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if you don't get in tomorrow, what are you going to do?


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Ill shake my head at the self destruction of TOR by sticking to a failed launch proceedure and wait for my turn to eventually come up.


I mean the damage is done already, those that are going to quit over this have.


Those are lost accounts that Bioware will never get back because of sticking to a failed design concept.


As for me, longer this goes on, the less likely I am to ever buy another Bioware product but hey, after ME2 it was already pretty slim chance so (shrugs) I really got no foot to stand on!


At least (by going over CS heads) I got a answer (after 2 straight months of enquires getting no responses at all) about my account and the items that suppose to be attactched to them, so today wasnt a complete waste of time :)

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Im just gonna chill and play some skyrim. I mean come on ppl, there are alot of good games out this year. Just chill have fun and finish off some of your games you already have. Im gonna be killing the time playing skyrim, MW3 & Gear of War 3 because once i start playing swtor, those games are gonna feel the neglect.. This is a good year for gamers!!!:D
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Be really annoyed because I've got a 6 day work week after tomorrow. I guess pre ordering was really worth it after all :rolleyes:

Mind you I'm in Australia so I'd have to wait for my copy from amazon anyway so there never was any hope of getting to play on launch now that they've cancelled the grace period, at least when WoW was launched I was able to play, waiting in laggy server queues that is...


Don't mind me I'm just bitter.


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I'll wait another day. And another, etc.


If I am unable to get in on the 20th, I will be a bit concerned, but till then, the game isn't actually launched.

The game has launched. Servers are live. Anyone that explains differently, is just trying to argue an invalid point.

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I'll hope I get in Thursday. Honestly these people who rage and quit and whatnot, it's just rediculous. They have this unwarranted sense of entitlement and when they don't get what they want they throw a hissy fit like a toddler at the checkout lane. Don't get me wrong I'll be bummed out, but it's not the end of the world. (I'm still really, really hoping I get in tommorow. I bought a bunch of snacks to munch on while I play cause somehow I don't think I'll be taking many breaks the first day lol)
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At this point I no longer care if I get in for Early Access. Not with the fact that Walmart is jerking me and everyone else who ordered from them around. From the posts I have read their not shipping till either the 20th or the 23rd. Either way I'm not sure I want to be in Early Access just to have it ripped from me on the 19th for 2 weeks cause Walmart is taking their sweet time in shipping.
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I'll wait. I have just enough maturity to be heavily disappointed but understand the reason they're doing this is so the game doesn't come to a massive grinding halt the moment the masses of late-pre-orders and non-pre-orders (or people who pre-ordered and the sat on their codes till the last moment) hit the servers come launch.


And no this isn't launch. I've seen people trying to go "Launch is today..." no Launch is the day the game becomes available to the general public. This is not launch. This is early access afforded to those of us who pre-ordered as both a gesture of good faith and as a method of making sure the game doesn't crash come the 20th.

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