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Mercenary: Bottom of the Barrel?


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If you go through almost every different class forums, Theres a post on how crappy their class is while everyone else is overpowered. Maraders think they suck, Mercs think they suck. Its seems that everyone that plays a class thinks something about their class is underpowered and pick something specific about another class that is overpowered without ever speaking about what is underpowered about the other class.


I think what is going on is there is overall balance and good players are being distinguished from bad players. Where in other games most people could just get lucky spamming X ability and killing poeople, This game has alot more abilites that need to be utilized to optimize character output. Unfortunatly, you cant three shot people in this game. And the fact there are no dmg meter, people think they have noway to confirm how "UBER" their class is except by looking at the final numbers in battlezones people think if they dont do amazing in objective based pvp where u should be worrying about surviving and doing more than just killing poeple, then their class is bad. There is no I win button in this game, The game is new and has lots of kinks to work out.


I didnt even ave to dig for these, All of them on first page:


Marader QQ



Assassin QQ



Sniper QQ over Merc Dps



Im just saying, everyone thinks that everyone is better than them... I think its the player not the game.

Edited by Pwnyride
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Arsenal sucks for PvP witout a team. But it rules for PvE! :D


For PvP, spec Pyrotech.


More or less permanent snare in CGC.


IM, TD, RS, PS, RS? does nice burst.

IM, TD, RS, Unload, RS is even better if you have the time.

IM, TD, RS, MB, Rapid S, MB, Rapid S. Run for allies. Works good for kiting.


1 knockback

1 stun

1 bubble with anti snare, cd is good with ER talent

Heavy armor


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If you go through almost every different class forums, Theres a post on how crappy their class is while everyone else is overpowered. Maraders think they suck, Mercs think they suck. Its seems that everyone that plays a class thinks something about their class is underpowered and pick something specific about another class that is overpowered without ever speaking about what is underpowered about the other class.


I think what is going on is there is overall balance and good players are being distinguished from bad players. Where in other games most people could just get lucky spamming X ability and killing poeople, This game has alot more abilites that need to be utilized to optimize character output. Unfortunatly, you cant three shot people in this game. And the fact there are no dmg meter, people think they have noway to confirm how "UBER" their class is except by looking at the final numbers in battlezones people think if they dont do amazing in objective based pvp where u should be worrying about surviving and doing more than just killing poeple, then their class is bad. There is no I win button in this game, The game is new and has lots of kinks to work out.


I didnt even ave to dig for these, All of them on first page:


Marader QQ



Assassin QQ



Sniper QQ over Merc Dps



Im just saying, everyone thinks that everyone is better than them... I think its the player not the game.


Really enjoyed this post thx....


Yeah I think most threads are usually created after someone altF4's out of a losing warzone....

Edited by Irishbrewed
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I love how people assume just because they managed to reach lvl 50 and farmed Huttball enough to get all their pvp gear that they are automatically an expert at their class.


The most prevailing truth in this entire forum is that every class is good at its role, good players have zero trouble playing their class fantastic, and every single class forum is inundated with thread after thread about how underpowered they are for whatever reason...with "proof" and "I'm 50, with 65 Valor, so I know the truth" posts everywhere.


The good players don't have anything to complain about. It's pretty easy to tell who just "thinks" they're good, and who really is.


Mercs are fine. Get over it.

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Mercs are insanely strong in PVP. Probably the strongest class in PVP overall.


Heavy armor mitigates sorc/sage damage by the way. And no one cuts through heavy armor like mercs.


Along with defensive cooldowns, a perma -10% damage taken, an array of punts/stuns to deal with melee and extreme single target and aoe burst and sustained damage - I do not see why any merc can complain about the class.


PEBKAC, as they say.

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Mercs are insanely strong in PVP. Probably the strongest class in PVP overall.


Heavy armor mitigates sorc/sage damage by the way. And no one cuts through heavy armor like mercs.


Along with defensive cooldowns, a perma -10% damage taken, an array of punts/stuns to deal with melee and extreme single target and aoe burst and sustained damage - I do not see why any merc can complain about the class.


PEBKAC, as they say.


no it does not most of the sorc sages attack are internal and elemental


you get 10% damage reduction for 15 seconds only if you land 5 tracer missiles


play a merc and see how strong arsenal is against a melee class or worst a sage


the only utily of merc atm is being an artillery gun,you dish a lot of damage but when the enemy notice you,it's over.

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I can't say I have lots of trouble in 1v1 on my merc, yes if someone decides to have a fetish for a pillar is not much you can do apart from death from above aoe, but that goes for any ranged char pretty much. But what's the problem if they want to los and heal? You can heal as well and go by your business :>


The dmg is really good (am not yet lvl 40+ so no HSM), but being able to 100% land dmg on any class is a big bonus (no dodge / deflect like most sniper attacks). Yes you may get interrupted but is that end of the world? 4s? That's 2 TM casts you're missing, you can use power shot or other abilities really is not end of the world. And our dmg already benefits from 35% armor pen passive, while the unload dmg buff and HSM / railshot ones are nice, our dmg is not gimped without them. You still hit hard.

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no it does not most of the sorc sages attack are internal and elemental


you get 10% damage reduction for 15 seconds only if you land 5 tracer missiles


play a merc and see how strong arsenal is against a melee class or worst a sage


the only utily of merc atm is being an artillery gun,you dish a lot of damage but when the enemy notice you,it's over.


They have two attacks with CDs which are internal. Affliction and Deathfield.


Sorc has no defence except bubble = small HP boost and an interrupt on 1 skill against Merc.


Use IM, TD, RS, Cast PS -> They interrupt, Unload, RS again. They run or try to heal. Stun.

Edited by Joskara
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Is it just me, or does it seem that the Mercenary class gets seriously shafted in this game, especially in PvP? I've been comparing the skills with other classes and even to those of the Powertech, and it just seems everyone else gets the better deal.


To begin with, our party skill feels like the most useless of all four. A boost of 5% in endurance is hardly noticeable in your HP, while other people get that 5% in something you'd want like total damage, main stat, or crit.


Then there's some major additions to similar skills Sorcerers have. For example their channel skill Force Lightning adds 50% speed reduction without the requirement of a talent. Their 4 second stun Electrocute also has some added damage to it that Electrodart doesn't. Then there's Force Storm which adds a slow affect over the usual Death from Above trait. All this and we don't even get an interrupt either which is not only important for PvP, but also Heroic Modes. As it stands, the only worthwhile tree for Merc seems to be Healing, and even then, one of the talents Cure Mind, which pretty much does the same thing as a Sorcerer's Sith Purity, loses out again in the Sith bonus of also healing your target at the same time.


A lot of these would not bother me if I had chosen Powertech over the Merc, who seem to receive a lot more useful skills and talents. A short CD interrupt, 15% passive movement bonus, 15 seconds of 25% additional crit (Explosive Fuel), and over-powered talents such as a guaranteed 8 heat vented (Prototype Cylinder Ventilation), 8 second immunity to roots and stuns plus 30% more movement speed (Hydraulic Overrides), 3 second Grapple snare (No Escape), 30m charge/interrupt/root (Jet Charge) and added speed afterward (Jet Speed), along with the lower heat cost on the majority of their moves basically makes them dominate in everything they do. And seeing as how you can't really kite in this game, range is not even an issue, since it's easy to get to the 4-10m range with all your added speed plus the fact that caster's best skills require you to stand still.


The only suggestions I can think of to fix the skill problem with Mercenaries is to make their class focus more on kiting by allowing them to cast and channel while moving. This way you can make some room after an ambush from a stealth unit that knocks you down and run away firing Unload, making the added 2 second slow from the talent worthwhile. It would also lessen the mass interrupting on your cast shots. All the other classes have their gimmick, such as Warrior types jumping at you, and Agents taking cover or stealthing, so this would seem fair as a Mercenary boon. Another good idea would be if the talent Afterburners instead made one of your missiles knock the enemy back instead of relying on a close range Rocket Punch. Slows should also last longer, considering that other classes can apply them for up to 8 seconds or more. The Hunter class in World of Warcraft was done pretty well in the kiting department in this respect, and for a game that seems like a near replica of WoW, you might as well follow in those footsteps on this matter as well.


I'm sure I'm leaving other things that seem unfair out, so feel free to add anything I overlooked. If nothing is changed, I fear I'm going to end up forever quitting on my Mercenary and focusing on alternate characters instead. I chose the class simply because I love dual-wielding in everything, and it would be a shame to shun such a cool looking class that could've had a lot more potential, fun factor and usefulness. If you agree with me, then please keep bumping this up, so hopefully Bioware will notice our pleas and do something about it.


while i agree we may need a little love compared to sorc (arsenal and sorc have a lot of stuff in common) you have to read between the lines a bit


firstly i am arsenal so take that into account


we debuff enemies armor by up to 20% with our main strike, sanctimoniously reducing our damage done by 10% ... add that into the endurance buff side (damage/survivability)


both jet boot and unload have slow effects if specced right which is very usefull to us


we reduce our heat costs by 9 on our main shot (offsetting the extra venting issue) as well as unload and missile crits venting 8 heat (which is why i stack crit before power)


jet punch, jet kick, electro dart, and concussion shot are interrupts in pvp (unless they are immune) so for pvp you cant say we dont interrupt at all


i agree we are not the strongest class but if you look at the tree's and see what we get it isnt as bad as you seem to be making out.


adding in all of these things reduces the angst but i would love to see either a litte more mobility or immunity to charges put into game, dumb that we knock them back and they zip back to us, we dont knock back that far after all, give us our 2 seconds of "get off my coolaid" for cryin out loud :)

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while i agree we may need a little love compared to sorc (arsenal and sorc have a lot of stuff in common) you have to read between the lines a bit


firstly i am arsenal so take that into account


we debuff enemies armor by up to 20% with our main strike, sanctimoniously reducing our damage done by 10% ... add that into the endurance buff side (damage/survivability)


they have to stand still and let us debuff them, a full round of armor debuffs means they did not simply walk away while we shot at them for nearly 5 seconds from a stationary position, far longer than 5 if we had to move or use anything other than tracer missle


both jet boot and unload have slow effects if specced right which is very usefull to us


any class you would use jet boost on has the ability to either jump back in our face, or pull us to them, or both and on a much shorter cooldown than the jet boost making its slow irrelevent


as for unload, even at full jetboost distance i have yet to see the slow effect from it apply in a timely or useful fashion. it does not land on the first tick, it lands on the second, so a fast reacting opponent has closed the game again before the slow is applied. it also fades instantly on reaching the 3rd tick which means at most you have avoided 2 seconds of being hit, this allow you to avoid 1 singular attack from the opponent, less if they react fast enough or have any ranged option at all or a jump


we reduce our heat costs by 9 on our main shot (offsetting the extra venting issue) as well as unload and missile crits venting 8 heat (which is why i stack crit before power)


our heat requirements are a joke


our heat costs are often the same or higher than sorc abilities (in force cost), the difference? they have 500 force to spend, we have 100 heat to spend, their force regenerates the same no matter how much they have left, our heat regenerates slower the more we use it


whoever designed bounty hunters litterally took all of the sorc abilities and nerfed them and than made them cost more and gave bh a smaller pool of points to spend while casting


jet punch, jet kick, electro dart, and concussion shot are interrupts in pvp (unless they are immune) so for pvp you cant say we dont interrupt at all


the simple fact you call concussion missle an interupt proves you are really bad at understanding pvp


concussion missle has a longer casting time than anything you would want to interupt with it. when you are going to interupt something you must first see it casting and than be able to cast your interupt BEFORE they finish theirs. interupting with concussion missle is pure luck as you would need to be casting it before they started casting theirs for it to work


jet punch has no interupt unless you spec into it, which is only in one tree and if you have ever tried it, you would know that talent is bad. jet punch knock back is so short that your opponent litteraly walks back into range of hitting you before your feet have landed back on the ground. it has no value as a knockback unless your opponent is to stupid to konw how to walk forward. its not even a reliabe interupt as ive seen it knock back sorcs that were channeling and they land on their feet STILL channeling


jet boost is more important for positioning than as an actual interupt, its CD is too long to just waste to interupt 1 skill


we have 1 viable interupt: electro dart


i really feel that heat seeker and thermal detonator should include a 1.5 second knockdown, they are already on 15 second cooldowns and it would not be possible to get both (tops of the trees)


adding in all of these things reduces the angst but i would love to see either a litte more mobility or immunity to charges put into game, dumb that we knock them back and they zip back to us, we dont knock back that far after all, give us our 2 seconds of "get off my coolaid" for cryin out loud :)


little things like this make it feel like BH was not well thoguht out or tested in comparison to what other classes get


testing probably played sorc a ton and kept requesting little touches and boosts to things without ever realizing BH were suffering and needed the same boosts

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To begin with, our party skill feels like the most useless of all four. A boost of 5% in endurance is hardly noticeable in your HP, while other people get that 5% in something you'd want like total damage, main stat, or crit.


Stopped reading here.


Hunters Boon is easily the best of the 4 buffs for PvP. Survivability>everything.

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testing probably played sorc a ton and kept requesting little touches and boosts to things without ever realizing BH were suffering and needed the same boosts


I dont think we need a buff, however we do suck at some pvp wz:s like huttball.

However should the raging brats on this forum get their way and have tracer nerfed it means the end of arsenal as a viable spec.

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To begin with, our party skill feels like the most useless of all four. A boost of 5% in endurance is hardly noticeable in your HP, while other people get that 5% in something you'd want like total damage, main stat, or crit.


Stopped reading here.


Hunters Boon is easily the best of the 4 buffs for PvP. Survivability>everything.

Actually its a very small difference, the IA/smuggler 5% crit chance boost is a lot better in my opinion. But 5% endurance is good im not saying anything else.

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All I want is an ability/talent like powertechs get in their pyro tree to force proc our cylinder or some other reliable slow.(possibly a root, but a slow would be fine with me) I'm a pyro merc btw. If I had that, I'd be happy. interrupt would be nice, but I'm not so sure I need it in PvP. I think a slow would be enough for pyro.
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All I want is an ability/talent like powertechs get in their pyro tree to force proc our cylinder or some other reliable slow.(possibly a root, but a slow would be fine with me) I'm a pyro merc btw. If I had that, I'd be happy. interrupt would be nice, but I'm not so sure I need it in PvP. I think a slow would be enough for pyro.


I agree with this. Interrupts and more CC not needed to be added. I think it would simply be nice if the proc rate on our cylinder was slightly raised.


From 16% to 25%, perhaps. OR, keep it at 16%, but increase the duration of the slow to 4 seconds. Often times, I find myself trying to snare a runner just so the Assassin chasing him can take him down, while I turn to a more juicy target. Due to Sweltering Heat, I find myself using Rapid Shots A LOT.


Improve one of the tools already in our toolbox, we don't need more added to it. I'm Pyro though, perhaps I'd feel differently if I had the mobility of an Oak tree.

Edited by Stranded_Law
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they have to stand still and let us debuff them, a full round of armor debuffs means they did not simply walk away while we shot at them for nearly 5 seconds from a stationary position, far longer than 5 if we had to move or use anything other than tracer missle




any class you would use jet boost on has the ability to either jump back in our face, or pull us to them, or both and on a much shorter cooldown than the jet boost making its slow irrelevent


as for unload, even at full jetboost distance i have yet to see the slow effect from it apply in a timely or useful fashion. it does not land on the first tick, it lands on the second, so a fast reacting opponent has closed the game again before the slow is applied. it also fades instantly on reaching the 3rd tick which means at most you have avoided 2 seconds of being hit, this allow you to avoid 1 singular attack from the opponent, less if they react fast enough or have any ranged option at all or a jump




our heat requirements are a joke


our heat costs are often the same or higher than sorc abilities (in force cost), the difference? they have 500 force to spend, we have 100 heat to spend, their force regenerates the same no matter how much they have left, our heat regenerates slower the more we use it


whoever designed bounty hunters litterally took all of the sorc abilities and nerfed them and than made them cost more and gave bh a smaller pool of points to spend while casting




the simple fact you call concussion missle an interupt proves you are really bad at understanding pvp


concussion missle has a longer casting time than anything you would want to interupt with it. when you are going to interupt something you must first see it casting and than be able to cast your interupt BEFORE they finish theirs. interupting with concussion missle is pure luck as you would need to be casting it before they started casting theirs for it to work


jet punch has no interupt unless you spec into it, which is only in one tree and if you have ever tried it, you would know that talent is bad. jet punch knock back is so short that your opponent litteraly walks back into range of hitting you before your feet have landed back on the ground. it has no value as a knockback unless your opponent is to stupid to konw how to walk forward. its not even a reliabe interupt as ive seen it knock back sorcs that were channeling and they land on their feet STILL channeling


jet boost is more important for positioning than as an actual interupt, its CD is too long to just waste to interupt 1 skill


we have 1 viable interupt: electro dart


i really feel that heat seeker and thermal detonator should include a 1.5 second knockdown, they are already on 15 second cooldowns and it would not be possible to get both (tops of the trees)




little things like this make it feel like BH was not well thoguht out or tested in comparison to what other classes get


testing probably played sorc a ton and kept requesting little touches and boosts to things without ever realizing BH were suffering and needed the same boosts



1) every class has a charge? wow i must have missed something, kocking people back is breaking up their rotation, making them spend time and energy to get back into the rotation, this is pro, this is win, this reduces their dps.


2) unload slows, you avoid one attack? that can be huge, you break up their rotation, they are panicing a bit, looking for the clear. Unload hits for a boatload, and the slow, it works. It only lasts 2 seconds, but it works. The point is to break their rotation, make them worry about themselves and frustrate them.


3) If you overheat in a 1v1 fight more than once (and use vent heat) then you are lazy, bad, or outgeared. I dont have heat issues, of course i am specced to drop 8% of my total heat bar every crit (which is over 50% due to gear) on all missiles. Heat is fine as is


4)you say "the simple fact you call concussion missle an interupt proves you are really bad at understanding pvp" and to that i reply that if you use your insta cooldown and concussion it is an insta interrupt, which leads me to conclude you dont know your class well enough to have this conversation, and takes away from the validity of your other arguments.


5) jet punch is friggin awsome (for pvp) ... it breaks their rotaion, has nothing to do with how far it knocks them back. Many a healer has died to jet punch tbh.


6) jet boost CAN be about positioning, but rarely in a 1v1 fight which i assume you are talking about because once it is teams we compliment healers and tanks very well. in a WZ like huttball it is for kocking into acid or the pit, but in 1v1 it is ALL about breaking their rotation while keeping yours. Doing more dps than them and keeping them from healing. the fact that you consider it a one trick pony is not a good way to think


7) firstly you say you cant keep people off of you, meaning with have ED, JB, RP, and CM(with special) for interrupts. Meaning in 1v1 vs a healer you can crush their "zomg heal" 4 times. Cooldowns don't matter once they are dead.


I am playing a sorc right now and yeah they have everything we have only a little better. Does that mean we are broken? Not at all. Sorc are getting the heat from the nerf herders (along with ops) and I expect they will get nerfed and then they will say how awsome we are.


I am not a god of pvp, but in illum with champ gear i win as many as I lose, and more often than not they stealth/run more than either of those, that is the nature of 1v1, we are not built to be 1v1 due to mobility, but I hold my own (and not even into battlemaster gear yet)


*shrug* to each his own, i think you should play sorcerer if you think they are better honestly. I am playing one cause i need a slicer but they are nice no question, once she is high level i will probably go hybred BG/AS spec which is the REAL solo pvp spec imo (i am pure dps for raids atm)

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I can't even fathom the fact that you're complaining about the class that has the easiest and most accessible RANGED DPS and armor debuff. Not only that but it is the easiest class from a management standpoint (LOL 3 BUTTONS).


Seriously, if you can't do it with merc the problem is YOU. L2P.


Oh, I almost forgot, you have self heals, and shield, two knockbacks and ******* heavy armor!




I just started to play as a Merc. At level 15 i was able to top damage in WZ with the few tools I have. when I am not #1 I am in the top 5... at 15-17! I am a clicker so I know I'm not all that good. It is just a testament to how good the class is.

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I've had no issues in PvP as Bodyguard Merc. I do plenty of damage to win nearly any fight with 1-3 enemies, can take and heal enough damage to survive the entire fight, and have next to no downtime between fights.


Sure, we're static, but we're powerful. You can't have a Ranged Heavy-Armour Healer that's mobile, it'd be way too overpowered. The Turret-like gameplay is strictly to balance the class. Get yourself into better positions and choose your fights and ability combos properly.


I'm about to ding 50, and ding Rank 38, and have experienced this since level 10.

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Since this thread is some how alive IMO the only problem with merc is arsenal being complete **** in pvp. Unless you can hide some place and have nobody attack you. I'm not QQing I personally cant afford to go pyrotech arsenal pyrotech depending on what I feel like doing (pve/pvp). I don't care if they leave arsenal alone and just add dual spec that would be fine by me I love pyro in pvp. I just don't like the fact that I have to keep switching specs to be useful in pvp. Raiding with pyrotech....yeah....not even close to arsenal spec. You can get away with pyrotech in HM's but not raids. Edited by Fawlan
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Since this thread is some how alive IMO the only problem with merc is arsenal being complete **** in pvp. Unless you can hide some place and have nobody attack you. I'm not QQing I personally cant afford to go pyrotech arsenal pyrotech depending on what I feel like doing (pve/pvp). I don't care if they leave arsenal alone and just add dual spec that would be fine by me I love pyro in pvp. I just don't like the fact that I have to keep switching specs to be useful in pvp. Raiding with pyrotech....yeah....not even close to arsenal spec. You can get away with pyrotech in HM's but not raids.


meh, just different roles, i personally want to run pyro in pvp too, but end of the day my guild needs my dps til we get more people geared up.


a good example:


in huttball i play D, never going closer to their side than the closest 2nd tier on my side, i keep people off the ball spawn area, and knock off/kill anyone trying to get set up for a pass.


i do NOT get highest dps, I do NOT get most medals, but my team wins a LOT more than if I dont do that.


there are other tricks like keeping out of LOS so the ball carrier can't jump to me (or standing in such a way that wen they do i knock them onto the ball spawn area basically "resetting" their run) but i wont go into too many specifics on my play style because... IT WORKS... wouldnt want the competition to figure out that the game is more than pew pew.

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lol noobs qq cause Mercs are crap you need to learn to play im play merc and im having no problem whats so ever in PvE and PvP like alot of other people who play merc



i normaly finish huttball 200k+ dmg 30+ kills and 8 meds and team wins most games

Edited by Ravoc
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lol noobs qq cause Mercs are crap you need to learn to play im play merc and im having no problem whats so ever in PvE and PvP like alot of other people who play merc



i normaly finish huttball 200k+ dmg 30+ kills and 8 meds and team wins most games


yep, sounds about right, and i am only in champ gear

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yep, sounds about right, and i am only in champ gear


im only lvlv 40 no where near full champ yet, though i am expecting time i 50 and PvPing thinsg to be a bit tougher with 50 running around in champ/battlemaster gear

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im only lvlv 40 no where near full champ yet, though i am expecting time i 50 and PvPing thinsg to be a bit tougher with 50 running around in champ/battlemaster gear


well you can take 10% right off the top if they are geared up well in pvp gear, more if they are in battlemaster.


your numbers will get bigger and bigger up to 49, then you will see an instant drop.


I get way higher numbers than the one you quoted sometimes, I assume that is new 50's... against the elite players that are always in WZ and are my nemisis your numbers are about spot on for me... the only pieces I am desperately trying to get upgraded are iplants (they are level 50 purple crafted, just want better)


I also am not a damage hog, I play D in huttball and there are times i am standing around waiting for their O to come in and try to set up a pass... i dont consider damage done an indicator of how good i am, vs blowing doors where i can crank up in the 300k-400k range if they cant get the door blown.


I also do not AOE as much as the damage addicts, i would rather take out a target and do 30% less damage than to spam aoe and have them get it healed up and then spam some more, that in my opinion is just plain dumb.

Edited by Yazule
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