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Everything posted by KianSri

  1. I would be THRILLED to be able to change character appearance with credits. I know I'm not the only one who enjoys altering appearance to go along with story progression - new haircut, new scars, that sort of thing - but for the most part I just don't in this game, simply because it costs cartel coins and I only have so many of those to spend.
  2. With how limiting the hook system already is, absolutely agree - an increased range for each hook would be immensely helpful.
  3. They really should expand the item pool for the cartel packs, I feel like I ended up with multiple repeats on just a handful of the same items (few of which I even wanted). Very disappointing.
  4. And yet they only stay for a few minutes and even with the upgraded perk, the cooldown is still fifteen minutes. Outfitting, believe it or not, can take quite a lot of time. And even if I know exactly what pieces I want and where those pieces are in my cargo bay - it's still a nuisance of a process in comparison to swapping player character outfits, where all that's required is a single click. Not sure why you're so adamant on discouraging a suggestion that takes nothing away from anyone else and would be a huge quality of life improvement for those of us who enjoy this aspect of the game.
  5. "Memorable" is an entirely subjective term. Characters you may find bland and forgettable may have a lasting impression on other players. And that's fine either way. It'd be a boring game if every character appealed to everyone - no variety. Personally I've found both Tau and Anri to be quite memorable. Tau is a 'different' sort of Jedi from the stereotype, a very 'get things done' Jedi, and quite aware of her own flaws. I was also deeply struck by a conversation my Knight had with her on Ossus, where she talks about her doubts in regards to the Jedi path, how it's become so much about fighting instead of peacekeeping. And Anri I find fun as well - it's a refreshing change to have an alien who's an Imperial loyalist, who clearly believes in the Empire and does her best to bring it back to glory. I think both of these characters add some much-needed nuance to often black and white roles. I do agree that it would be nice to have longer arcs with them, not just showing up for a bit and then disappearing again; the ability to really cultivate a relationship like we have with other companions.
  6. This is correct, but what's being discussed above is that when looking at someone else's outfit tab, you can't then ctrl+click on a piece to preview it on your OWN character. You can only do this on the person's gear, not their outfit.
  7. Also this, absolutely! Being able to click and preview from an outfit would be fantastic. I'm guessing the issue stems from gear being a 'physical' item, and therefore you can preview it, whereas an outfit is just an 'image' and not a clickable 'item' so to speak. But yes, it would be marvellous if that became a feature as well.
  8. A couple of QOL suggestions I'm sure a lot of folks would appreciate: 1) Actual outfit slots for companions, like for player characters. I like to change my companions' outfits on the fly depending on the situation/environment/sudden need for screenshots, and consequently fully half my inventory on my two main characters is now filled with clothes for their partners. I admit this is a me problem, but I doubt I'm alone in this! 2) The ability to inspect companion gear/outfits, the same as we can for player characters. I can't tell you how many times I've seen a particularly snazzy outfit on a companion and wanted to know what it was, and gone to inspect them, and then remembered that I can't.
  9. @eabevella Your tips were super helpful, thanks! A very aggravating achievement, had to run it a few times tonight (it was all the tentacle AOE on the last boss that kept getting me) but I got the achievement, solo story mode. Much obliged!
  10. Had the same issue in the open centre of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, however I moved over to the elevator and could travel from there.
  11. Very much in favour of this, yes!
  12. Agreed, and it makes it harder to mix and match with other pieces - most belts just disappear into the Pyke Syndicate chestpiece, for instance.
  13. Doesn't seem like these forums are too active these days, but I've been writing oodles of SWTOR fanfic over the last year or so, and figured I might as well toss one out here for the heck of it (I post mainly on AO3 and tumblr). So here's a short scene with my JK and Scourge following the end of the class story (SPOILERS, obviously). https://archiveofourown.org/works/46541845 The Sith Emperor is defeated. The Galactic Republic celebrates its victory. And the Hero of Tython finds himself dreading the end of the unthinkable alliance that made it all possible. Or perhaps, it doesn’t have to be the end.
  14. There is legitimately nothing I like better in the new creator over the old one. The old one allowed you to see the full character, in good lighting, let you hear the voice without switching genders, didn't cover up the character model with UI elements, I personally found the sliders a lot more visually appealing and easier to work with. If there was an actual reason for changing all of this beyond a questionable sense of 'aesthetics' I'd be open to re-evaluating my stance, but as it is - yeah. Terrible.
  15. There are a lot of things I'd love to be changed/added in character creation but this absolutely tops the list (and to have it separate from complexions, please). My main is dark-skinned with light hair, and sometimes it looks like he has no eyebrows at all, they blend right in.
  16. Figured I'd throw in my two cents, and just say this is far and away my favourite Seasons outfit set thus far. I like how there's a simple version and a more armoured version. The geometric lines are a great aesthetic on top of the softer outline, and I always appreciate having more tunicky pants for my Force users. The default colours are lovely and subtle, and it also seems to dye well. So major kudos on this, gonna be making sure I collect both sets for sure.
  17. I totally get you, it's no fun when a design feels like a letdown. I've actually not been a fan of the last couple of seasons armours, and I'm absolutely in love with these new ones. The lightsabers do feel kinda bland, admittedly. Just goes to show we've all got our tastes, I guess!
  18. So much agree, sorting by type would be incredibly helpful.
  19. At one point there was a tweet saying Winter 2022, but it seems to be gone now, and the livestream recap article just says Winter, so my feeling is it won't be till next year, or they at least wanted to leave it looser and not commit.
  20. Genuinely didn't realise they'd fixed that, I'd just been doing left click with obviously no effect lol. That's a huge relief, thanks for pointing it out.
  21. Edit: Preview/outfit viewer dragging DOES work with right click, excellent. THANK YOU for the weapons toggle, and for moving the outfit list to the side. Both extremely good changes. But PLEASE, please, please move the commit/cancel confirmation button. It's literally impossible to properly see what any new shoe options look like before committing because that button pops up and covers them. This is such a glaringly obvious layout issue. So, thank you, now keep going please!
  22. Addendum: I uninstalled and reinstalled the game via Steam this time. It let me in twice, and then went back to endless loading on the third try. Still no clue what's going on.
  23. Edit: Cross-referenced some dates and as far as I can tell this issue only started after the server maintenance of 6/28. I've been (for the most part) unable to log into the game because after typing in username, password, security key, and hitting 'log in', the launcher simply gets an endless loading wheel. The kicker is that every so often it DOES let me in, but I can't find any sort of pattern. Thus far on the advice of more tech-savvy friends I've tried: reinstalling the game (not through Steam), running as admin, checking my drivers, disabling my firewall, resetting the client settings to default, running in compatibility mode, changing from fullscreen to windowed, running the outside launcher repair tool from EA. Sometimes it let me in after a change was made, however the second time it invariably went back to endless loading wheel. I'm at a loss here. Any suggestions? Update: After a second clean install, the following happened: First login try got stuck. Second and third tries let me in after five or six seconds of loading wheel, however both times made me agree to the terms and conditions again. Subsequent login attempts went back to endless loading wheel. This was all in the span of a couple minutes.
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