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Everything posted by phalczen

  1. I have my Rishi stronghold arrival point set to the patrol carrier, so you can definitely change it for personal versions of the stronghold. Perhaps guild strongholds are different?
  2. There is. I believe it’s called the “White Acute Module” and if I recall correctly it’s on the Gree vendors in the cartel bazaar section of the fleet.
  3. As the title says. And I don't mean a cartel market version of the darth vader suit.
  4. "Built Different" is the legacy title from the meta achievements for GS 6. Therefore, its likely accidentally copied or intentionally placeholding. It is unlikely to be intentionally duplicated, and you're stretching.
  5. Perhaps the Devs put “ built different” as a placeholder … in other words, they intentionally copied the same title they used in the previous Galactic Season but intend to swap it later. I find that explanation less plausible than an accidental one.
  6. No, I don’t think a title “Built Different” which was tied to a stronghold and construction themed Season is intended for a Season themed around “The Greatest Bounty.” So it’s not only plausible that it’s a mistake, it’s highly likely.
  7. Confirmed. For Galactic Season 7, week 2, (8/27/24 thru 9/2/24) on Hoth, boss named Defender Gilada is not spawning at any of the 7 known locations: 1. Clabburn Tundra (-3557, 164) 2. Highmount Ridge (-1779, –533) 3. Highmount Ridge (-1565, 166) 4. Highmount Ridge (-1176, 1235) 5. Glacial Fissure (890, 227) 6. Starship Graveyard (1637, -447) 7. Clabburn Tundra (-2499,-249). Keeper Anais, from week 1, is spawning at 6 Starship Graveyard (1637, -447), but there is no Defender Gilada
  8. You are 100% correct that when you dangle carrots in front of players they will jump at them. Unfortunately GSF had a tendency to become problematic (including but not limited to lots of self destructing in deathmatches) when people were using it for easy conquest points; or easy seasons objectives before the revamp with GS2; or, in the early 7.x era, easy tech fragments. You probably don't recall back in 5.x when the Ossus weekly for Masterwork Data Crystals rotated to the "Three GSF wins" weekly and the non-GSF player outcry that was associated with that, but I remember the vitriol in those threads. RNG once had that weekly three weeks in a row, and I think the servers might have nearly exploded from the rage. Over time, because it was a very quick way to earn carrots, the developers decided to nerf the rewards. Which is why, for example, the GSF weekly awards 850 tech frags instead of the 1000 it used to reward. You'll see it pick up when its a weekly objective during the pve galactic season coming soon, but for players like myself who enjoy GSF but also enjoy other aspects of the game, this season system pulls on me in too many different directions that I often cannot make time for GSF because I'm grinding something else. So, I'd love to have it provide more ground game rewards more often, so that I can accomplish multiple things at once in my limited playtime. There was talk of adding a pvp season weekly objective to do GSF matches for pvp season 4 or 5 but the developers decided to abandon it rather than address the legitimate concerns raised by pilots. In reality, I think a GSF Seasons system akin to ground pvp and pve is warranted, but I don't know if we will ever see it. I was disappointed that the first piloting related wearable to be released in years comes from the slot machines and not piloting content. Player-run PVP events still take place within the GSF community. The problem is, if you make the objective "Too challenging," then you get what happened with the Ossus weekly. If its too lenient, then it gets full of griefing. In other words, its been tried, its not worked well, and so there you go. And, because of the actions of a few, we can't have nice things. Uprisings are a different animal. Many of the veteran ones have been pretty well balanced in my experience during last Galactic Season, and they come up as weekly objectives more than GSF does. However, there aren't a ton of players very experienced at them just like there aren't a ton of players who can coach people through the newest HM flashpoints or even story mode Dxun or R4. So, when you could slog through Trial and Error to end up with nothing or do Hammer Station three times, and end up with similar rewards, what would you do? That's why I mostly saw players doing that season weekly when Fractured was featured (though Landing Party is pretty fast too for the second batch of Uprisings.) It's all about bang for the buck and most people assume three vet Hammer Stations is more profitable than three vet Fractured's. I would love to have more incentives and more crossover throughout the game. Maybe that is coming, just like the developers repurposed the planetary bonus series missions with 7.0, and granted legacy-wide daily area unlocks because of the Venture system in 7.5. I'd love to see a Venture to unlock a new starfighter model for example. Maybe someday.
  9. According to SWTORISTA's articles on the topic: https://swtorista.com/articles/combat-styles-guide/ https://swtorista.com/articles/swtor-combat-styles-light-dark-flip-guide/ https://swtorista.com/articles/swtor-second-combat-style-guide/ So, once you reach Chapter 3 in your origin story AND get your character into the dark force alignment, you will be able to change your primary combat style to a dark-aligned combat style and then get those abilities. You will be granted a new mission when this becomes an option, but you will only be granted this mission IF you created your character originally before 7.0. IF you created your character AFTER 7.0 and you had the choice to make light or dark at character creation, you won't be able to flip your primary style, but you can choose to make a second style that is dark.
  10. I have many thoughts, but I did want to address these two points. First, I don't think anyone chooses to stick with this game primarily because those style cutscenes evokes nostalgia of KOTOR. Logically, if the vast majority of players would, in a resource-rich scenario, prefer fully voiced cutscenes over those style cutscenes, the number of folks angry and upset that they have more scenes fully voiced, or even just a more immersive UI, seems like an awfully small minority. There may be a much larger percentage of people who like having more choice in possible responses, or want more content if it comes at the expense of full voice acting. However, using KOTOR-nostalgia as an excuse for not making any improvements to the KOTOR-inspired cutscene system seems ill-advised. Second, I do not recall any 7.5-related KOTOR-style cutscenes that had more than 5 options. How feasible would it be to have those scenes unvoiced by player character VAs, but full screen (no blackbars) and the requisite number of options on the conversation wheel as in traditional/OG cutscenes? Is it even possible to add more choices on those wheels? My guess is that its not possible to have more than 3 answers per wheel, but perhaps I'm wrong.
  11. Agree on the points about the KOTOR style cutscenes. They’re kinda jarring because one moment you are fully voiced, and the next you are mute. Agree with the complaints about the useless season rewards for PVP S6. I have hundreds of unbound ones and now an ever growing stack of legacy bound ones. Valor tokens would be more valuable than these. Also, with new longer season would make sense to balance medals for the as-yet-untouched warzones (ancient hypergate, Novare coast, odessen proving grounds) it took me three hours yesterday to get through on my non stealth healer main. I had to swap Sa’har to tank spec for some of the fights. Fight with Ri’kan was easier than the Hutt…at least for me. I liked the choices we were presented and I had to think about my answers pretty carefully. Although it’s long, I might enjoy play through on other class stories. I was expecting the ginger to have revealed herself to have been tracking the alliance commander all this time and to show up at the end. I liked the plot twist at the end, but I gotta say I’m suspicious that someone or someones survived an explosion, kinda like Arcann at the end of Fallen Empire. I am concerned about the impact to the sense of immersion if the ginger ends up behind bars or six feed under at the end of all this to all those who unlocked her as a comp and invested influence into her. I know it it’s always been an issue with the companion terminal in your quarters on the odessen base, but this feels a little different. But maybe she ends up a loner like her Torch persona, or we take custody of her on Odessen. It’s good to have a story with impacts. Still don’t really get why the ginger thought a felony would get what she wants.
  12. I’ll add my sentiments to this discussion. I agree with most of the feedback here. Consider that in previous GS which had a reputation track, if you were a subscriber and played, I’ll say “pretty hard”, you could probably finish the season by week 10, get Legendary reputation shorty after, and then finish the “100 weekly” achievement with about four weeks to spare. Your mileage may vary of course, depending on how willing you were to do GSF or pvp of those were high-point objectives, but that was generally the sequence of events. This season, it seems like most players, even those playing hard, will have the 100 weekly objective done before the 1500 fragments and may need to grind until the very end. Personally, I don’t care for that as I’d prefer to be able to slow down a bit towards the end to have more time to focus on other things in game. But I think the big reason why it feels so much slower is that we are missing the 230% boost we get from the reputation boost consumable buff and the guild rep bonus. This was never accounted for when the devs created this new system, perhaps intentionally. 1) Brzazz’s intel absolutely needs to be stackable and legacy bound. We need the flexibility of being able to use these on whatever characters we choose and not have them stuck on someone on whom we may not be grinding mobs in heroics. 2) the fragments (or future items) granted in the season levels needs to be at least doubled. 3) I would lower the target from 1500 fragments to 1250 fragments. These suggestions could be adjusted, of course, but I think they would go a long way to improving the quality of life aspect to blueprint fragment (or their successor) grinding, without making it quite as fast as reputation was with the 230% boost.
  13. I can confirm this bug. I just looted a cybernetic rancor after doing the Eternal Championship for probably a couple months now. I tried to place it into my Mek Sha stronghold on a large hook and my decoration interface said 0/0 but the tooltip says 0/1. I swapped to a different toon that also had one and it had the same issue. I have noticed that the preview window for the decoration says it comes from a cartel pack (I forget which one, but it wasn’t named Ultimate so it was a “shipment” from long ago) which is obviously incorrect. I tried to place it on a large hook in a different stronghold and I get the same issue, so it’s not an NPC count limit issue as far as I can tell. Here’s to hoping the devs can fix this.
  14. I can confirm that on an imperial saboteur bounty hunter I do not get any options to contact SIS. I would really like to start everything all over again on my 4 saboteur characters.
  15. I would argue that the benefits of a sense of immersion to all players outweigh your choice to NOT mute in-game sounds so that you can listen to RL music.
  16. Many of you probably know of Microsoft's OneDrive cloud-based storage. Can anyone tell me how to stop the SWTOR Combat Log from ending up on that storage? I can't find a setting for it in an INI file or even in a registry entry. I've searched the forums and over the years many have asked this question but I've never seen an answer. I seem to recall it started right around the time windows 11 came out, and I wonder if its related to the fact that I have my one drive actually integrated into Windows Explorer vs only accessible via web portal. I'd prefer to not be constantly writing to a drive in the cloud, ostensibly using outgoing bandwidth unnecessarily, during every single fight, especially if I'm on the road and using my laptop on slower wifi networks. Perhaps its not the performance hit that I assume it is, but its gotta be non-zero and you'd think storing it on a local SSD, with the rest of the game files, would still be faster. Thanks in advance.
  17. This time its the centerpiece decoration of the Krayt Dragon Statue. Its the base, but instead of a bright green blob its a dark green with the words "missing material" in the Star Wars font. See below:
  18. I've been kindly asked to start a new thread for this topic. Briefly, back on March 12 2015, patch 3.1.1 changed the sound effects of the RKN-Starforged series of blasters. I'm not going into the controversy of changing things bought, at least indirectly, with real money, but feel free to read those comments in this now-locked thread: https://forums.swtor.com/topic/720960-rk-starforged-blasters/?do=findComment&comment=7752572 Now, on topic, the only other blaster mentioned in that thread is the Rangehunter Blaster Pistol. Here's a YouTube of that effect, courtesy of Swtorista: https://youtu.be/kbhnwQu9tGI?feature=shared Longtime players will of course be aware that the person who used to run TOR Fashion has moved on in her professional development, and the redoubtable Swtorista who has taken on the gargantuan project of converting that archive has not had the opportunity to create a database of searchable sound effects like Tor Fashion had. Without this functionality, the only thing that came up in my search is that old thread. Does anyone have knowledge of other blasters which have a similar effect? I know the specific effect is not everyone's cup of "boing", but I grew nostalgic for that effect when I heard a gunslinger using it in a PVP match recently. Thank you in advance.
  19. Red sphere is legacy-bound. But Helix Hyperpod is character-bound, beyond the 2 hr timer after looting in in the operations group where it could be traded among the members in that group.
  20. Without going into spoilers, there are conversation dialogue elements for the expansion stories that depend on your origin story and, in some cases, even the choices you made during your origin story. There aren't a lot of these moments, and they usually aren't terribly consequential in the overall scheme, but it's like a subtle flavor change on a well known dish. Aside from story elements, some combat encounters play a little differently with a different combat style. For example, the Eternal Championship is the same series of bosses no matter what, yet the strategy and companion a player may need to use could be very different depending on combat style. It may not be compelling to you, but it's a motive for some people. When Combat Styles was announced as a thing, and even when I tested it out on PTS, I didn't really see myself re-playing the origin story as a different combat style either, but I can imagine some do.
  21. My favorite memories are from when the community got together to test out the changes in GU 5.5 when it was on PTS. I got to meet so many of you, at least virtually, and we worked together to make GSF a better minigame. The developers actually took all our feedback.
  22. This isn't low enough. They need to be about 100 each instead of 4000 each, i.e. a fortieth (1/40) of what they currently cost. This is especially considering we will need about 39k tech fragments (2 x 3 x 6500) to upgrade two implants from 334 to 340 for the legacy-wide discount.
  23. Slightly off topic, and it is true that your critics aren't paying your subscription fee (a necessary prerequisite for posting). However, I will say that if you care about people actually reading your contributions, you ought to choose formatting that makes it readable/accessible to the widest audience. When one is discussing a bug or other gameplay breaking experience, one ought to care that people to read their post. After all, one usually wants such a problem to be fixed. Responses like the above have the appearance of entitlement.
  24. Neo, I'm currently on a toon that has not done the mission, on the imperial fleet, and I'm looking right at the "Depository of Dark Wisdom" terminal in the Combat Training quadrant, near the northern tip. 3V-1L is not visible, but I can interact with the terminal and trade in spores if I wished to. Now, I can say is that I have done the mission on a republic character that is part of that legacy, but not on this character. However, I don't think that matters, because just now I swapped to an entirely different server where I didn't do the mission, and was able to find the terminal, but not 3V, in the GTN section of the republic fleet.
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