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Posts posted by llesna

  1. I fully support this.


    And to the negative posters saying that is has been announced, no time frame has been given. Consequently, people making posts such as these give a visible sign to the devs that this is something that people are interested in and that they shouldn't just keep on the backburner.

  2. What I did was that I took a screenshot of my previous character face. Then, I created my new character and I kept comparing the result with the screenshot. Maybe there's an easier way but this worked for me.


    I did exactly the same when I rerolled my trooper to keep him a dark mirror image of my bounty hunter. Several screenshots from different angles helps too.


    Takes a while to keep comparing back and forth (even with two monitors), but was definitely worth taking the time.

  3. Hello everyone. Thanks for your reports! We've added this to the Known Issues Thread and are working on a fix.





    Hi Amber,


    Could you possibly also check with the CS team who receive the email bug reports too and ensure that all the known bugs are listed?


    On last check, the known issues thread still didn't list the smart camera issue (smart camera not working since 1.2) and a few other issues.


    Kind regards


  4. I actively support such an idea!


    Anything that helps to give legacy more purpose and make social points less of a massive grind for every single character in a legacy is a step in the right direction.


    To naysayers, I just don't see how you can wish for people to have to grind away social points on each and every one of their characters, especially when we eventually get more character slots per server.


    /signed and supported

  5. Trance usually, especially any of the In Search Of Sunrise or A State Of Trance albums, plus the most recent Trance Nation ones (as I find the earlier ones quite rubbish).


    I do often listen to game soundtracks too, such as Super Mario Galaxy, or anime soundtracks as well, such as Escaflowne, Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist etc. I also have a penchant for lighter music, such as the easy-listening of Late Night Alumni or the chilled vocals of Lisa Hannigan.


    It really all just depends on the mood I'm in when I'm gaming. I've even got the Star Wars albums (all of them) that I can listen to when I need a fix of Star Wars music that doesn't cut out after a minute each time. (Yes, that was a not-so-subtle dig at the fact that SWTOR's music only plays for short periods of time before cutting out for massive periods of time.)

  6. What hyperbolic rubbish!


    Firstly, it's a US server. Secondly it's a PvP server, which a lot of people don't want to be on. Thirdly, one server could not house all players with acceptable lag levels and even with a lot of instancing, people would be constantly fighting over mission items or resource points.


    Offering free character transfers, followed by merging low population servers and overall reducing the number of servers makes perfect sense, but putting everyone on The Fatman is just... mind numbingly silly.


  7. I would prefer for the price to just be massively reduced, and keep it character-specific. But if they insist on believing that everything should cost millions of credits (which is ridiculous) then definitely make it Legacy-wide.


    Requiring massive grinding just to make alt-leveling negligibly easier is just a bad idea. That doesn't encourage people to play alts, and people who play alts have MORE than enough content with all eight classes to last them until more content is released - they don't need to be strongly encouraged to waste all of their time grinding rather than having fun with the leveling content that was created for us.


    Then such unlocks shouldn't be linked to legacy, which is all about unlocks across your entire legacy and gaining benefits from the cumulative legacy effort :)

  8. My point was that servers and dead and dying for a laundry list of reasons, many of which I posted.


    Of course dead servers are an issue, but they didn't die just because they were always dead... there used to be players there... but then they left. Did they all re-roll? No. Did they evaporate for no reason? No. Are the "problems that can be addressed later" the reasons why they are dead?


    Well, if the answer is anything other than no, then my post wasn't that "ignorant" was it?


    I'm sorry, but you've got it backwards.


    Fixing the game's multiple issues will take years and will be an ongoing battle. This is a long term problem that is not just related to this game but with all MMORPGs that lack features that should have been implemented.


    Merging servers now and offering character transfers will fix the immediate population issues and stop more players from quitting for the reason of not wanting to pay a monthly fee to play what is essentially a single player game on many servers now. This is a relatively quick fix and needs to happen as soon as possible.


    So yes, you still are ignorant on this issue. I mean no insult to your person, but your argument is backwards. Solve the short term issues then fix the long term ones.

  9. Sorry OP, but to say to those people on low population servers that their genuine problem isn't an issue, it just speaks of ignorance and a complete lack of empathy or understanding.


    Yes, there are a lot of non-server issues that do need sorting out, but a priority right now is to get players playing together on fewer servers and then close down the abandoned ones. This is an absolute must for a heck of a lot of people who are currently stuck on dead servers.


    Once this problem is solved, then the other issues can be addressed too.

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