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Posts posted by skyflash

  1. Have a worthwhile matchmaking system so there is less chance of someone wanting to leave.


    What if I tell you that the current matchmaking DOES work perfectly?


    Let me guess, you won't believe me because you are losing games, sometimes terrible.


    Your logic is flawed again.


    People leave anyway, because if they lose it must be the matchmaking, and only if they constantly win, then the matchmaking is working great.

  2. I don't really agree with your premise that adding restrictions to leaving WZ's will increase AFKing? The two activities are committed for different reasons. The reason Warzone quitting is happening is because gear is largely gained through the Dailies and Weeklies. People leave, because winning is the only important part. AFKing through the warzone really does little to help a player advance in gear. Yes they accumulate Valor for the game, but it is far less compared to if they were actually participating, since valor is tied in to medals earned and MVP votes.


    In comparison: the Daily (winning 3 games) is a minimum of 3 games played = 60 minutes. While getting enough WZ commendations to get a bag while AFKing = 20 games (40 WZ tokens a game) or 400 hrs.


    If a player leaves a WZ and suffers a 15 minute debuff, this would equal the time they would have spent playing through the full warzone. The reason they wouldn't want to AFK through the Warzone is because the Valor gain would be insignificant, forcing them to participate for more valor or spend the next 15 minutes doing something else more productive outside of PVP.




    Additionally, AFKers can easily be punished the same as leavers, plenty of other games do it perfectly.

  3. So everyone who is also stuck on the losing side of the match with him/her because they are up against the six hundred club, due to the lack of a worthwhile matchmaking system, isn't just as pissed?


    Your logic is deeply flawed.


    1. What is the alternative?


    You let the guy leave.. then another player takes his spot, sees the enemy and leaves as well... then another 5 and you just ruined 6 players game.


    2. Who is supposed to be fighting the six hundred club?


    Those guys want to PvP... do you think they want to see everyone leaving in every game they play? They dont care if they win every game by the enemy leaving, because a win is useless to them.

  4. You're internet died for 30 seconds, you've been DC'd from the server or Your game crashed in the warzone

    Cya in 30 minutes.

    Oh Bioware made it so that you can't leave, but if your game crashes or you D/C no penalty.

    Lets see, Hopeless game, check, no need to stay, check. Disconnect internet, next warzone.

    Oh they made so if the game crashes no penalty!

    Task Manager->Right Click swtor.exe->End Process. Counts as a crash and always will. next warzone.


    Nice try, but that will not work.


    If you log back in, you will be in the same BG you left.

    If you arent there when the BG ends, you will get a penalty.

    It doesnt matter if you D/C, pull out the cable or crash, you get a penalty anyway.

    If you are really unlucky and crash 30 seconds before the game ends, you are a collateral damage.


    Get over it.

  5. Why punish those who want to accomplish something instead of fixing the lack of any real matchmaking system? Make the matches a little more even and you'll see less players leaving them. I don't leave warzones I'm having fun in, whether my team is winning or losing.


    As long as they lose, players will say the matchmaking was not even and leave anyway.


    Also, you have to fix both, matchmaking AND leavers/AFKers.


    Maybe YOU won't, but the T3 equipped players will to get the rest of their gear.

  6. Then have the matchmaking peak in your bags too. Don't know of many players running around with a lot of expertise gear sitting in their bags.


    I do... got my PvE equipment on, and the rest in my bag.


    Doesnt matter though, as bag slots are the same as equipped slots and the same as bank slots... its all a form of storage on your character, so if the logic scans you it will find everything you own anyway.

  7. And then they get kicked out of the game, Leaving you a man short...Again.


    Which is fine, he wasnt helping anyway, and now he cannot leave another game for 30 minutes. Which means he cannot ruin another 30 games. Also, he will learn that he just wasted 30 minutes, which means he will probably stop doing it very soon.

  8. I think this thread completely boils down to this.


    A. Stayers are mad because they lost when a leaver left. They want a deserter penalty to prevent it.


    B. Leavers left because they knew that the game was lost already.


    Then its stayers calling leavers selfish because they want them to participate in a battle they don't want to stay in.


    The thread boils down to this:


    PvP is slowly dieing because in a PUG you lose with a chance of like 95% due to someone leaving your group, because leavers will leave any group that they think will lose the game, which in most cases means any group that does not contain a premade.


    So you enter random -> you lose.


    Funny enough, leavers are pissed because of the problem they create themselves.. which is, random groups usually lose. So they leave random groups. The circle closes.


    As a leaver will cause like 5 other people to leave, the problem multiplies fast.


    If Bioware does not fix this ASAP, PvP will die.


    In my guild (I know, personal problem) about 50% of the players stopped doing PvP, because they never win and got frustrated.

  9. Wee a new thread! Ok, this is what I wrote in the last thread about the same topic:



    Guys, currently some people are leaving, and it feels really bad for the people that get stomped because of it. But you need to realize, that THIS currently is just the tip of the iceberg.


    There aren't that many people full T2 and gearing up with T3 yet, and those are the players that currently ruin PvP for you. There aren't even full T3s yet, at least not many. And those people will, on average, be MUCH WORSE in the leaving department.


    Overall, in the coming weeks and month the situation will rapidly decrease to a huge BG jumping, PvP ruining fragfest. You have seen nothing yet, just imagine what will happen when people with NO INCENTIVE TO PLAY AT ALL are in the queue playing with Randoms.


    It will be MUCH WORSE in a few weeks. Much much worse.


    - No one that wants to give rewards as an incentive has stated how to motivate the full T3 players to stay in a game as you cannot reward them anymore.


    - No one that wants to give rewards has stated how to overcome the current, HUGE reward given for leaving a BG to T2 players that gear up with T3 by completing Dailys and Weeklys. That reward is PLAYTIME and is a very limited resource for many players. It is very hard to overcome.


    If there is no type of deserter buff or sticky BGs in a few month when most PvPers reach BM and a large part reaches full T3, PvP in this game will die. Period.


    Bioware needs to do something NOW before it gets out of hand:


    - Remove the AFK mechanism in safe zones

    - Fix the D/C bugs

    - Fix matchmaking

    - Separate Premades from Random BG

    - Fix equipment > skill

    - Fix choosing a BG

    - Make BGs stick to the player so he rejoins his BG on reconnect

    - Implement deserter debuff if players are gone at the end of a BG

    - Implement AFK detection mechanisms that actually work

    - Implement AFK voting

    - Implement progressive AFK penalties


    And then, after leaving is fixed, you can:


    - Add medals for team oriented actions and fix healer medals

    - Add more team oriented daily and weekly quests

    - Lower the reward for the win daily and weekly quests

    - Add rewards for medals that interest T3 players (expensive mounts, Titles, Social Gear)


    This, for me, is the way forward for SWTOR BG PvP. Similar stuff has to be done for Ilum and Tatooine of course. And I believe if they dont do a huge portion of this, PvP in SWTOR will die soon, but thats just me, and I could be wrong.

  10. My system rewards people for doing things relevant to the Warzone they are in.


    Instead of Wins or losses to complete the daily or weekly you have a large number of actions which are count toward your daily.


    Actions such as planting the bomb in Voidstar. Such as preventing the enemy from capping a Turret in Alderaan. Such as passing the ball to someone in Huttball who then proceeds to score.


    Why would anyone care about actually WINNING after that change?


    You change it to this.... PvP will die.


    People will try to plant bombs and cap turrets. All of them. At once. No one will defend the guys doing it.

    People will pass the ball. But only to the guy that actually scores.

    People will defend turrets... but only AFTER they have been captured... no one will wait and actually DEFEND one, waiting for an enemy to appear.

    While you guys are doing whatever, I will wait in the middle of huttball for the ball to appear so I can pass it.


    PvP will die. Nuff said.


    No incentive for winning -> Nobody will try to win.


    It will be a huge objective trading party.


    You will never cap anything btw, nor get any ball.. cause I got Force Speed.


    Good luck with your healers BTW, I am sure they love your idea.

  11. There is still a better system which I have outlined and no one has commented on. Don't make me start a thread about it.


    There is no better system cause you cannot fix leaver and afker by rewarding, you can only fix it by penalizing.


    The reason is simple... at some point in time you simply run out of rewards you can give.


    Penalizing ALWAYS works, wether you have full T3 or T1.

  12. What if I queue up and enter a losing WZ immediately because someone else quit or disconnected.

    Now I am being penalized and my time wasted through no fault of my own.

    Even under the current system I often enter WZs where the game is already lost.


    The basic idea is that people will not get send into BGs that already started, because it is mostly useless anyway.


    A BG starts with 16 people, and those 16 play it to the end, or AFK, or D/C, or whatever. The problem stays inside that BG. If you D/C, you reconnect and go into the same BG. If you AFK, you get nothing plus a debuff from your mates. If you leave, you get the same debuff.


    Thats it.


    You play it to the end, if you want or not. If you dont make your daily, you dont make your daily. Who cares?

  13. Why are complaining about leavers then?


    AFKers get pretty much get the same rewards for staying in the match.


    The quiters are the ones that get nothing. If they implement a deserter penalty then

    Quitters stop quitting and become AFKers.


    Quitting is the lesser of 2 evils.


    No its not.


    AFKers only ruin their own game. Also, AFKers will be reported and get their very own deserters debuff anyway.


    Leavers however ruin up to 10 games in the same time period. Leavers have to be severely penalized.

  14. And what if I sit stealthed outside of the AFK detection zone?

    1. I get the win or the loss Commendations, XP, money, and valor.

    2. You get slightly more for having medals, but I put forth 1/100th of the effort you did.


    If they add inactivity timers, I do the same things, just add push random key every few minutes.


    You report me, nothing happens. I did this through several hundred Battlegounds in wow, and I'm sorry but Blizzard has got bioware beat on customer service.


    Dude, it doesnt matter, dont you get it?


    I will have the same fun, wether you AFK or not... I will lose anyway, but I do get stuff. The only one that doesnt get **** is YOU. :)

  15. If leavers are prevalent enough for you to be angry, then AFKers will be too.


    No, because AFKer are not a problem. Even if the half team AFKs, it doesnt matter. Because:


    1) The AFKER will not get anything... no wins, no reward, nothing.


    2) The AFKer will only ruin that one group, all other PvP groups stay intact.


    Leaving does have a sense, but AFKing doesnt. You will notice when you start doing it. :p


    I am not worried about AFKers.. go ahead, ruin your own fun... lol.

  16. They do this and I will cancel my subscription.


    I do not have enough time with work and family to PvP and get my dailies done unless I leave a losing match.


    Just a final warning.


    Institute a lockout Bioware and I WILL cancel.


    Please cancel... you do not understand PvP, you don't understand that the daily will be there the next day as well.


    Bioware WILL have a lockout, I can promise you that.

  17. Srsly are you people this serious?

    What about a DC/Client crash (I've had both, or in huttball I've jet cahrged/Been pulled into the empty space bug that causes me to either die and then can't run back in so get ported out/or DC) and I've lost a valor rank?


    In the new system with penalty you would be able to go back into the BG where you just D/Cd, you would only get a penalty if the game is OVER when you get back.


    So no harm done in this case.

  18. I propose a 15 minute debuff for anyone that has less than 4 medals in 1-49 (or less than 6 medals in 50) or less than 2500 objective points.


    LOL fine with me, I just hope you are a healer, because:


    I am quite sure no one will heal anymore, other than a 2.5K, 5K and 75000... the rest will probably be DAMAAAAAAGE.


    BTW... healing and damage is not participation.... in huttball you can easily score a 6:0 without ever healing or damaging.

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