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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why you're WRONG and why I'm RIGHT


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2 time gladiator, TBC and WRATH

Bloodlust battlegroup

UD Rogue, UD Warlock, Troll Druid

Blackrock server, yeah its one of the best pvp servers.

Deadly Gladiator's Frosty Wyrm and Titles

2200 rated 3v3, top 2%

Made Warlord in Vanilla

Black Qiraji legendary mount, if you don't know what this is your opinion is void

Spectral Tiger mount


Raids: MC, BWL, AQ, ZG, ZA, UD, ICC, etc etc, been there done that.


MMO's PLAYED: Eve, Everquest, Guild Wars, Rift, Age of Conan, LOTR


Right off the bat:

I will beat you 1v1 on wow

My guild is a lot better than yours

I have over the maximum amount of allowed gold and have to use alts to hold it.

If your between the ages of 14 and 17 your opinion is moot, if you do fall into this range you have little to no mmo experience or gaming experience at all. You probably think when I say Vanilla I mean ice cream; TBC whats that? You probably slipped in your first wow CD not to long ago and are a raging sheep that will defend wow because it has spoon fed you loot and a sense of achievement. Playing XBOX 360 and PS3 does not entitle you to make a rash opinion about this mmo.You have no idea or can even fathom the amount of time and resources needed to make an mmo. You just cry, complain and point fingers because this game is not a wow clone that you wish it was.Also,no beta testing experience, or previous mmo experience if anything.


I am making this thread because the sheep on the wow forums have made a thread that is now 16 pages long about how bad this game is. I just thought that it was my obligation to make a thread on here about how wow is not a glorious icon that everyone thinks it is but a dieing **** show that has been severely depreciated.


For an older more mature age group like myself:

Why do you hate this game so much? Did you expect something close to perfect? I have had an tremendous fun time playing this game thus far, it does in a sense remind of Vanilla wow but better; more involvement in the story and lore. WoW lacks on the RPG side incredibly now. Do you ever read those quests? Follow the lore? Feel like you're apart of the game? No you don't, you auto accept quests, farm turn in, I could say the same for PVP and PVE gear, farm badges, farm honor, turn in, reward, everyone and everything looks the same and has almost similar gear. WoW is turning into a complete joke, do you feel satisfied and happy when casuals end up with epic pvp gear from farming in say 1100 bracket while top tier players fight for every inch, every second is a life and death decision but end up with gear that's not a whole lot better. It disgusting, everyone has epic pvp gear and everyone has epic raiding gear. There is no uniqueness to the game anymore. The loot is literally floating to the player base now, no challenge, no skill and the few elite players are hardly noticed. Arena was fun for awhile and required some skill but now everyone and his mother has arena gear. Copy paste this gear set, recolor this set, bring back vanilla bosses, and now pandas, are you ****** kidding me? That is the last nail in the coffin for SURE!. Its time to move on people! Stop being brainwashed by an easy, user friendly, free purple loot bonanza. Deathwing was downed in 3 days; THREE DAYS!!!




In the End:

This game is great, not perfect but still great. It lacks in minor areas that will quickly be patched or implemented in the following months. This is the future people and this game has so much potential I can even begin to tell you. It is refreshing to start a new mmo and I'm excited to see how this one will progress.





WoW account name not given for security reasons

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No no no, I'm right. We can't all be right, that'd just be silly :p


Inflammatory though this OP is, I find it intriguing/amusing. It is however entirely impossible to verify any of your claims. I have no doubt this will shortly be followed by a lot of other entirely impossible to verify claims by others about how they've done X Y & Z in game B and obviously they're right.

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