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Everything posted by tmpearson

  1. Would someone like to roll on my server and help me with a few heroics?
  2. So, any word on when we can transfer? Maybe, 2013?
  3. Heroics aren't required to progress so people skip them.
  4. This game is designed to have you re-roll alts once you hit the level cap. The problem is that it is so linear that re-rolling alts is incredibly boring. I think they need to decide very quickly which way they want to take this game because there isn't time to do both. Either improve the endgame or improve the re-roll experience.
  5. At least pandas are a playable race and not re-skinned humans.
  6. 25-30 and he is doing okay because the server status says standard?
  7. Dead server?! No way, man! There are 1.7 mil subs!
  8. Which speaks volumes about what the game really has to offer.
  9. I have no idea why they spent any time on the space combat at all, other than to say they have space combat.
  10. They did what they could with the demo version of the hero engine they were using.
  11. Huh, I guess there isn't a low population problem seeing as there is only this one thread about it.
  12. Interesting, my server has 550+ pub side at 3am.
  13. The least populated server, in the middle of the night, republic, quesh... Is that what you wanted to hear? Does that make it easy for you?
  14. You were in the same zone for 8 hours?
  15. Um, good for you? Are you inferring that my situation is unique?
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