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Launch is ruined


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The reason you preorder an mmo is to be there on launch day. Call this early access as much as you want, but if it looks like a duck... its probably a duck. Anyone who has ever played an mmo on launch day knows that no matter how bad the servers are and even if you're only able to play for an hour, its still a memorable occasion. Bioware has turned the memory of this launch into what we see now. So in 2, 3, 4 or 5 years from now people will talk about launch and remember being stuck on the forums while having every complaint they voiced effectively silenced by the mods of this community. People will remember that they were punished for not preordering on day one. And people will remember finally logging into the game while others are ahead of them and on pvp servers camping them.


The servers are dead. And on launch day Bioware is home sleeping while their mods run around on a power trip. This is the disconnect. Admit this is a failure and start letting people in the game. If the servers overload fix the problems as they come up. This is not how you launch an mmo.


You ar so sad, you might as well just end it now bud


We have known for months and months and months, and you just find out now, and then you post this telling everyone what a newb you are.


Go back to wow, you can play a panda soon

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By far the worst MMO launch I have ever particpated in and I have been there done that and got the T-shirt. Login queues and server crashes are standard and understandable. Angering a good portion of your player base before they can even log on....now thats a horse of different color altogether.
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Yes this launch was ruined.


My suggestion to fix it: Allow all pre-orders to get into the game tomorrow and roll back the servers from today. Fix all problems in one swoop.


Nice idea but that will not happen, then the people that got on in the first day would be mad as well... So in the end it would just add more fuel to the fire.

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My fear is that this debacle has sent a negative ripple out to potential customers that did not pick up the game yet



Pffft, second they lifted the NDA i told everyone exactly how the BETA was......now this?


I work in an Infantry battalion, thats roughly 700-1000 soldiers, whom 80% of which are gamers........



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I think the forum moderators need to take a sedative.


It would be wise to let the people vent a little. I haven't paid one freekin cent for this game yet and it would be very easy to stop my pre-order. The Draconian forum police are doing very little to help the situation.


Since I can't actually play the video game I and many others are playing the forum game. Forums will calm down when people get to play.

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Sadly I have to agree with the OP. Being on the first day of an MMO being released, where everyone has an advantage is a much more fun experience.


Do you know the major thing that is disappointing? No mid-night release. One of my all time favorite things is standing in line till midnight, getting the game, cheering as you exit the store, then going home to play with millions throughout the night. Bioware is letting people in during the middle of the day, during school and work, just for the sake of a smooth launch.


It is normally the least smooth launches that are (amazingly enough) the most memorable and fun.

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So let me get this straight.


People are mad that the servers are stable, reliable, not crowded, and relatively bug-free? Even though people complain about these issue anytime the word "launch" is used when talking about every MMO, ever?

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Hello folks,


Just a couple notes here:


If you want to discuss concerns regarding Early Access waves, you can certainly do so in this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=6488


We of course remind you that while positive and negative opinion is allowed, that discussions should be constructive in criticism, civil, and respectful of others who disagree with you.


Additionally, while we do appreciate feedback regarding specific moderation actions, we ask that if you do have a concern to voice, that you use bwacommunitysupport@bioware.com so that we may receive your thoughts directly.


We'll be closing this thread now. Thanks for your understanding.

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