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Everything posted by Venjirai

  1. Every class should be able to hold of multiple attackers for more than 3 seconds and should not be totally helpless against focus fire.
  2. Skank healers are not that big of a problem unless there are skank tanks or dps who are wiling to switch stance for guard. Dps sorcs are in a better place than snipers cause if they whole enemy team decides to focus you and you are able to barrier after you used your adrenal/medpac/bubble/selfheal/sprint/knockback then their whole effort will be in vain while your team possible already killed one of their guys. Also, if the initially agreed target fails to die, there is hardly any further coordination.
  3. Snipers are gods in normal warzones, they are also not bad with a good healer and tank in group ranked, but they absolutely suck in a ranked match with 4 dps against 4 dps. People who say that sniper are good there obviously never played one in solo queue. Every class has some kind of "Oh ****" ability when they got focused; most have even two or more, snipers on the other hand, have non. The best they can do is pop entrench prematurely and use knockback and maybe roll when they are not rooted and that will only give you like 2-3 more seconds before you die. If there is an enemy stealther, they will just hit you with their unavoidable damage which will hit squishy snipers like a truck and then stun you for their team to finish the job. Having played every class to 55 and doing arenas, I can say that snipers are easily the worst in solo queue, assassins and vanguards will wreck them even without support of their team.
  4. Sniper in solo rated is barely viable. They could start increasing survivability by increasing the length of the roll and make it useable while rooted.
  5. My guildmates and I have been playing Wildstar on nearly all the beta weekends so far and we are definitely leaving SWTOR for good when it releases. It had potential, but it seems the dev don't really care enough for pvp in this game.
  6. You realize that this thread is older than 2.7 ? You realize that changing titles in this forum is bugged? You realize that I wasn't threatening anybody but only making a statement that I won't update this thread anymore?
  7. Last time bumping this; if no devs give some kind of response I will leave this game for good.
  8. Thank you for the feedback. Yes, I also find that covered escape on mm is not as good as covered escape on the other trees. I am not sure what effect to give it though...maybe a longer roll or a shorter cooldown? With ranged classes kinda dominating pvp right now, do you think that a 7 second root would be fair to the minority of melees left? Lethality could also spec into it and rooted targets will then take 7 seconds of dot damage because those don't break leg shot. What I really wanted to do with marksman was deleting the 2-snipes in a row rotation. It is not fun, but changing it back to what it was before would not really work with all the other changes. What about 1 snipe resetting followthrough but with an internal cooldown, do you think that would work?
  9. Thank you, appreciate it. I hope my efforts are not in vain and some designer actually have a look at those proposals.
  10. It is not just focused defense. The whole sudden death is bugged now, but what do you expect from Bioware, every patch they mess something up.
  11. Instead of being so counterproductive why don't you list all the things you think aren't appropriate and how you would deal with them.
  12. You are one of the few, who actually likes them. And no, buffing those dots to Mind Crush level would be ridiculous and not even slightly balanced.
  13. I will not lose hope till Bioware gives a response.
  14. Yes, it appears damage got a little bit higher, but all those guys saying that they get killed in like 3 seconds are probably experiencing the massive amount of combat/carnage sentinels/marauders now. Guess smash wasn't that bad after all.
  15. * Now added Sharpshooter/Marksmanship changes. Not so many changes because the entrench buff really helps this spec a lot. Please tell me what you think about them. But what is the point of using cover abilities out of cover when for most of them you need to stand still to cast them? Only really useful when you have your instant Snipe proc, Explosive Probe while moving only gives a slight advantage.
  16. Next up will be sharpshooter/marksman. The awkward rotation and immobility issues kinda put it behind the other two specs in arena. Any suggestions?
  17. I am not happy with all of the changes and the madness changes are one of them. But I did not make this thread with the intention of "Those are the changes needed and those are absolute". I made it with the intention to be a baseline for further discussion and feedback on player-wanted changes I gathered by discussing with mostly hardcore pvpers and personal experience. Please visit the thread and share your opinion as I would gladly adjust if you got something better.
  18. If you are playing a burst setup in arenas or want to chain cc the enemy healer, you don't have to fear doting somebody you did not even want to and messing up your allies ccs.
  19. You are reading this wrong, I am talking about the skill "Lambaste" in the Madness Tree, which is useless now. And the purpose is to bring project back in the rotation. Either that or some Maul proc. I am not sure.
  20. What part of "We don't care about pvp in this game" don't you understand?
  21. My aprils thread was better, but you deleted it. D:
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