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Everything posted by Halvos

  1. Found one post on the PTR forums. There are plenty more about it if you dig. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=161969
  2. Funny. You mention WoW which launched in 2004. This is 2012. Not to mention the fact that Bioware should have learned from all that failed and succeeded from other MMOs including WoW, yet somehow they didn't. This is a massive screw up. You really need to stop trying to defend it.
  3. That's because by the time the Trooper starts his 3rd mortar, BH's have finished their full Death from Above. How is that better?
  4. They're making a PlanetSide 2. You should check it out.
  5. There isn't any innovation there. PvP is clunky and the same old boring instanced style that most people are annoyed with. Flashpoints and operations are also repetitive and you fall into the same grind once you realize that the only reason you are doing them over and over again is for gear...to do them over and over again but better! Choices? I choose to pick a dark side option in Esseles and watch a bunch of engineers die. Guess what changed? I bypass like two rooms and end up continuing the flashpoint as normal. It's the same for all of them. You pick an option and continue down the same set path and fight the same exact bosses. Illusion of choice is a strong thing.
  6. Umm actually there are dungeons in GW2. You may want to develop some reading comprehension if you've been getting informed for 6 years and missed that. They have story mode dungeons and explorable mode dungeons (another thing SWTOR could have done but didn't have the foresight to do). But hey, think what you want.
  7. GW2 is fully voiced also. So you'll have that. Mortality? It's kind of a neat system but ultimately doesn't change the outcome of the overall story. Whether one guy lives or dies doesn't matter, my next mission is still heading to Nar Shaddaa. This hardly hardly the only game with a personal ship. Not to mention you could customize them in other games. Also crafting in this game in pretty terrible compared to others out there. If you compare it to WoW, i guess it's not bad though. Seriously though, if you actually spend time looking at other games out there now, ones from the past, and also the few mentioned that are being released soon, they are all taking steps to separate themselves from the mold. Good or bad, at least it's different and that's what makes games evolve. Not copying the current giant and hope you could steal some of their profits.
  8. SWTOR brought almost nothing new to the MMO genre, so no. At least those three games are attempting new things.
  9. Haha, I'm loving how you are getting owned in two separate threads about the same thing. Did you even watch the movie? Both myself and the guy who posted after me said the exact same thing. Oh, but we clearly made that up, right? Everyone here is calling you on your ********. Just give up already.
  10. Wow, thanks for posting the video and proving my point. Was going to leave you alone, but you just posted a video where he runs around attacking mostly lower level targets. A lot of the 50's he jumped were already weakened or had someone else on them. Plus there were a few real fights in there when he actually jumps a 50 with gear and it took him more than 3-4 shots as you claim to actually kill his target. Sorry, but your video just showed some guy thinking he's strong because he posted a video of fights he won or where he got big crits on undergeared or underleveled people. You really need to drop this whole nerf thing because it's reached the point where it's just sad. Learn to play or move on.
  11. Was just trying to explain to someone in another post this very same thing. I'm a Sage myself and Ops really don't hit as hard as people say with the proper gear. It amazed me people think it's so impossible to survive.
  12. Playing the theoretical game again, fun. Yes, I have a stun, knockback, and slow. You also forgot force speed, restoration, rejuvenate, maybe another force armor. Hey if you waited for it to run out, I can sure as hell apply it now. Not to mention medpacks if I felt the need. Plus you mentioned 4-6k shoot first. Again, let's say that's without my armor up and congratulations, you just did 1/3 of my health. Still won't kill me even with the few other attacks after it. The videos I've seen on youtube are usually total crap. Set up with biochem or attacking targets that are undergeared. Both of which don't prove Ops are as overpowered as people say. Anyway, I can see where this is going so I'll let you continue to cry for nerfs on a class that really doesn't need them. As much as I'd love to continue this battle of wits with you, you're clearly unarmed.
  13. And yet you didn't mention any sort of numbers. Just like I thought. I even gave you the chance to make something up. Shame really. And let me get this straight. You can unload and kill me through the bubble, but if you wait, it takes 3-4 shots? So by that logic it would take you more than that with the bubble up. Guess what? I can not only get away from you by then, I can also heal up a bit. Hey look at that! Survived!
  14. Cool story. My 15 Powertech had over 100k damage the other day too. Nerf them too I guess?
  15. Let's put this on you then. What gear are you in and what exactly are you getting hit for while stunned? I've yet to be killed in a single stun in full champion gear. Or maybe it's because I always keep Force Armor up whenever I can? Damn, there I go doing that obscure imba tactic again of using some defensive skills.
  16. Ops hurt, but I've yet to consistantly die to them as a Seer. I've been killed by them sometimes, other times not. Guess what, that's PvP! Honestly, usually the ones who killed me were because I screwed up somewhere or didn't have an ability ready that I need to survive. But sure, go ahead and scream for nerfs because actually learning how to compete against other classes requires too much thought.
  17. So you can't dot them because they'll use an ability that triggers the GCD. But then you also can't stop tracer missile spam because you have to always interrupt the heals. And what exactly are they doing to stop you guys from healing also? Honestly, if your team can't figure out how to deal with the opposite team, then they are just flat out better. Sorry, but that's true. Depending on the classes you have on your team, I can think of multiple ways to deal with the team you just previously mentioned. I see all these "This class is op" threads and they're all just pathetic. The classes are fairly balanced. Some could use some minor tweaks, but nothing is unstoppable. Stop pretending it is.
  18. Why do people think PvP shouldn't be based on luck but it's perfectly ok for the PvE drops to be completely luck based? So a lot of people have bad luck, it happens. I'm fully geared in my champion gear yet I haven't seen a single PvE set drop for my class ever. Am I saying they need to remove the randomness of PvE drops? No, of course not.
  19. To me this all comes down to innovation. This game had the potential to be very innovative and yet still be familiar. I really want to enjoy this game and while I was leveling, I did. The problem is that there's really just nothing special about it after that first leveling experience ends. The story is the main selling point. If the story ends after you hit max level, why is it that leveling is so fast? Why does the class story consist of just a handful of 3-5 quests on an entire planet? This results in people who roll alts repeating the same "story" from the side quests. What about the combat system? The animations are nice, I give them that. Still it lacks anything new. Guild Wars 2 is coming out somewhat soon and that is attempting to get rid of the trinity (tank, healer, dps). That is something different from what everyone is used to and it sounds interesting. Secret World is removing classes completely. Other games have done this in the past. It was fun and I'm glad to see another company attempt it again. Crafting was another part they just dropped the ball on. Sending companions out is great. Until you realize that for the most part, crafting is pretty worthless at max level. It's something they'll fix in the future, but this was all brought up in beta and should have been dealt with earlier. The one thing I really do give them credit for is the companions. I really enjoyed having a group of companions to choose from and it made the game better in many ways. What bugs me is that at 50, they become almost worthless. Between Operations, Flashpoints, and Warzones (all end game stuff), you don't use them. They could have found a way to always have companions be an important part of your character and totally done something new here rather than just fall back to what other games have done. Like I said, I really want to enjoy this game and it has a lot of potential, but with the budget and the time spent developing, I guess I just expected more.
  20. People really need to let this RNG loot bag thing go. Yes, it's random. Just like PvE drops. What a shocker. Since I've been 50 I have been running hard modes quite often and have not seen one set token piece for my class. Welcome to the world of random set drops.
  21. I never really noticed this before until recently making an Imperial alt, but why is it the Empire fleet has so much more detail and time spent on it. You go to the crew skills section and just by walking into the room you can look around and pretty much tell what the trainer is for. The Republic Fleet has the two same generic objects in every single room. Not even just in the crew skills, those same two objects are in the class trainer areas as well. You go to the class trainer area on the Empire side and each room is different. It's depressing that they didn't bother to make the Republic Fleet look like nothing more than a rushed generic copy of the Empire Fleet. For something that almost exactly the same, they really are very different.
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