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1-49 and a 50s bracket is needed *now*


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Signing under the original post here.


The difference between a game with 50's and without 50's is astounding. I saw a 50 Jedi Knight today in PvP gear who had 18,000 health, vs my 12,000 on my 39 Sorc. He might as well be level 75 for all that it mattered trying to fight him. :rolleyes: He was effectively unkillable and it threw the BG completely in Repub favor for that game.


There should be enough 50's by now that they can get a decent queue time. It's time to take the training wheels off for them.

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We need brackets because higher levels players will have more health and power.

There is a buff you get to even out the differences.


The higher level players have huge advantages over lower level players through talents and abilities.

Get to higher level.


The arguments against brackets are so circular.

Level 50 equipped with gear much more better then other ppl?

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50s need there own queue. but if they want to bring a lower level freind they can queue with them as a group. but the lower level should be at least 40. so anyone who isant 50 can still play with there lvl 50 friends.


2 of my friends just rerolled for like the 5th time on there 43 warriors as they say the class is useless in PvP. dunno if that is the case but I tell them to wait till 50 before rerolling as its only the lvl 50s on the other team that can beat them.

we can win on hutball as that takes more teamwork rather than killing the enemy as.fast as possible.


but many new players proberly think the same and are put off PvP thinking its unbalanced even though they are not 50.

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Still hearing a lot of self pity crying. Like it said stop crying and level. A huge problem with this is that their are actually not many 50s. I mean a lot more than before but still not a lot in each guild. This means few are actually PvEing... whats that mean we do, PvP. If you start making a only 50 bracket you create problem with ques. WoW has the number to make brackets but not SWTOR yet. This fact will cause a HUGE wait time for PvP ques if you are 50. I am republic and I would hate to see the que times for Sith side that greatly out numbers us 3 to 1.


I don't know on what server you play but on my in each PVP game there's roughly 1/3 of players at lvl 50. huge majority of them are PvP geared from top to bottom making them impossible to kill unless 4+ sub-50-players from opposing team focus on one of them at a time. And for some reason: that's 1/3 for Empire. Republic gets 1, 2, sometimes 3 lvl50players, rarely any of them is fully PvP geared.


And: Level up isn't an answer to anything. Equally well I could say: go and make me dinner.


Oh, and if we are on "level up" point: I officially demand PvP gear with expertise for sub-50 players (and: lightsaber wit 8 expertise points doesn't count) OR nerfing the expertise bonuses to a point where it would add an edge, not turn player into monster-tank that's impossible to kill even by 2 people doing everything right (especially if that's something like Bountyhunter or Agent)

Edited by Sky_walkerPL
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Currently there are not enough 50's. This is probably a three month after launch project.


I doubt that in 3 months smb will be in this game one shoted by 50 levels every day.


p.s.Just made new char and play level 12-13 warzones, all i got one shot one shot from level 50.

Happy that my main is not so low level.

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This problem is only going to get worse. If you want to make Warzones available for people leveling up, you need to create 2 brackets.


The scaling to 50 thing works fine 1-49. You are still at a disadvantage at low levels, but you can still play and have fun. Once you throw 50s with PVP gear you completely ruin any sort of balance because they are simply untouchable.


(don't give me crap about queue times - Huttball allows same faction matches and there are plenty of 1-49s to play. The longer this single bracket nonsense goes on the less 1-49s are going to play, however)


Agreed, there needs to be a 50 bracket IMMEDIATELY.


It's totally destroying the game to have these idiots that rushed to 50 dominate in pvp mearly because they are basement dwelling low lifes without jobs. Seriously! Right now you queue up, and die in 2 seconds from overpowered classes, and 50's that have 10 times better gear and more skills.


Really? Who is in charge of pvp in this game? Reminds me of how unbalanced and hideous Warhammer was, is Mythic involved here somehow?:mad:

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Currently there are not enough 50's. This is probably a three month after launch project.


PVP will not survive that long. I'm a diligent PVP player who happens to NOT want to be owning noobs because of gear. I stuck to the underdog classes and realms in DAOC for years because it was still fun you still had a signifigant shot at doing something.


This is not fun, it's nothing but frustrating not being able to PVP successfully till max level because of the grave imbalance allowed to join the same WZ's. That's not to say PVP here is bad. It's a good arcade feeling PVP. Not tactical but fun. It's just currently ruined atm by 50's in gear.



I'm one of those players, without a PVP alternative I will burn out and leave. I'm not gonna raid for 2385822 years running the same scripted PVE encounters till i'm sick and can't see straight to hope I get lucky enough to get an upgrade occasionally.

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its not vrying, the only people saying there should not be a 50 bracket are the 50's who are BAD players, that need a gear and lvl advantage to compete.



i am sure the devs will do the right thing and change it, then all i will say to those lvl 50's is LOL, time to learn how to play bads.

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Agreed, there needs to be a 50 bracket IMMEDIATELY.


It's totally destroying the game to have these idiots that rushed to 50 dominate in pvp mearly because they are basement dwelling low lifes without jobs. Seriously! Right now you queue up, and die in 2 seconds from overpowered classes, and 50's that have 10 times better gear and more skills.


Really? Who is in charge of pvp in this game? Reminds me of how unbalanced and hideous Warhammer was, is Mythic involved here somehow?:mad:


the players who are 50 and geared are very average players , i have played them on other games, and when gear gets equal they usually quit because they cant play.



Do not let these posts leave the front page, this has to be fixed asap.

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Agreed, BioWare said themselves they had other ideas up their sleeves if non-cross server PvP didn't work out. I assume it'd be JUST FINE for them to implement a bracket system. As it stands now, a queue pops for me in less than 3 minutes at ANY GIVEN TIME except maybe 5-7AM, which, is my fault and I don't expect it to be instant.


I'm totally fine waiting twice that time if it means my lvl 12 doesn't get rolled by a 50 with 2piece+.


I often find myself pressing the queue, and then thinking "let me do this as I wait for it to pop" and I can't do what I wanted because it pops so damn fast.


There are ZERO complaints about PvP wait time. Balance things, BioWare.


BioWare should make a Jurisnoctis tracker for themselves.

/stroke epeen

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"Hey Vader don't land on Endor, you need your own Bracket"


"Hey Sidious, don't you dare come to Tatooine, your way too OP"


"Miami Heat has been postponed today, because well it's not fair"


"Greenbay Packers 2012-2013 will not happen, rest of the NFC wants a nerf"


This is you Bracket crowd ^^, this is what you look like.


There is a known crowd that clings like yourself, they are called..



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"Hey Vader don't land on Endor, you need your own Bracket"


"Hey Sidious, don't you dare come to Tatooine, your way too OP"


"Miami Heat has been postponed today, because well it's not fair"


"Greenbay Packers 2012-2013 will not happen, rest of the NFC wants a nerf"


This is you Bracket crowd ^^, this is what you look like.


There is a known crowd that clings like yourself, they are called..




I agree saying something like "Bolster us in world PvP!" is stupid... but this is instanced PvP, something totally different.


It's not an OP class, or ability.


Bad analogy is bad.

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people want a lvl 50 bracket because of expertise. it's the same argument.


Actually it's not, and that is not reason people want brackets either.


Yes gear adds a 10% increase to 50's.


Yes it's hard to deal with.


Deal with is the phrase these bracket people are using.


They can't deal with it.


Take away expertise, 50's will still be around.


Bracket game level 49's will be the next discussion.


People cry, forums end up being a shoulder, and then people move on.


What is funny is Bioware could care less, and likes the money coming in.


So people need to put up or shut up is the bottom line.


Or like a metaphoric phrase my daddy says and I use alot,


"If you can't play with the big boys, go bake a cake"



Edited by Caeliux
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