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Everything posted by Blaaine

  1. The resolve in this game is BROKEN.. and BAD. During PvP I can stay at a full Resolve meter, but I'm still stunned... knockbacked.... and cc'ed in every F'in way imaginable. If you would just FIX this ONE thing the classes would even out a bit more. Staying in a state of STUN for 90% of a PvP match is getting REALLY annoying. or since marauders have like NO cc.... what about a skill that makes us Immune to CC for a short time.
  2. Its gimp pre lvl 50 and when your undergeared. Stick to Carnage until your geared. Once your in Full PvP Gear... Rage does some sick dmg.
  3. Marauder PvP at first is------------> HORRIBLE just F'in HORRIBLE. We are the worst class dependent on gear. The other classes have the advantage due to their amount of Stuns/CC/knockbacks. Then later... you get full Champ/Battlemaster gear: The Tables Turn. Pay backs a Bit$#. Spec into Rage for PvP and just own the competition. You will make the healers run and cry in a corner. Force Crush + Smash is a healers worst nightmare. But you will need to learn the class. Its a hard class to master.
  4. +1 He has this post confused with his MERC with his one key bind of Tracer Missle.
  5. I don't have ENOUGH keybind for my Marauder. And sadely... I have to use about all them depending on the situation. And I've played an OPS to lvl 50. They are MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to play. As heals or DPS. PvP Easy Mode = OPS. Not easier than say a SI or Merc, but easier than a Marauder.
  6. That depends, but yes a SI or a Sage is easier to excell with compared to a Marauder.. by far. But once a Sage/SI/or dps OPS is fully geared their OP'ness begins to show more. (Like losing half your health from a OPS from stealth while in full PvP gear is BS or a healing sage able to spam Pebble throw which hits for 3k/tick and slows you.) SW are the most PvP gear dependent class. They are utterly horrible wo/gear. Easily kited and quickly killed, but once a SW is geared they can put up quite a good fight. My Marauder has made the OP'ed classes rethink their class choice. Nothing like a 6k AoE crit to make give a healer a bad day. I target the OP'ed classes and ensure they don't do anything but run in fear and heal themselves the ENTIRE PvP Battle. You shouldn't be QQ'in about any class until you've played them all to a high lvl.. preferrably lvl 50.
  7. This is because its the only skill on their bar.
  8. Its even better in PvP.... nothing like a self root and CC. Same thing happens with Force Joke (Force Choke) a lot. You stand there doing the animation, but no dmg or CC. People say its because there are Immune to CC at the time.. but it doesn't explain why the same thing happens during PvE enounters.
  9. Well first off that Marauder is FULLY PvP geared facing all players 1 v 1. Yes, if a player is dumb enough face a Marauder 1 V 1 and not use a cc and run away... he is going to die. Esp. when the other players were NOT PvP geared. I didn't see ONE geared player on the other team. That was just an OVERALL full team faceroll. **the double purple glow sticks are a clue... (Don't Fk with that player 1 v 1) Same applies to any geared class. I had a geared SAGE critting me for 3k/tic with his silly pebble throw as a healer. He didn't die the entire match being focused by almost the ENTIRE TEAM. HE ended up with 300k dmg and 200k healing. If anyone even thinks a marauder is OP'ed... your not to bright. If anything this Video can bring hope the Marauder Players that they to can kill stuff once they are FULLY geared and can no longer be oppressed by the Endless SI/SAGE CC. And yes... its is REALLY REALLY REALLY painful playing a Marauder in lvl 50 PvP before your geared. Just horrible. Survivability = Next to ZERO And look at the PvP match results: There was BH and an SI that did just as much dmg as the Marauder. But the force crushes when fully geared sure do hurt.
  10. Kinda hard to do from ranged. But I really don't care. If I see a noob standing up above spamming their ONE button. I'll target them the entire match and ensure they won't dps the rest of the match. See how well your missle spam works up close and personal with a Marauder in your ARS.
  11. Shout breaks on dmg. Unlike the other classes CC. Remember at lvl 50 the other classes gain even more REAL Stuns to our.... kinda 1. Force Choke = CC's you while you use it. (pvp worthless unless 1 v 1) Int. Shout = Breaks on dmg/long CD Ravage = suppose to stun while using (if specced), but 90% chance that won't happen. They'll run off while your casting it. Pretty much as a lvl 50 Marauder... your going to spend alot of time in CC. For PvE as a Marauder I have no complaints. PvP... I use my OPS for that. You know the SURE WAY to DETERMINE what class is OP'ed? Que up for a PvP Match (Pre lvl 50 works best) Count how many of each class there are. The class with the most is the OP'ed Class. All the noobs swarm to the OP'ed class. My results: 70% SI 20% Merc 5% OPS 5% SW I've seen many matche were its ALL SI's with one or 2 of another class. This is pathetic. They should rename PvP: SI's VS SAGES The Battle of the OP'ed.
  12. SI's have a few stuns. Problem is Marauders don't have any real stuns. At all. I'd say its okay if we did more dps, but thats not the case either. A Sages pebble throw does more dps than our Ravage.
  13. And its OKAY for a SI to have an AoE knockback that also snares? On a class that already has a TON of CC's with range, heals, shields,..... But yeah anyway... don't really need something to push them away.... I'd be happy with ONE REAL STUN!!!!!!!! Ravage = never works. Force Joke = CC's the marauder while its channeled... so you get owned while u use it. Force Charge = not a really cc since it lasts for so little of time.
  14. Our dps is fine. Our survivability in PvP needs some tweeking. I enjoy the challenge of the class.... OTHERWISE we will end up like the NOOB SI's and SAGES... taking over the PvP grounds. I don't see how anyone could enjoy playing a class where 90% of every PvP match is their class. Its gettting so bad on my server that people won't vote for a SI for MVP even if they are top dps, heals, ... I like being the rare class. Esp. during Operations.. being the only Marauder brings in all the lootz. /sign So true. When I see a noob spamming one ability I target him... and kill him.. over and over and over.
  15. Your still a Glass Cannon. Anni spec is nice, but your not gonna take down a geared healer with that spec. Carnage gives your the burst for the healers. PvP is still group focused. Less your a noob running around on your own picking off other noobs on their own. Your dual light sabers = BIG TARGET. Your gonna be focused and your going down fast. Period. Better hope you have a good healer.
  16. +1 I've played the Marauder for a Long time.... since BETA. Marauder in terms of DPS output is fine. Marauder in terms of surviabilty in PVP is horrible. Lack of CC, Stuns, and no knockbacks. And no.. full pvp gear doesn't help your survivability much since your opponents will have full gear to. Marauder is a GLASS CANNON ... period. If your focused your DEAD. Unless you have a team of healers keeping you up, but that applies to all classes. I'm to the point I don't enjoy PvP'ing with my Marauder. I'll only use him for Operations. My OPS healer can go entire matches without a single death. Its just irritating to go into PvP matches now with 90% SI's and Sages. You spend the entire fight in a constant state of CC. Pathetic really. Believe its time to NERF the SI and SAGE so all the noobs will play another class besides the flavor of the month. Every match... a team of SI's with one Merc or Agent.
  17. Well I don't think a Marauder is hard, but yes its harder than a BH for sure. Hitting that ONE button on a BH can be hard. Missle spam for noobs.
  18. Lol.... Wow. Just wait for lvl 50 PvP. Your opinion will change and fast. I've been playing a Marauder since BETA. First of all, the Marauder 1 v 1 is deadly (Only after fully geared), but this is a GROUP PvP game. If your finding players out by themselves... they are DUMB and deserved to be killed. The Surviability of a Marauder when focus'ed or CC'ed by two or more is ZERO. Your dead. And FAST. I've played all the other classes to lvl 30+ and also have a lvl 50 OPS healer. Trust me when I say this: "I cuss 99% more playing my Marauder in PvP than any other class." Playing an OPS or SI or BH is like PvP EASY MODE. I can get away from any situation with my OPS if I want to escape. 80% of the time with a Marauder I'm dead. They are easily CC'ed and quickly killed. With an SI or OPS you will need to be focused by 3 or more players to be killed. And as a Marauder you have the LEAST CC's and Stuns than ANY other class. We have ZERO pvp oriented stuns besides Force charge which isn't really a cc and a very very short stun with a long CD. Force Choke don't count because we are CC'ed while we are casting it and getting pounded in the process by other players. Anyone who even HINTS that the Marauder Class should be Nerfed is just silly and has ZERO clue *** they are talking about.... PERIOD. If anything they need some type of buff or another form of cc, stun, or knockback. In Summary: Marauder = Glass Cannon
  19. Blaaine

    PvP Healer love

    Your right.. I made it all up. Sages/SI are so underpowered. The other classes are lucky to do 200k healing combined with 40k dmg, or doing 200k dmg with any healing at all, but sure.... lets low ball them... 200k healing with 100k dmg.. is still silly.
  20. Blaaine

    PvP Healer love

    Ummm... no. Do a search. There are numerous screen shots of Sages/SI's doing well over 300k dmg with 200k+ healing. It a common occurrence in the PvP matches on my server as well. Of course.. before the Biochem Nerf.. even a Marauder could do 300k dps with 150k healing... And it applies to mainly a geared Sage/SI... once they get full PvP gear. Its gets stupid.
  21. Blaaine

    PvP Healer love

    Well the average lvl 50 SI or Sage can crap 300k healing and 300k Dps in one match... so you'll eventually rack up 10 medals every pvp match win or lose. and Bioware wonders why there are 7 Trillion Dress wearing Sages and SI's lurking... every noob and their mother rolled one knowing they are OP'ed.
  22. Minor? LoL........ If they are HEAL spec... their DPS should be #1 in the PvP match along with the heals.... Same applies to the Sages... Class needs a nerf.
  23. So they nerf the OPS.. the class that is only effective 1 v 1 if they have you alone.. which you shouldn't be anyway... So WHAT ABOUT the WAY OP'ed SAGES and SI's. Thats the class that needs NERFED and BAD.
  24. End of PvP matches... always have the SI/Sages doing crazy DMG with high healing. That should be a clue.
  25. ^^ This This also is annoying.. 90% of boss fights are NOT melee friendly. You have to be twice the player to be equal to ranged.
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