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50 Marauder Pvp Video in Voidstar


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. I was using carnage from 10 till 50 before I respec to Rage.


Having imba Smash doesn't mean you're not damaging single target.


I cant really speak much about it since I've never tried the spec I'm just theory crafting. But with out a damage meter it's pretty much impossible to be able to tell which spec has the highest single target dps.

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True, but we're talking about PVP and when people theory crafting about Rage they says like all you got is big AOE with insane timing.


In fact you're getting a bit more less single target damage but with 3-4.5k AOE once per every 20-25 seconds which with invisibility, rage and roar gives you tonns of options for every situation.


-20% armor penetration VS Gore, I didn't notice difference in numbers except you don't need to put that Gore into your rotation taking a fact that it lasts just a 6 sec. Regular DPS with -20% penetration much bigger then DPS gain you get for those few hits.


Obliterate speed bonus allows you to time your Smah properly (which is not easy) and deals a great dmg. Force Crush except slow do a lot of damage, especially with Frenzy and relic like 220 crit/surge.


I hate theory crafting and that's a reason why I try and then write.

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Fact that 3-4.5k hitting Smash is AOE doesn't mean you can't use it with single target.


In most cases it's enough a 2-sec chain to Force Charge->Force Crash->Battery Assault->Smash and your target is already half-dead. Then you have like 5 options to finish opponent, depends on what cd you want to keep. I didn't meet any healer who can outheal damage 1v1 when you use rage/Smash properly.


1v1 PVP goes as good as it was with Carnage, you just have to get used for Obliterate/Cripping Slash for kiting comparing to routing Deadly Throw.


p.s. I'm not trying to convince you that Carnage sucks, I was using it for a while and it's nice, has a lot of benefits and own tricks, but Rage is better and at least worth trying before you can decide.

Edited by VictorLototskyy
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I am considering respec my marauder. Right now I am in the annihilation tree, but it dosent seem to do much dmg in pvp.

Was thinking going for the rage tree, as I thought that is optimal for pvp? But this thread, for the most part, seems to suggest carnage is actually better, if you wanna do higher single target dmg?

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I would say Annihilation is the best specc for pvp.


You can do alot of dmg with bleeds and get alot of life, wich is really good, if you aint running with a healer on you at all time.


Most warzones i do the most dmg or atleast in top 3.


If i should say another specc i would prob pick up carnage since i think there is some nice benefits from that specc, but less survivel.

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at 8:20 on video. Yesterday I hit 425k.


I watched your video. I can tell just from watching that it does way less single target you hit for the same but have no ataru form strikes which are like 20% my damage. Plus berserk is so much better for ataru form then it is for shii-cho. Hit berserk then gore and get off 6 massacres on a target with a ataru form strike each time it's just insane single target burst.

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ive seen people put points in Malice...Why? dont we have 100% crit already on our only force move?


Thats a good point I just did it to improve smash even though I don't use It i might change my build to take ravager instead.

Edited by Iamyourfatherr
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bump post another please!!

Perhaps one with your character sheet? I don't care about gear, but mostly to see what your crit% and crit dmg increase% is. Those force screams are HUGE! 3.5k!! Crazy. I get like 2.7 at best.. Even some of those Massacres' base dmgs are insane.. I remember seeing a 1900. That's so dope.


Well played! This beats rage by far in my opinion (yes I have tried both)

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I tried the 3 specs and i liked annihilation and carnage best so far , rage was nice but it didn't feel my playstyle and i feel more usefull in carnage , the burst is really insane and its probably the best to take down healers , you don't have the lower cd on the interrupt but you just gore and melt them away with massacre and force scream. on some target my massacre does over 2k dmg on the mainhand not counting ataru , that every second is going to kill anyone if you are not cc'd.

Think the most fun is destroying tanks with gore , sometimes they don't get it and don't pop CDs and just die without knowing what happened.

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ive seen people put points in Malice...Why? dont we have 100% crit already on our only force move?


From what I have read here on the forums Ataru procs are considered a force move, so that may explain why people take malice as carnage.

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Hi, thanks for the video. I'd also like to see your character sheet, to get an idea of what stats you are stacking.


I'm biochem so I had around 1500 str when that video was made with inquis buff. 79% surge and 31% crit I only have 3 pieces of pvp gear so that's 3.57% pvp damage increase.

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