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Have the DEVs ever played an MMO?


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but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.



WoW cant even hold 200 people in one spot go look up a video of swifty getting banned for crashing the server but right WoW is a MMO but yet has server limitations like everything else.

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The gambit of the design was not to appeal to the core MMO community, but to SW fans and BW fans. This makes it an odd duck, and it was surely a gamble. I think it should have been clear to anyone who researched the game that it was intended to be a BioWare game first and an MMO second, rather than something that was designed around the interests of the existing "core" MMO community. After all, if they were very interested in that community, they would not have designed the game around story, because story is, as the OP says, more or less completely irrelevant to 90%+ of the core MMO community.
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but WoW is an mmo. here's the the wiki on it so you and everyone can understand what MMO means.


"Massively multiplayer online game


A massively multiplayer online game (also called MMO and MMOG) is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously."


SWTOR can barely handle 200 people on the same planet. This ain't an MMO.


Have you ever thought would happen to your computer if you was around hundreds of thousands of players in the same zone? TOR is a MMO. More importantly it is one with a RP element in it. I have come across lots of other players, did runs with them...etc. Just quit and leave the forums for constructive posts to help others in the game.

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That's because it's all about WoW.


All these marketing people do is try to find what WoW "doesn't" have or it's "weakness" and try to exploit / sell that to players as if it's something unique and new.




When people complained about no World PvP in WoW, Mythic sold Warhammer as having really good PvP.


When WoW had less world events, Trion sold Rift as having Dynamic world events.


When WoW had story you had to read, Bioware sold SWTOR as having the magical "fourth pillar".


Next game that comes out, will say WoW has no submarines and sell you submarines.


It's all a gimmick.

Edited by Tiaa
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I laugh when people say swtor isn't mmo. What is mmo stands for? mmo stands for Massively multiplayer online game. As matter of fact mmo is suppose to be mmorpg which is Massively multiplayer online Role play games.
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thats funny because lotro is the perfect example on where this game is headed.


Lotro starts of strong, dies out after a couple of months. Goes free to play to stay alive.


Welcome to the SWTOR's future, but it doesn't matter. EA and Bioware already got your money.


Lotro is a great game even still to this day it just got overshadowed by WoW


WoW is the CoD of mmos right now when something good actually comes out WoW or CoD just overshadowed it has been for years and Bf3 just broke the overshadowing of CoD.

Edited by genmyke
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Lotro is a great game even still to this day it just got overshadowed by WoW


WoW is the CoD of mmos right now when something good actually comes out WoW or CoD just overshadowed it has been for years and Bf3 just broke the overshadowing of CoD.


No. I played lotro, you wanna know why it failed? it didn't have anything to do. Just like this game it focused on story but nothing else. no real pvp, nothing to do outside of the mainstory line quest. I wanna thank you for bringing up lotro I can't believe I never made the connection but SWTOR is LOTRO all over again.

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That's because it's all about WoW.


All these marketing people do is try to find what WoW "doesn't" have or it's "weakness" and try to exploit / sell that to players as if it's something unique and new.




When people complained about no World PvP in WoW, Mythic sold Warhammer as having really good PvP.


When WoW had less world events, Trion sold Rift as having Dynamic world events.


When WoW had story you had to read, Bioware sold SWTOR as having the magical "fourth pillar".


Next game that comes out, will say WoW has no submarines and sell you submarines.


It's all a gimmick.


you act like blizzard didnt pull these same stunts especially the false advertisements of their expansions Wotlk "new dances" still havent got those


Cataclysm the abyssl maw raid havent got that either


Wotlk again wyrmrest temple was support to have 4 raids and we only got 2 and had to wait a year and a half to get the 2nd one.


also in Cata at blizzcon blizzard themselves said they want to have the multiple raid structure (having 2 or more raids per tier) but yet we only got that in tier 11 tier 12 and tier 13 was only 1 raid.

Edited by genmyke
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thats funny because lotro is the perfect example on where this game is headed.


Lotro starts of strong, dies out after a couple of months.


LOTRO was pay2play from 2007 till 2010.

I'm not a genius, but I think your math is off by a tad.

Edited by flunkorg
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died off meaning, going from a million subscribers to what ever they had left after 3-4 months.


It was obviously more then enough to keep it pay 2 play for 3 years.


Also, EVE online has been pay 2 play and highly successful for how many years? With about 300k subs?


You obviously have no idea what your talking about lol

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Seems like a group of people are looking past the fact, Bioware has made their fame off of good story lines. If your looking for an open world experience, I hear skyrim has that option. Or one of the final fantasy mmo's. Shouldn't have to be able to say you can climb every mountain or visit every building in each city. Just Look how many planets there are. I've had more fun doing the group heroics and flash points than I've had in quite sometime. I feel an mmo experience here. Not saying the game is bullet proof, but it could be much worse.
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care to tell me which successful MMOs you've played that focused on the story above all else that you enjoyed playing?


Care to tell us which MMO has got successful because of their goal to not focus on story? Don't say World of Warcraft! World of Warcraft emphasizes its strong relations to its story and lore quite alot. Just not in the same way as SW:TOR does. Just because many people may not read quest texts or books in the game it doesn't mean it was the design goal of the game and key to success.

Edited by ArmchairMagpie
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Seems like a group of people are looking past the fact, Bioware has made their fame off of good story lines. If your looking for an open world experience, I hear skyrim has that option. Or one of the final fantasy mmo's. Shouldn't have to be able to say you can climb every mountain or visit every building in each city. Just Look how many planets there are. I've had more fun doing the group heroics and flash points than I've had in quite sometime. I feel an mmo experience here. Not saying the game is bullet proof, but it could be much worse.


that is just it people do look past it like Minecraft to me is a sandbox creative/survival game but there are server that can hold 100s of people on it would i call it a mmo? short answer is no.


swtor does give me a MMO experience but to be more specific i have to say around a TBC experience where i had to try to find groups to do group quest and flashpoints and talk to people just the other day we had some good ole world pvp going on when i said in general i got ganked for 4 people and as big as Hoth is people came over in 1 spot and we fought for almost a hour it was great


that pvp battle remind me of hillsbrad pvp fights.


you are right this could be ALOT worse but it will be better i dont doubt bioware for releasing content after playing something like lair of the shadow broker which at the time felt like it was first piece of DLC that was worth buying in a long time.

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So, let me see if I've got the nature of the OP complaint down. Bioware has attempted to make a game that is a little bit different (with an emphasis on the "little") from every other DIKU MUD clone out there ... and this is a bad thing. I'm sorry, but that attitude is *everything* that is wrong with the MMO industry.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this (or any) game should be everyone's cup of chai. In fact, I think it's a good thing for an MMO to not try to be all things to all players. (Although at the same time, the idea that 200 players to a zone is limited stikes me as a bit silly. The MMO that routinely has more than 200 players in a zone is rare indeed, and the MMO that has meaningful interaction with more than that is even rarer.)

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So, let me see if I've got the nature of the OP complaint down. Bioware has attempted to make a game that is a little bit different (with an emphasis on the "little") from every other DIKU MUD clone out there ... and this is a bad thing. I'm sorry, but that attitude is *everything* that is wrong with the MMO industry.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this (or any) game should be everyone's cup of chai. In fact, I think it's a good thing for an MMO to not try to be all things to all players. (Although at the same time, the idea that 200 players to a zone is limited stikes me as a bit silly. The MMO that routinely has more than 200 players in a zone is rare indeed, and the MMO that has meaningful interaction with more than that is even rarer.)


It didn't try anything new in the MMO industry. Adding a story is promotion of single player in the MMO. It's not some new MMO mechanic because it can only be experienced solo.


Everything this game offers MMO wise is ripped off from WoW, one way or another. It doesn't promote exploration, freedom or even have the open world of Blizzard's title.


In fact, I think it's sad that a company like BioWare or EA showed such little vision in the MMO part of TOR. And because of that, their game won't be the success they intend.


I'd rather pay a monthly sub to a game like GW2, where it's going to try a new ground than a WoW clone dressed in SW clothes.

Edited by Lyvean_gr
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It didn't try anything new in the MMO industry. Adding a story is promotion of single player in the MMO. It's not some new MMO mechanic because it can only be experienced solo.


Everything this game offers MMO wise is ripped off from WoW, one way or another. It doesn't promote exploration, freedom or even have the open world of Blizzard's title.



freedom? last i check i can take my spaceship and go anywhere i wanted even if i am level 50.


and WoW ripped off people ideas left and right stop acting like WoW is original when 90% of the game features isnt.


and hello Azeroth is ONE PLANET Swtor has multiple planets.

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Seems like a group of people are looking past the fact, Bioware has made their fame off of good story lines.


I've been thinking about this. I'd take it a step further even: Story is what keeps BW games afloat. Not design. They can tell a decent story and they make the kind of RPG you don't often see nowadays (Or have been making, I'm looking at you, DA2 :rolleyes: ). Those are the main merits of BW games. Everything else is usually somewhere between mediocre and bad.

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