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Everything posted by thomasgallant

  1. that sucks.. though have you bothered to contact cs regarding this..or is this tantrum i quit rant all you really have done.. it is worth calling cs to see if you can get it transfered with the others.. hell lie and say your power went out and you couldnt finish transfers.. anything like that and id hope they would be a bit more understanding Note.. I am not telling you to lie...but.. hey if it works.. lie away:P jk bioware.. really I am. just try and call them. dont be silly and quit without trying
  2. well, then that sounds like a personal problem that you have.. you want cake and want to eat it too... the cake is a lie... pick one i suggest pick the over populated server, there atleast you will have less to complain about and more people to hear you complain
  3. actually people would probably all pick fatman and the other servers bioware is shoverlling us into right now:P so it might.. just whiney people who have to change their names and are thinking of ending it all because of it will have a choice of which server to rename on.
  4. they already announced paid transfers were coming a long time ago.. take off the tinfoil hat. they did it this way and it is good.. ya you might lose your name and thats upsetting, sorry for you dude, but would you rather lose a name or two or have no one to play with..becuase you know character transfers are completely your option...
  5. some people dont play as much or hard as others.. some people can get to 50 in a week.. its not that huge of an accomplishment and surely not big enough to demand some level 16 give you a character name over..
  6. You should petition bioware to destory that characters Pfile ane perminately bind that name to your email account so no one can ever ever use it again.. I think that is perfectly fair and a completely rational thing to do...
  7. consdiering peopel can get to level 50 in such a short time it isnt that big of an accomplishment to reach 50:P
  8. except the popel who already confirmed they were returning to the game and resubbing:P i suppose they didnt rebuy the game.. but they resubbed.. negative nelly.
  9. stupid...maybe, but it does promote using and playing alts:P and proves the point both factions on same pvp:P i think of course i havent seen it, but i think it could be done well if done right, if not, meh it will be crappy. its one of those flip of the coins bioware loves to do
  10. I think after you get the ship the game becomes amazing.. i was so pumped the first time i got my own ship..i was like hells ya.. bounty hunting here we come!! and ya it just gets more and more epic as you go
  11. infact you need both imp and rep characters in order to the get hk droid companion..so they would have to allow opposite faction on pvp servers just for that fact alone
  12. Sopoken like a true roleplayer.. .whatever your name is for that time isnt as important as who your character is.. sad that people are so attached to something as stupid as a name I wonder if the op ever played an agent,,, adn if they did. did they get mad when they started to call their character Cypher 9? because .. ya know, that wasnt the name the person chose?
  13. You do also know though that there were alot of people who were beta testing jsut screaming realease teh game now.. now now now now i want it now... and they didnt even care to test the game they wanted to see how far they could get.. that was their goal.. im not saying bioware didnt muck stuff up. they did.. but alot of the testers I saw used that time as a demo of the game, not to test it, if they had done a more throughough job we might not be so bad off:P
  14. as far as now....it seems no.. paid transfers maybe. but not right now it seems same region same type is all ie NA pvp to NA pvp etc
  15. it might be hard to find yoru guild mates but honestly a quick post on whatever guild forum should sort that out.. a GOOD... guild leader will have thought of this and will have a way for people to contact him/her in order to get back in the guild.. sure it sucks but playing this game by yourself sucks more.. trust me ive seen the daily threads devoted to this game being single player for months now..
  16. do we have an eta on how long the transfer system is going to stay in place at all..i you wait a few more updates free transfers might be off the boards for you as well.
  17. Wow.. I have never met a roleplayer that said with a straight face that having a name of a character was more important to them then actually getting to roleplay as them... you. are definitly a first.. I am sorry that you can not find a way to work it out, it seems silly to me, ( a roleplayer) to walk away from something you enjoy due to the fact your name got changed, it seems petty. considering the fundamentals of the character ( attitude, history and what not) is just the same.. hell with some characters consider it a cover ( my agent has used many names in rp ( couldnt change the name sadly but hey) but whatever will make you happy i suppose.. good luck in wherever you head next.
  18. I am prety sure my main will be taken whenver they get around to tarro's server merger.. but meh ill just either think of something else, or i will use the accent marks and make him french:P
  19. why would you not be happy about that.. considering they can share alegacy tree. and they can transfer items.. having rep and imp on same server makes sense.. never mind that having rep and imp on same server is the ONLY .. cant stress that enough ONLY way to get the HK companion... i think you got off lucky and should be happy as hell
  20. oh im not complaining about it:P i plan on transfering if/when my server gets chosen.. but really its a pretty named merger:P and it is working exactly as they intended:) and for that I am pumped
  21. im assuming that new characters wouldnt be eligable for a transfer... atleast thats how i would do it.. to limit that very thing from happening
  22. i dunno considering how many destination servers are being piced.. far far fewer than origion obviously i am hoping they have figured out how many servers they need to fit everyone into.. bioware you are our only hope:P
  23. its a merger.. you can paint a horse and call it something else.. but it is still a funny coloured horse at the end of the day.
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