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Everything posted by Sinaii

  1. Well if they boost thundering blast, I hope they will boost the 31 madness skill too, but I wouldn't ask for much damage but just that it becomes dot over 9 sec and not 18, what the heck 18 sec dot for a 31 skills... Most of the time when I play with focus my target doesn'st stand for 18 sec....... and what ? 9 sec later I tag creeping terror again and it doesn't stack with the previous one... sooo... 2K damage ok but not over 18 sec as it is now, 9 sec looks more fine and not so overpowered. But I never asked for suck changes because force issue in 31 madness is more important, and i'm not using creeping terror to do damage but just for kitte and make melee crazy But if they boost the 31 thunder skill I want a boost too in 31 madness and my boost is not 5K critic as you want one ^^ but it could become a 3K critic dot over 9 sec. Which is quitte good.
  2. I could show you toons of post 1.2 screens with 350k to 550K as a sorcerer, that's not a reason to say that madness tree is fine, it is not. That is just not normal you can hit easily 700K with hybrid when you are stuck with the force with madness 31, those with 28 madness maybe less since they like to double spam lignting due to barrage procs bug. I don't consider myself as the top notch pvper nor sorcerer but at least as a good player with 10K kills already since 1.2 while playing the night evening and week end only. So maybe top notches pvper can play madness 31 without having force issue but me I cannot !!!! And I'm not alone So what ? Should I play hybrid ? and become a double light spammer ? NO I rather prefer spam the forum until dev answers ^^
  3. I'm often listening http://youtu.be/kIBeYoP9Wi0 while pvping ^^ And sometimes a completly different when I got pown ^^ And don' forget the amazing 90's songs I'm listening each time I'm very hot and ready to dot every single heads in range
  4. Well most of player playing hybrid will not take the 31 madness and take the 28 madness or even less with lighnting barage to spam double bugged strike when it should be only one ! What madness need is more force friendly skills http://www.swtor.com/fr/community/showthread.php?p=4219653#post4219653
  5. A big pvp issue and the devs don't care because the stats, they have, say everything is fine with sorcerer dps in warzone.... Bouh!
  6. Well that funny because madness spec won't spam force lighning cast as much hybrid will and they already don't need force when they have lightning effusion... This skill make us very vulnerable we only need it every 15 sec as 31 madness, since we cannot use lightning barrage double spam bug, it's not very usefull as 31 madness. But I agree when I'm low in force I'm stating to spam it as an idiots if no healer is arround to let me consume my life for some force... But that just low the amount of force it gives back, often with the amount of force given back I cannot redo one... because 4 tick for 4% = 24 mana back+ 8 from the natural regen, it's not enough if you had to cc somebody very fast before having to restart to spam like an idiot again.
  7. There is no trick, you cannt if you're playing as you should while ccing when dangerous ennemy near, bubuling yourself while available, rooting and snaring always a melee all the time. Just that wille consume most of the force then the others dps skills will eat the end of it. There are big issues about force for 31 madness even for those playing 28 madness, there are no way you can play pvp effiicently like those with only 1 point in lightning effusion, and that is just unfair ! When we can still make good score and kill a lot of people that is just unfair !!!!! I want a boost of consumption at the end of the madness tree, so we can get more force while we continue to run, at the cost of some life, but not those creepy 5% as it's now, I want a 1force/1health ratio for consumption. But since they must look they creepy stats and see that everything is fine I doubt we will have something like this... Pffff cannot the devs; just play the spec for 1 day and see that there are serious issue about force in pvp ?!
  8. Bof essaye plutôt ça si tu veux jouer 31 folie http://www.swtor-guide.fr/arbre-de-talents/?sor&000000000000000003000000000000000020231301222211310322302&v=0.1
  9. Nono sorcerer don't stuck at all I do not agree. Maybe th'at's because i'm 90 with all armor parts hero and working on weapons and jewellery but i'm fine wit my ear too 18k hp , 40% critick, 73% critic damage and 740 dps while team buffed. As a madness 31, the only issue I see is the force issue after less than 1min. I could play hybrid and don't have this problem and dps even more, but that doesn't suit me, I like to kitte those melee fighter and for that the ultimate root is just awesome ! To bad devs doesn't care that we have to die to start playing again.
  10. Sorcier quoi Non plus serieusement, c'est le specialiste , puis l'assassin, puis le sniper, puis le sorcier, puis le marauder, puis le mercenaire, puis le ravageur puis l'agent. C'est bien sur subjectif, mais je n'ai pris en compte que les bons joueurs et les mieux stuffé, que j'ai rencontré dans chaque classe. Après ça se joue à 100 ou 150k maximum d’écart quand ils sont des les mêmes conditions de jeu et dans la même équipe.
  11. Tha'ts why I rarely stay more than 10 sec on a sage or sorcerer healer since they can purge easily on themself. But it's not a big deal doting as hell an operative or a commando, making them unable to heal the others or they die I agree Madness is very powerfull and you can hello kyttie most of the class except the shadow or assassin with the no cc on me for 10 sec ^^ But don't you agree with me that, Madness lack something to give us more longetivity in fight like more force ?
  12. /up until a dev answer if it's possible in the future For the boost I would rather see a 1 to 1 ratio for consumption with devour, so you sacrifice 15% HP but you get 15% force back too, that's means for somebody with 17500K HP you will sacrifice 2625 HP to get back 90 Force. Actualy you lose 2625 hp and you get 30 force back when most of the important skills recquire more than 30 force to survive and cc, pffffffffffffffffffff
  13. Gear and remoding, datacron farming, and money to buy augment too for the augmented armor
  14. For that I use my macro mouse razer, I always click on a target I know I didn't doted, and the macro ( 2keys ) whilwind it + tab next target so I won't break my previous whilwind since I use tab as closer target to be more able to cc boring and dangerous melee around me If you have a macro mouse, try that, so when you are on unbalanced fight you can have a chance to take the advantages without worrying about the man you previously cced.
  15. When I agree with you too, I think this would be a little too much making us too much powerfull since even more always in movements.
  16. I AGREE !!!! Com on devs tell us if we are just dreaming or if it's possible for us to hope for an upgrade ?
  17. I never played full lightning too, I cannot play without jumping everywhere while doting my beloved target
  18. You re right we are easy to kill when focused by 2 or 3 good dps, horrible thing is that when you have a sorc on you + a marauder or an assassin^^ But I assure you, you can easily manage 300k dps even when focused, when you play madness or hybrid it's not a big loss to kitte, you still can manage severals dot and instant damage.
  19. I do not agree, sorcerer is pretty much very a powerfull single target class to when you play madness, and become almost unkillable when you play with a assassin-dps-tank that protect you when he is not protecting the healer. The problem is that after around 1Min you won't have many force left, so it will be consume every 2 skills.... interesting.... Doing 300-450K somewhere else than voidstars is possible with madness depending of the number of heals on each side. But I cannot tell you how many time you will have to suicide or spam consume........ :confused::confused: Of course I'm not recruit geared and have remoded lot of parts, with something finaly like 41% critic 73% damage critic boost and 730 dps with class buff and stim rakata. I often do between 40 to 70 kills as much as the hybrids specced the differences is that I'm only using one aoe every 15 sec and not always on severals target ( max is 3 so... ), and I have to manage the force as I can, but at least me I can kitte maurauders and juggernauts , specialists, who don't play very well like little bunnies
  20. Well it's true that for a sorcerer it's not always easy to beat some good assassin-tank, juggernaut or marauder but i's doable but you don't have place for miss cast or wrong choice during the fight. Kitting between 10 and 15m is the way to go and controling when it's time too. Root-Snare-Root cycle help a lot too I do no't want to play hybrid anymore because I'm not interested to massive aoe damaes anymore, so I replay 31madness again and that's true sorcerer suck after 1min due to lack of force!!! I need more mana
  21. Those are just voidstars' stats with an hybrid spec or 31 lightning spec, nothing unusual when you play against 2 or 3 healers and have 2 or 3 healers too. Now, try the same when playing a 31 spec madness. You will be stuck around 550K to 600k due to lack of force all the time, and if yo don' t have some healer healing you over time when you consume, you will never be able to do more than 500K. Personatly I never said Sorcerer was underpowered and I'm a lvl 90 too, playing 2 or 4 hour, 4 or 5 days a week, but the balance between madness and hybrid is just unfair due to the lack of force in 31 madness spec. Spaming a few skills to proc the massive aoe effect isn't realy hard when you never have to face force problem.
  22. Et tu n'as rien vu avec les lvl jcj qui ne servent absolument plus à rien
  23. Hey Ho ! Laisse tranquil la sacro sainte Kronenbourg
  24. On a trouvé mieux sur notre serveur comme pseudo, on a Jean-Michel et Jean-Mouloude ^^ là je doute qu'on essaye seulement de te poke pour chatter
  25. De toutes façon; les femmes c'est le mal ou "saymal" ou encore ça fait mal :D Regarde adam et eve
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