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Everything posted by Cancrizans

  1. I am fairly certain that in this case they would have given us a little more info before release.
  2. The only April Fool is on you as the game is far from dying.
  3. No. One of the main things I didn't like about WoW was all the immersion breaking wisecracking and pop culture references. I hope they leave things as they are so you can believe you are actually living in the Star Wars universe.
  4. I think they definitely need to balance things a bit. Stuns should be more the tools of healing specs...they need a way to keep people from focusing them especially as few team mates are willing or even able to give them team level backup. One other thing that IMO needs serious balancing is the traps in Hutball. They should be functioning as such obstacles function in every other team sport with similar construction...as barriers that limit normal movement and perhaps do some damage to players who walk through. As is, they do far to much damage and have become a way to grossly exaggerate the performance of certain skills in PvP...which has had the unfortunate side effect of having some skills nerfed simply because they function too well in the Hutball dynamic. Ignoring this fact is both bringing nerfs to classes that don't really deserve it and allowing the abusive tactics of some players to dictate the course of skill balance...either way it can lead to nothing but fail for SWTOR in the long run.
  5. Lol agree...I feel for you OP but you as many others lose all credibility when you try to say this game is MORE buggy than other MMO releases...it actually never happened.
  6. I would like fewer people who have no idea what MMO development cycles involve to post their drivvle on these forums as if they were contributing knowledge based and meaningful opinions. There is so much ridiculously, poorly informed opinion posted on these forums by people who convincingly portray themselves as "authorities" yet have next to nothing informative or intelligent to say about the game besides making really bad and equally unintelligible parallels comparing this and other games irrationally...I would like that to stop unfortunately people on the internet think they are a lot smarter than they actually are.
  7. I don't even know what multicluturism is, much less understand it.
  8. Kinda feel ya there man... but as this topic is not directly related to SW:TOR, we will now be closing this thread!
  9. I was going to post this as a response to a comment in another thread, but decided to make a separate post because I think it is important to a discussion of what MMOs are and where they are heading. I know this thread will get a lot of "things change blah blah companies exist to make money blah blah" stock responses, but I mostly wonder if anyone thinks we will ever see a return to more classic MMO communities and ideas:
  10. Because not everyone WANTS FPS style action oriented combat in an MMO. Traditional MMO combat is slower paced and more decision based than action based, and a lot of people like that. That is why they make FPS games...for people who like action combat. That said, I personally find the combat in SWTOR to be the most exciting I've played in an MMO. What class do you play? I suggest you give Marauder/Sentinel a whirl and then come back and tell us the combat is boring.
  11. Please no...this is not WoW, I don't want to see people running around with LEGO noncom pets that would be ridiculous. One of the things that kept me from ever taking WoW seriously was all the cutesy garbage and immersion killing jokes from the NPCs.
  12. Haha, ya someone linked that in the first thread, too. I think both result from someone entering text into some kind of translator and it didn't come out quite as they had hoped.
  13. Oh, since you wanted to read the original, here is an archived copy. Enjoy. http://filthy-few.co.uk/files/swordinbox.html
  14. Well as I said, there was ONE pretty solid(to me at least) explanation in the original thread. Someone seemed to think that the idea is to be able to draw your lightsaber without actually igniting the blade, then being able to do so afterwards. So for example, whereas now if you hit the z key(default) you will draw and ignite your lightsaber, this person thought Battlebug was requesting the ability to a) draw the hilt from your side and then b) light it afterwards by use of a separate command. I guess the idea behind this would be to make things look more dramatic, as we see in a few instances in the films etc. where someone will draw their saber and then affect a dramatic pause before actually flipping the "on button" hehe. Was just one way of looking at it but it makes sense to me. I can't imagine what the hell else he may have been talking about.
  15. Ya it is from a post by Battlebug in the beta forums. The best explanation I've heard was one guy in the original thread thought he wanted you to be able to unholster your lightsaber without actually turning the blade on...and be able to do so afterwards supposedly for dramatic effect. Regardless, the wording is JUST SO EFFING INSANE it reduces your IQ by 2 points every time you read it. And yes, this has been scientifically verified.
  16. http://www.cracked.com/article/167_5-reasons-star-wars-sequels-would-be-worse-than-prequels/ Read and understand, young Padawan.
  17. OP, I am 100% sure Razer customer service would take care of this immediately if you had contacted them first instead of running to the forums to make a whine post.
  18. God this game has enough loading issues without allowing Steam(ing pile) in on the action.
  19. No...what? Why? Can you imagine how silly that would look lol? And god let me guess...it can be found in the EU right? Further reason not to accept anything those hacks wrote as genuine Star Wars, whether George Lucas, or Luke Skywalker himself came down from the heavens and said it's so.
  20. Please explain no MMO ever having SOLOABLE dungeons. Dailies are solo content. "Dungeons" are designed for several players. If you don't want to spend time finding a group, don't do them. Simple.
  21. Hey, nice sig. Why don't you give that a whirl and see what the courts think of your theory?
  22. Man, you are so way off OP...and it is because you just started playing STO. I will agree that STO does have some fun things, and has certainly improved a LOT since it launched. But it isn't even remotely in the same ballpart as SWTOR when it comes to content and quality. The ship is basically there so you grind out ultra repetitive missions and do some Space Combat...which while fun grows old fairly quickly. Yes it has a decent character creator and running around with 4 other crew members is amusing at first, but these things are very minor when you discover how boring the endgame is. What STO does best is the story missions, which can be a lot of fun...and the fact that they have a mission creator that lets players make their own missions is a damned cool thing. STO is a nice game in many ways, and it is a fun game to play casually or as a second MMO, but trust me once you have played for a while, you will start to see a LOT of shortcomings.
  23. Uhoh, I bet Bioware is really poopin their pants right now.
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