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C2N2 Weapons


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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


....That was simply...the most awesome thing I have read all week....someone get this guy off the forums and get him to write dialogue for this game lol seriously.

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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


Posting in legendary thread.

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As a, Legitimate Freighter Pilot, I do find that having a C2-N2 droid is not required that much in my line of work due to other factors.


However, hearing about the latest round of updates that you will be releasing for the C2-N2 droid, may I ask when we will be able to use him as a defence unit in case of, pirates?.


Also, thank you for the semi-automated response, I do hope to hear from a certified tech soon, as I am already tempted to void the warranty and upgrade the product myself.

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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


so excatly how questionable of a feature are we talking... alittle illegal or illegal ? i want to know if i going to jail of 20 years :p


(i miss HK-47)

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Back in early beta, you could equip the ship droid with a blaster pistol.

But that ability was removed, hence the reason why the character sheet for the ship driod still reflects that it can accept a main-hand weapon.

AFAIK... the reason why was due to Star Wars lore = "protocol driods don't use weapons".

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I used the droid at early game before i got my "human" combat healer and yes the pet is annoying beyond any count.


Everytime the combat starts, EVERYTIME he will say one single line thats irritating beyond any measure. For that alone i couldnt not partner with him, he was killing me. If i was able i would decommision him and jettison him out in the cold space for ever.



He can use a power generator and does some faceslapping.



Lets see what future patches bring for him. But i wont hold my hopes high! Ones a mouther, always a mouther!

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The only thing this guy was good for was sending him after people in Ilum. It was hilarious to see paranoid republic run from a robot that was punching them in the head. Well that and taking him out and constantly slapping him when your punish skill is off CD, god i wish i could jettison him out of my escape pod.
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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


You sir... just one the interwebs!


IF I hear one more time that he cannot make a simmer silk purse from a banvezir or something, i swear i will summon him near a rhakgoul pack and let them feast on him!

Edited by Palonto
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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!



Dear sir, Is this a possible confirmation of the fact that C2 Droid corporation is looking into reviving the long lost, and award winning HK line droids?


I am a consumer desperately in need of a droid to better anoy my companions, with chiding remarks about their meatbag status, a feature woefuly absent from current ship steward droids.




Sith Warrior

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You sir... just one the interwebs!


IF I hear one more time that he cannot make a simmer silk purse from a banvezir or something, i swear i will summon him near a rhakgoul pack and let them feast on him!


Cannot make a Shimmer-silk purse from a Bantha's Ear, FYI!

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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


Hahahahahha, This had me in tears, especially the end. Good play Mr. Georg. Thanks for giving me my new sig Georg

Edited by Tharenisis
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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!



More respones like this and you make me fall in love with Bioware Staf

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Dear Sir,


I am writing to you in response to your complaint about our product, the C2-N2 droid. We regret that you are experiencing difficulties with this award winning, state of the art household droid.


Sadly, we have to inform you, that the C2-N2 droid, and its Imperial counterpart, the 2V-R8 autonomous ship maintenance unit, are not rated for combat at this time.


Several regrettable incidents, including the loss of a full squad of SIS operatives (apparently triggered by a malfunctioning speech unit voicing its congratulations to the undercover team during a deep cover infiltration mission), have lead the Republic Technical Support Corps to revoke the combat certification from these units and forced us to replace the 'advanced weapon and martial training ROM' from the programming of the unit.


These facts have been clearly disclosed to customers at time of sale, as well as in the programmatic introductory conversation program voiced upon owner transfer.


For this reason, we cannot take responsibility for your problems.


We are however pleased to announce that future updates to the unit's artificial intelligence core will dramatically increase the efficiency of it's emergency medical protocol features - and add some other, more questionable features.


The C2 Droid Corporation is also pleased to announce that we have started investigations into a new line of droid casings and cores, aimed at improving the efficiency of the unit's assembly and construction features. No official release date for this line of top end equipment has been determined at this point.


We thank you for your interest in our product.


The Management


C2-N2 - The only thing that crits is his voice in your earchannel!


Very good! This is the best dev answer I've ever seen on these forums. Gratz GeorgZoeller :)

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