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This is 2012, they have the worlds most expensive produced game. This is a AAA game, they have had 6 years in the creating. They have multiple other MMO’s out there to pull experience from. And they have MMO of their own to pull experience from. (as a fanboy you better know what other MMO they have had).

You seem to use the excuse that other games has been out longer then SWToR and therefore SWToR is allowed to have all kinds of bugs and errors.

No they are not. They have all the marks to be able to pull off a “good” game, but failes at the basics.


For rying out load, they pulled in the gosh darne balance dud from FailHammer online to create LvL 50 PvP. That part of captureing “towers” and recapturing “towers” faild badly in FailHammer, It failed totally in WoW, and still they try to put it in this game, trough the guy they hired from FailHammer. Desitions like that really makes you wonder what they where thinking.


They have gamebraking bugs that should have been fixed in the Beta, buggs they knew about for over half a year ago.


This is NOT a indi game. This is a multi million AAA game. For crying out load, they are using a freaking graphic enging from 2006 that they are leasing. It is not their own.


I get the impression that you are just a fanboy who likes to shout and make words. If the game has been in Alpha and been released, you would be perfectly happy and defended the game to the bitter end, with just the exact same excuses.

In your eye, this game does not have any fails, and the few that you maybe can accept, is acceptable because the game is “Star Wars”.


And another one who doesn't use his brain or doesn't know jack.


6 Years is nothing for an MMO and if you don't have a single scratch of code you have to make it from the ground up. The theory what exists is nothing if you have still to make it and if you haven't written a single line of code then be quiet about your crappy assumptions.


Just because you spill millions into a project doesn't tell anything about it. And this game is tripple A standart.


The freaking graphic engine is theirs in the state it is and has nothing more to do with the engine they have bought. But you seem to have missed this part of the news as well as the ability to grow some sense into your words.


I never said it has no fails but i see it from a realistic point of view while you do not. Fixing bugs isn't like flipping a switch with "bugs off" on you. In the million lines of code you also won't finde a marked line in it with "bugged" written all over.


Hell you really think that everything is like as easy as talking a walk in the park. Everything needs time to do and i'm sure they won't release patches on a 24 hour basis just to brake dozen other parts of the game. I'm sure they have a priority list what needs to be done first and as far even thou bugs are in the game, they aren't completly game braking.


And don't start being a kid to act like a bug will NEVER be fixed.


Same as all those kids that are screaming CONTEND blablabla...yeah..they hear you..they will do it..costs just time.


And don't pull some excuses with this "fanboy" talk just because you don't know jack.

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MMO's don't need to re-invent the wheel either. WoW did it already, copy the same thing. Pretending that this is a next-gen MMO while saying it's almost as good as wow when it was released seven years ago is absurd.


This isn't rocket science. When I join a WZ at lvl 14 I don't like being mauled by a swarm of lvl 50's. It's not a hard concept to grasp and it's something that has a proven track record of success in other MMO's.


For Bioware they had to invent it for themself. Not the basic mechanic but making an MMO without a single line written prior. Compared to your car theory where all those companys exist for ages and allready have everything at their hands.


And for the x time..just because it isn't in the game at present doesn't mean it won't be. Somewhere there are priorities set and from a logical part it's fixing bug now but not only will they fix bugs they are soon be adding content...show me 1 MMO that planed to release content this fast and on a regular basis?


Do you really think they will turn a blind eye on one of those major MMO aspects like Warzones? I doubt it and it'll sure won't stay like it is. Would be foolish to assume otherwise.


Conclusion...rage threads are pure nonsense if though through with logic.

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If no one complained then BW would get the idea nothing needs to be changed, is that really what you want, really? The Devs needs to read through as much of the feedback as they can and they should look into ALL recurring issues.


It would be better though if people would complain in the appropriate places. You can send reports directly in game and there's a support team that you can send it to.


Raging on the forums is just not the best way to do it. Also, most people who ragequit here do so with such an amount of gibberish that you can't really do much with their complaint. There are of course exceptions, but it would be better if people focused less on their emotions and more about factual issues.


A number of people hate the UI, very few people actually post what their specific concerns are. We also know that they already said they will do something about the UI in a future patch but the question is when.


So, the concern has been heard, there will be a solution at some point. We simply don't know when.


Sometimes it's just hard to tell what people here are trying to achieve. Are they trying to convince others they must feel the same? To stay with the UI example. Yes, I have some wishes for improvement, but no it's not game breaking for me.


You can very well decide that a game is not for you. It can happen. So move on. If you want to keep playing and log complaints for improvement ok. If you already unsubbed, you basically put yourself out of the community. Should I go to the WoW forums and complain about what's missing, even though I don't play that game.


No, people are just unable to deal with their emotions and feel that they should take the rest of the world down with them. Sorry, but I'm not impressed. Just annoyed at the continuous self pity on this forum.


So many people complain it seems, but really it's just a fraction of the player base. It just seems more than it really is. Unfortunately it's enough to foul up the general forum.


TL;DR: Just read the last two paragraphs.

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was fun as a single player game


some issues that made me quit:



Going to be removed, if it hasn't been already. On launch, do you really want to be questing with 200 people and waiting in line?


broken end game (lolwhatendgame)


Do you really expect a two week old game to have the raiding content of an 8 year old game? Seriously.


criminally mediocre pvp


I am not crazy about the warzones either. I think the biggest problem for me is lag, which is a result of my weak video card no doubt.


lack of world pvp


I've ran into a number of people trying to gank me. I actually enjoy 1v1 combat in this game a lot, but I am not crazy about the WZ zergs.


no combat log

broken guild chat

no mods

bad UI


All stuff that is easily fixable and will probably be forthcoming soon enough.


whole planet causing a lot of people issues including me (taris)


Already been fixed. L2Read the patch notes, bro.



can't even complete class quest as BH

broken animations

delay in combat

clunky controls in combat

specific classes get horrible looking end game gear

lack of customization end game

no dual spec

respec costs outrageous (especially for healers who interchange between dps)

game feels like a stale piece of cheese after a few days of play (nothing to keep me here)

pvp gear too easy to attain

ilum world pvp discourages world pvp

25 - 40 - 50 mount speeds feel underwhelming (especially for the cost)

Auction house is piss poor



I agree with the gear looking bad. I agree with the dual spec. I agree no forum search function is lame.


As for PvP gear being too easy, I can't really comment since I plan on waiting to hit 50 before I PvP seriously. That said, I come from Rift, where they had this god awful grind to hit Rank 8 (the highest ranked PvP gear). And you know what? The forums were nothing but people complaining about the grind. How it was unfair to casuals. How the R1's were getting 2 shot by the R8's. You had R1's saying that the R8's were all gear and no skill. Wahh wahhh waaaah. It got so bad that Trion actually started giving out welfare PvP gear. They normalized the defensive stats on ALL PvP gear tiers. A ton of people unsubbed because of that (and I can't blame them). So, all of us who grinded to R8 now had the same damage mitigation as a guy who signed up yesterday. Sure, our offensive stats were still better, but defensive mitigation was the main reason to get PvP gear in the first place.


My point is, it's all subjective. You saying PvP gear is too easy to get. Fine. A hundred others will say PvP should not be gear based at all and therefore it is better that the gear grind is not excessive. You can't please everyone.


As for the mounts, they are like most every other MMO -- 90, 100, 110%. Why does it feel slow? Because the planets are so large. But, wait, we have WoW fanbois telling us that Azeroth is bigger than all of SWTOR's planets combined. :eek:

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How dare you complain ?!?


In before tide of screaming apologists and fanboys.

Ah crap, way way too late.


Because it's impossible that someone could have a different opinion, correct?


The fanboys remind me of that Gordon Ramsey show Kitchen Nightmares. He comes in and identifies all the problems and the owners scream bloody murder that he doesn't know what he's talking about, everyone just loves their food. All while the business is sinking fast.


Gordons only yelling at you because he's trying to help.


Except the OP isn't Gordon Ramsey. He's more like the guy in the stands yelling at the coach. Of the little league team.


And business isn't sinking fast.


New MMO's can't have things like tiered WZ's? I'm curious as to how long you think it should take to implement that. I mean the Ford model T was a wildly popular vehicle but new cars don't hold themselves that models standards, they push out better products year after year.


If the population is as dead as the OP is complaining, how will tiered PvP possibly work?


More to the point, how do you know that tiers won't be incoming.....when there's a population that will actually support it?


How come my orange doesn't have a tasty covering like my apple?

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was fun as a single player game


some issues that made me quit:


broken end game (lolwhatendgame)

criminally mediocre pvp

lack of world pvp

no combat log

broken guild chat

no mods

bad UI

broken class mechaics not fixed (hello sniper)


whole planet causing a lot of people issues including me (taris)

can't even complete class quest as BH

broken animations

delay in combat

clunky controls in combat

specific classes get horrible looking end game gear

lack of customization end game

no dual spec

respec costs outrageous (especially for healers who interchange between dps)

game feels like a stale piece of cheese after a few days of play (nothing to keep me here)

pvp gear too easy to attain

ilum world pvp discourages world pvp

25 - 40 - 50 mount speeds feel underwhelming (especially for the cost)

Auction house is piss poor



tl;dr: http://i41.tinypic.com/2j4ugzk.png


Yes you can have my stuff

im not going back to wow (done with that game but it kept me entertained for a whole hell of a lot longer then this pile of rubbish)


While your list is valid and many of the problems you faced are legitimate .. its not even a month into launch. Its been what 2 weeks now? You need to give the game more of a chance then that. Unsub if you cant handle the piss poor condition most if not all mmos launch in but if you do ocme back in 3 months time I guarantee at least half this list will have been addressed by then. And for the future stay away from mmos at launch. This is actually the best mmo launch ive seen. So if you think this is bad you should just wait 3 months on all mmos.

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Yeh I think I'll listen to people like OP who, like good friends do, point out the flaws.


If you point out someones flaws when you know they have already been told about them a 100 times and are working on fixing them, you are a bully.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why are there so many people complaining about end game? Like it has been stated many times, its barely two weeks into launch. Too many people looking for that instant gratification, thinking they are entitled to everything when they want it. Back in the day anyone remember the original EQ raid (end game) targets? Like what 2 dragons Vox and Naggy? Just two...for the first YEAR of its life. a game that when it was released REQUIRED the old Voodoo cards to play. To reach 50 in just two weeks is just causing you grief. Folks are expecting there to be a ton of end game content at launch yet no MMO worth its weight EVER had good quality end game raids/content at launch. Sit back play the game and let the Devs do their jobs. Its funny seeing so many claim bugs are game breaking yet they were able to reach 50 in two weeks, so imho they arent so GAMEbreaking that you couldnt play and level. I enjoy SWTOR it is a fun and welcomed experience to me, and im quite comfrotable sitting back playing and waiting to see what enchancements get added, content gets added, and bugs get fixed with each patch.


This game is what you make of it as is any other game on the market. Play or uninstall its your choice, but chances are youl lbe back regardless.

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I wish to highlight the most important ones. game breaking.

was fun as a single player game


some issues that made me quit:


broken end game (lolwhatendgame)

criminally mediocre pvp

bad UI

delay in combat

---->clunky controls in combat<----

no dual spec

25 - 40 - 50 mount speeds feel underwhelming (especially for the cost)

Auction house is piss poor



tl;dr: http://i41.tinypic.com/2j4ugzk.png


Yes you can have my stuff

im not going back to wow (done with that game but it kept me entertained for a whole hell of a lot longer then this pile of rubbish)

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The major advantage to speeder upgrade is to withstand knockoffs when taking damage. The upgrades are worth every cred.


how about the other points?


the UI is annoyingly bad.


did i mention smart camera?


the AH is an absolute abomanation. on WoW i can search for something, check its price and then post it for sale with seconds.


Here i want to slit my wrists.


If i go on it only gets more embarrassingly bad.


BTW to all those "then why dont you play wow"


I DO. I raid hardcore. cos the end game is bloody epic and awesome and challenging and non bad compared to SWTOR. Heroic content is seriously challenging and a real test of my playing skills. SWTOR just frustrates me.

But when i dont raid i play SWTOR for a change.


So many ppl get the wrong impression. We want this game to be good, to be awesome, so we complain, hoping all the posts on suggestion forums etc will make them do something about it. Merely saying "go back to wow" serves no purpose.

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was fun as a single player game


some issues that made me quit:


broken end game (lolwhatendgame)

criminally mediocre pvp

lack of world pvp

no combat log

broken guild chat

no mods

bad UI

broken class mechaics not fixed (hello sniper)


whole planet causing a lot of people issues including me (taris)

can't even complete class quest as BH

broken animations

delay in combat

clunky controls in combat

specific classes get horrible looking end game gear

lack of customization end game

no dual spec

respec costs outrageous (especially for healers who interchange between dps)

game feels like a stale piece of cheese after a few days of play (nothing to keep me here)

pvp gear too easy to attain

ilum world pvp discourages world pvp

25 - 40 - 50 mount speeds feel underwhelming (especially for the cost)

Auction house is piss poor



tl;dr: http://i41.tinypic.com/2j4ugzk.png


Yes you can have my stuff

im not going back to wow (done with that game but it kept me entertained for a whole hell of a lot longer then this pile of rubbish)




(Insert BIOWARE Consumer sheep statement here about how we don't care)



Good post OP, glad to see you and the others who are quitting voicing you're concerns for why you're quitting.


I like posts like this, without it products don't improve... everyone else here is just to brainwashed/addicted to realize it.

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See you next week, I guarantee it.


You guarantee it? OR... you just WANT that so so badly...


b/c... my god.. it would be awful if people actually don't like the game you're addicted to and play.. wouldn't that suck if you were alone in this game? and Subs started to drop and cancel left and right? boy... wouldn't that suck...

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Hello everyone!


We do appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. Allison's thread goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful. Please take a moment to read through that sticky which can be found here:


With that in mind, we're going to go ahead and close the thread. If you have suggestions for the game, we have a fantastic thread for suggestions and encourage you to continue your discussion there.


Thank you for understanding and helping us make sure that the forums are as constructive and helpful as possible!

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