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Everything posted by Luwak

  1. Maybe they're just trying to get you to quit so they can avoid an awkward conversation about your communication skills? They could also be a bad guild for inviting someone then telling them to reroll.
  2. Yeah, because the boss' resolve bar was a big issue?
  3. I had an image in my head of a guy nerd raging and foaming at the mouth while I read that. Made more sense.
  4. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#7010cZGhModkrffzZhr.1 Flechette + Shoot First Blaster Whip Dirty Kick Sucker Punch Flechette + Back Blast Sucker Punch Tendon Blast Blaster Whip Sucker Punch Should be dead by now unless they're a well geared tank/healer, but you can finish off with ranged attacks because by now they're running and panicking and you're pretty much out of energy at this point anyway.
  5. The Acid Blade nerf is contributing to your >20% nerf numbers. Try 3/31/7. It's what I'm using and I love it post patch (I was 7/31/3 before). Maybe people will figure out how to beat it. Based on the non-operative posts on this forum and general chat, I'd say most people aren't smart enough.
  6. With the exception of a few particularly difficult-to-kill tanks and healers on my server, I'm now more certain that I will kill someone when I pop out. I'm actually killing people in a stunlock before they can do a single thing. It's not something I was able to do before.
  7. Pick up the root talent for Sever Tendon and kite hard-to-beat mobs. It's how I soloed many a heroic...
  8. The game has weird facing issues. Basically, from what I can tell, the server or client doesn't actually update your opponent's direction until they move. So when you open on your opponent, they turn in the instant before they get knocked down, and you move behind your opponent to backstab but cannot. This is because the check for the positional requirement is done by whichever side is not correctly updated. It's a terrible bug, so try going at your knocked down opponent from the side. It usually works regardless of which direction they are facing and you don't have to hunt around wasting GCDs. It's also a huge problem in pvp. If you've ever seen an operative open on someone standing on a ledge and randomly jump down while their opponent stays up, it's because on the operative's screen the knockdown threw the opponent down from the ledge. It's really terrible when you can't hit your opponent without jumping down, but as soon as the stun ends your opponent teleports back up and now you're stuck in combat for 30 seconds, can't restealth, and getting shot at from range.
  9. Is it possible that it is going off but you're being broken out immediately, and the change to quickslot dimming is making you think that the ability is still not activated?
  10. I'm torn between 10% shiv damage and -4% damage taken for the last 2 points. Maybe it's because I'm low expertise at this point, but I find the reduced damage taken to be really helpful in the 1-on-1 setting. Probably because I don't have enough expertise to burst someone down in 1 cycle and I end up having to play games with sever tendon...
  11. It stacks for sure. Whether it's the correct amount I haven't checked. But I've reset talents before and noticed that in the same gear, revitalizers ticks for different amounts with or without survival training.
  12. Setting in game options that allows you to set the maximum camera zoom out distance.
  13. The DoT is very good damage per energy so you'll want it for every backstab. This will also keep up the armor penetration buff (it lasts longer than the poison). The ability is probably one of the best DPS and DPE tools we have when you consider all it brings to the fight, so definitely keep it up.
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