling, for real. >.>




I care about this game and this product. I feel that if a customer is not happy with this product or service, then they should go to wherever it is that makes them happy.



Unfortunately, what some of these complainers want is that all these features and extras from WoW be immediately implemented into this game, or they threaten to go back to WoW. That's a very basic, poor version of what one would call blackmailing the developers.


Well, that's where people step in and just state "if you don't like how it is now, just leave", informing them that their vain attempts at blackmail are futile. Constructive criticism and suggestions are one thing, threats against a product are another. What is boils down to is the attitude of a child stomping their feet and yelling, "If I don't get my way, I'm going do X until I do!"


The question that I have: Should they/we give in to children? Should the developers pander to those that act like the center of the universe? I think not.

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The people who truly enjoy the game are logged in playing it with smiles on their faces. The fact that you're here, posting on my topic signifies that you have some conflict about the quality of the game to begin with, if not the game, just the community. Which is still, directly related to the quality of the game.


Or maybe he is at work dreaming of playing the game with a smile on his face?


Or maybe like a good little aware nerd he reads patchnotes, community stickies, facebook/twitter before playing to remain aware of SW:TOR news.


Don't flatter yourself.

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Look at all the people lashing out complainers bashing your precious game. Wait why are you here? Why do you care? Why aren't you playing your "amazing game"? Oh I get it. Just like a religious nut case who lashes out at non believers you are here to defend the idea that you made the right choice of buying this game and spending your time on it. Why else would you care what complainers have to say? It's obvious you have your doubts about the game too and publicly defending the game strengthens your faith about the game. Just like religious sheep.


Fanboys will be fanboys.


Haters Gonna Hate!

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Look at all the people lashing out complainers bashing your precious game. Wait why are you here? Why do you care? Why aren't you playing your "amazing game"? Oh I get it. Just like a religious nut case who lashes out at non believers you are here to defend the idea that you made the right choice of buying this game and spending your time on it. Why else would you care what complainers have to say? It's obvious you have your doubts about the game too and publicly defending the game strengthens your faith about the game. Just like religious sheep.


Fanboys will be fanboys.


You are so SAD.


I cannot wait to play the game again. I have work and preparations to make because im moving. Just cause you are sad, doesnt mean everyone else is.

Some people have "work" and dont just leech off their parents 24/7.

Edited by Nemmar
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I find it ironic how all the folks defending ToR are so eager to encourage people to throw their money at another company, talk about brand loyalty. Do you seriously care about ToR's future? Or do you just want the easy way out and say, "if you don't like it, spend your money else where."


Keep it up, if you want ToR to fall to the wayside like so many other broken games. Realize that EA is in charge now, and if they don't net profit because you're all so eager to encourage spending money on the competition. EA will either let ToR fall into ruins, or break Bioware to the point where they can mold it into something more competitive on the market.


Also, don't be cowards and fear a challenge. ToR has issues, accepting them just encourages weakness. Admit that Tor has issues and encourage the company to work on and improve upon them. Don't lie to them about it, and don't lie to yourself that you're enjoying a broken game.


Being annoyed and complaining on the forums while still paying $15 a month and contributing helpful suggustions does more to help the game develope and mature than anyone silently lying to themselves that the game is perfect. If anything, turning paying customers away from ToR hurts the game. STOP HURTING THE GAME! P.S. give us dual-spec and rolling, for real. >.>


A very reasonable argument. I think some people feel as though pointing out flaws is somehow an attack on their enjoyment, when it is really just a statement about how another feels about the game. How the community responds to those feelings will go a long way toward determining how that person continues to feel about the community, which in turn reflects upon the game, leading to a death spiral from which that potential customer may never return.


Individual players on here don't have to be concerned about the overall health of the game, and so they want to hush the dissent and pretend everything is fine. But BW and EA do have to be concerned for the overall health of the game, and so I am most certain that they are concerned about the high level of QQ, and rightly so.


Those who dismiss the QQ are not furthering the cause of working together to help make this game the best it can be. The OP was right and is much more aligned with the BW/EA perspective on these matters because, well, its their game and they NEED active subs. Players can afford themselves the luxury of dismissing the views of others, but the game as a whole cannot.

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So when the devs get around to adding much-needed features such as combat logs, LFG, threat meters, and /roll, are you all going to quit because your game is too much like WoW?


Who says they will?


The real feedback only starts after the free month is over and we have players here who actually like the game to give feedback and want real improvements and not just your standard list of broken WoW features.

Edited by Nemmar
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Amazing. All the guy is saying is that if you alienate players of other games and push them away from TOR, you are damaging the long-term viability of this game and people are lashing out at him. What he says is true. You may not like it but you are going to need WoW players to switch for this game to truly be successful.


It is ok to admit there are flaws and improvements to be made. To do otherwise does a disservice to the game and the community. It only hurts the game long term.

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Look at all the people lashing out complainers bashing your precious game. Wait why are you here? Why do you care? Why aren't you playing your "amazing game"? Oh I get it. Just like a religious nut case who lashes out at non believers you are here to defend the idea that you made the right choice of buying this game and spending your time on it. Why else would you care what complainers have to say? It's obvious you have your doubts about the game too and publicly defending the game strengthens your faith about the game. Just like religious sheep.


Fanboys will be fanboys.


The whiners hurt the game by giving potential customers the impression they are the majority. I like the game and as I want it to live on for many years I oppose the whiners.


Why are you here if you do not care about the game? I never visit the forums of games I do not like, I go play another game.

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You need to learn to tell the difference between constructive criticism and whining posts.


People are telling the whiners to go back to WoW because their posts are either: pointless, nonsensical, unrealistic, unreasonable, self-centered, trolling, crying or all of the above. One also has to question why they are here at all if WoW is enthralling them so.


Conversely, there are many constructive criticism threads on this forum...<rest of post snipped>

This. To paraphrase what is falsely attributed to Voltaire: I'll happily defend to the death your right to constructively criticise. If someone just wants to be a whiny blackmailer and claim the sky is falling because Bioware didn't listen to them personally, I will mostly ignore their post, or occasionally point out logic errors.


The worst of it is that with an appropriate attitude a lot of what has been said by whiny posts could be constructively moulded into improvements for the game, but people don't want that. They want to bash the game to justify their unsubbing, and hope to see it fail so they can feel better about it. It's not like they're doing a public service by posting the same inane nonsense every day. Same cycle every new MMO goes through.

It is ok to admit there are flaws and improvements to be made. To do otherwise does a disservice to the game and the community. It only hurts the game long term.

People aren't saying that. I dare you to read what Julsnet keeps posting on the forums and not take away that this person is actively trying to discourage people from playing, not just giving feedback.

Edited by Grammarye
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Amazing. All the guy is saying is that if you alienate players of other games and push them away from TOR, you are damaging the long-term viability of this game and people are lashing out at him. What he says is true. You may not like it but you are going to need WoW players to switch for this game to truly be successful.


It is ok to admit there are flaws and improvements to be made. To do otherwise does a disservice to the game and the community. It only hurts the game long term.


Who says we dont have WoW players here. My whole guild comes from WoW and love the game.


Dont assume everyone that played WoW is a spoiled kid. This will only purge the mentally challenged out and leave the proper players in.

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Who says they will?


The real feedback only starts after the free month is over and we have players here who actually like the game and want real improvements and not just your standard list of broken WoW features.


Ah, yes, the ability to /roll is a "broken WoW feature." As is a combat log to see exactly how you died in less than a second to an enemy player in PVP.


Healers definitely don't need to see threat meters to know if they're about to be pasted by the boss for using the wrong heal at the wrong time.


Functional GTN? NOT IN MY GAME!




Posts like yours will be laughed at six months from now, assuming A) the game is still alive, and B) it doesn't take the developers longer to implement these features.

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Ah, yes, the ability to /roll is a "broken WoW feature." As is a combat log to see exactly how you died in less than a second to an enemy player in PVP.


Healers definitely don't need to see threat meters to know if they're about to be pasted by the boss for using the wrong heal at the wrong time.


Functional GTN? NOT IN MY GAME!




Posts like yours will be laughed at six months from now, assuming A) the game is still alive, and B) it doesn't take the developers longer to implement these features.


Minor issues that will be fixed. You know what features i mean.


Oh and i assure you the game will be pretty much alive for many years to come. I know you really dont have the foresight to look beyong your own bellybutton to see that.

Edited by Nemmar
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I find it ironic how all the folks defending ToR are so eager to encourage people to throw their money at another company, talk about brand loyalty. Do you seriously care about ToR's future? Or do you just want the easy way out and say, "if you don't like it, spend your money else where."


Keep it up, if you want ToR to fall to the wayside like so many other broken games. Realize that EA is in charge now, and if they don't net profit because you're all so eager to encourage spending money on the competition. EA will either let ToR fall into ruins, or break Bioware to the point where they can mold it into something more competitive on the market.


Also, don't be cowards and fear a challenge. ToR has issues, accepting them just encourages weakness. Admit that Tor has issues and encourage the company to work on and improve upon them. Don't lie to them about it, and don't lie to yourself that you're enjoying a broken game.


Being annoyed and complaining on the forums while still paying $15 a month and contributing helpful suggustions does more to help the game develope and mature than anyone silently lying to themselves that the game is perfect. If anything, turning paying customers away from ToR hurts the game. STOP HURTING THE GAME! P.S. give us dual-spec and rolling, for real. >.>


the game is excellent

You just troll

swtor is in every single way better than wow vanilla and eventually in the future it will be even more

Go back to your 1 pixel game

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The people who truly enjoy the game are logged in playing it with smiles on their faces. The fact that you're here, posting on my topic signifies that you have some conflict about the quality of the game to begin with, if not the game, just the community. Which is still, directly related to the quality of the game.


You assume too much. Ever hear of a thing called work, or not being able to log into the game for some other purpose? News flash! You can use the forums from this magical device called a cell phone!!!!


Using the forums is not an indicator that something is wrong with the game.

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Who says we dont have WoW players here. My whole guild comes from WoW and love the game.


Dont assume everyone that played WoW is a spoiled kid. This will only purge the mentally challenged out and leave the proper players in.


No offense, but where did I say anything about WoW players being 'spolied kids'? I play WoW. I have since day 1 of launch and like the game. I was just saying that TOR needs to tap into the WOW fanbase to truly be successful.

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Ah, yes, the ability to /roll is a "broken WoW feature." As is a combat log to see exactly how you died in less than a second to an enemy player in PVP.


Healers definitely don't need to see threat meters to know if they're about to be pasted by the boss for using the wrong heal at the wrong time.


Functional GTN? NOT IN MY GAME!




Posts like yours will be laughed at six months from now, assuming A) the game is still alive, and B) it doesn't take the developers longer to implement these features.

Here is a classic example. Thank you for providing it. Forgive me for singling out this post, but one must start somewhere.


It insults, it takes three features that are nice to have and promotes them to 'the game must have these or be dead' and then launches an ad hominem on the previous poster.


Here's how it should have been done:


"I disagree with you. I firmly believe that TOR would benefit from /roll, improved GTN, and a combat log. I would say that implementing these would greatly increase the chance of my continuing to play the game, but I can respect that you personally find that you can play without them."


The same goes for the mindless support of TOR.

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queues would like a word with you.


If you log on at 2am the pop will be low, but in sure you're smart enough to figure that out by yourself. *chuckle*


Also, in case you missed it the holidays are over.


Not only that but the server population indicator (LIGHT, STANDARD, etc.) have gone down globally because server capacities have been increased therefore populations have reduced relative to capacity.

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Amazing. All the guy is saying is that if you alienate players of other games and push them away from TOR, you are damaging the long-term viability of this game and people are lashing out at him. What he says is true. You may not like it but you are going to need WoW players to switch for this game to truly be successful.


It is ok to admit there are flaws and improvements to be made. To do otherwise does a disservice to the game and the community. It only hurts the game long term.


The game needs WoW players, not WoW forum whiners. Wht he says is false and he is the one hurting the game.

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Who says they will?


The real feedback only starts after the free month is over and we have players here who actually like the game to give feedback and want real improvements and not just your standard list of broken WoW features.


I laugh at your plain-sighted ignorance if you truly believe that every post to date about things wrong with the game are not "real" players or "real" complaints. See you in 15 days. :cool:

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Amazing. All the guy is saying is that if you alienate players of other games and push them away from TOR, you are damaging the long-term viability of this game and people are lashing out at him. What he says is true. You may not like it but you are going to need WoW players to switch for this game to truly be successful.


It is ok to admit there are flaws and improvements to be made. To do otherwise does a disservice to the game and the community. It only hurts the game long term.


Why does everyone assume that the population of gamers is static?


WoW is almost 10 years old, some of us who started playing at lest say age 17-18 are now in our late 20's. I'm my case I'm 25.


Most of my friends who are in my age group have either gotten married/now have carreers on the go or just grown out of the game. This is the twilight of many gamers years as they grow older. A new generation is coming.


Is it that simple? No, but it gives you a damned good idea why so many people who grew up with WC1-2 who signed onto WoW because it was WC are shutting down subscriptions.


Its called life. people move on, populations change as do trends.


We don't NEED the WoW peeps. Its nice but not needed.

Edited by Avrose
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You assume too much. Ever hear of a thing called work, or not being able to log into the game for some other purpose? News flash! You can use the forums from this magical device called a cell phone!!!!


Using the forums is not an indicator that something is wrong with the game.


And that was actually how I made the post he complained about. I was no place near my computer.

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Pretty much, if they change this into wow my sub is gone. So me telling some retard to go back to wow cause this is to hard/requires social activity to make a grp is to protect what i think is fun.


Also there is this game called EVE, that has been running for over 8 years with less than ½ mill subs(360k is their account peak.)


News flash: THIS GAME IS ALREADY WOW. The lack of certain UI elements doesn't make it not so.


Class-based characters? Check.

Traditional tank/healer/dps group makeup? Check.

Experience-point-based leveling system? Check.

Talent trees? Check.

"Kill x" or "Collect x" quests? Check.

Dungeons (Flashpoints)? Check.


The addition of millions of dollars of voice acting doesn't make it "not WoW."

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